

POLL: What do you think Hugo Chavez' death bed inauguration means to American Politics?

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Hugo's Puppet Masters will stick their hand into their bloated sock puppet and have him sworn into office either today, or in the next few days:


Comrades, this is the new way to rule the world. Too bad this happens today, and not in the days of old Comrade Lenin (or Stalin).

By the way, perhaps the Moscow Party can use this technique to resurrect Lenin's mausoleum body.

What do you think Hugo Chavez' death bed inauguration means to American Politics?

Again witness comrades the People's Cube War on Baby Seal Wet Nurses!

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Jíbaro wrote:What do you think Hugo Chavez' death bed inauguration means to American Politics?

It means another "Man Of The Year" award slug-fest between Mother Jones and Rolling Stone. It means the Nation magazine will have its "Mourning A Giant" edition while Micheal Mooreon grieves over the loss of another "World's Finest Healthcare" provider.

It means "Fritz" Matthspews won't be getting anymore secret "tingles" on parts of his anatomy that he isn't aware of. It means a full front page cover story on the life and times of a true "hero of the little peeple" on the NYT. It means that maybe some Venezuelians might even flee back to Venezuela.

What it doesn't mean is to trump over Ceasar O'bama's Second Coming Immaculation ceremony. That will never happen.

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Sugar Daddy Bear sez:
"What it doesn't mean is to trump over Ceasar O'bama's Second Coming Immaculation "

Sorry Comrade..... you meant " emasculation ", didn't you ?

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Heard recently at the Last Capitalist's secret Military Industrial Compound - Cyber Division...

{Throw the 3rd switch NOW Igor!!!}

{It's alive. IT'S ALIVE!!!}

Is the world ready for... Cyber Chavez?!?!?

I'm afraid Dave.