
WVa Dem Senator "AR-15 Joe Manchin" Practices Gun Control

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"Maybe you can call me a KOOK, but you can't call me a hypocrite"--

"AR-15" Joe Manchin Practices Gun Control With Rifle with 20-Round Clip "No One [Needs]":


See Breitbart re AR-15 Joe.


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I'll say it again ... I don't need the assault rifle to go hunting, I need the assault rifle for when the government comes for my shotgun.

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I've always wondered where the Libyan and Syrian "freedom fighters" got such cool weapons as full automatic rifles, heavy machine guns, rocket propelled grenades, and IEDs when they are all prohibited by law here in gun-loving Amerika. And then I think how wise the progs were by insuring that the teabaggers won't be able to get their hands on them.

Is Collective solution to Individual problem which individual causes. So is easy. Prohibit guns for the Individual so that Criminals adored by the Collective eliminate the Individual.
Home Sweet Dungheap

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Don't forget rabid anti-gunner Chuckie Shumah...

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Well, just as socialist hero Bill Clinton had to try (but not inhale) marijuana so he'd be able to recognize it when he went to buy some and wouldn't come home with some very expensive oregano, socialist heroes Joey and Chuckie needed to shoot some (blank) ammo from these "assault rifles" so they would be able to recognize them in the hands of teabaggers and alert the proper authorities. Nothing to see here, comrades. Move along.

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Dedhedvedev wrote:I've always wondered where the Libyan and Syrian "freedom fighters" got such cool weapons as full automatic rifles, heavy machine guns, rocket propelled grenades, and IEDs when they are all prohibited by law here in gun-loving Amerika. ...

One bad video, and they just show up in the hands of innocent Libyan protesters. Or so I've heard from Dear Leader (PBUH), Ambassador Rice and our MTE...

When you don't know what you believe in, then any posturing stance for the benefit of the Mob will do for a politician.

God forbid some DC staffer maggot blows the dust off of the Goobermit's Civilian Marksmanship Program and calls MSNBC (or has that already happened), this program is from whence I received FREE Goobermit marksmanship training, a FREE gun and I think they even gave me FREE ammo. Attending their sponsored shooting matches and championships was a family bonding vacation.

Seems that when provided 'feedback' from non-coms and officers after the Spanish-American War it dawned on DC that recruits were now as likely to be from the streets of Brooklyn than a farm or a cabin in the hollers of the backwoods ---- where a kid & a rifle could be a family hero bringing home a squirrel or opossum. The marksmanship quality of what technically was the male citizen population militia had deteriorated with the 'end of the frontier'. So promoting marksmanship was a way to cheapen and quicken training after a call up, draft or walk in.

My Pa was even a high school shooting coach. A PUBLIC system major metropolitan high school competitive shooting team. On practice days boys would go to school with long barrels slung.

So now free guns & training have been replaced by free cell phones and EBT cards. Drones and Coexist has replaced Civics education in individual natural law rights and responsibilities. It hasn't been Tom Jefferson's or even Leave It to Beaver's America for a long time.

So do we rewrite the laws or rehabilitate education and the Republic? The course of least resistance in Jerseylicious Land is plain to see, and as such more than ever.....


Of course he is a Dem. You can tell by his total ignorance of calling a magazine a clip. The magazine in the photograph appears to be a 30 round magazine.
I would like for the Senator to explain why he is using a captialist made implement that fires 5.56mm NATO rounds, when he could just as easily have used one of the People's glorious tools of liberation that fires 7.62 x 39mm rounds in support of our comrades now struggling under capitalist oppression in the Ulyanovsk Cartridge Works in Russia.