
Don't Fear It's Cheaper by Barack Obama Cult

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All our times will come
We're here now but soon be gone
Doctors will work much cheaper
and morticians, embalmers, the grave..we can be where they are
Come on grandma...It will be much cheaper
Obama's got the plan...Dig six feet deeper
Don't ask us how or why...Don't fear it's cheaper
Obama's got plans...

Lie, Lie, Lie, Lie, Lie, Lie, Lie, Lie, Lie, Lie,

Your treatment is done
You're here, but need be gone
Over your Insurance?
They can't bill you anymore...Over your Insurance
100 more people die every day...with no insurance
100 more people die every day...with no insurance
Another 100 die tomorrow...We can kill much cheaper
Come on grandma...Costs won't get Steeper
Grandma take his hand...Don't fear it's cheaper
You'll be able to fly..just like carousel
Obama's the plan...

Lie, Lie, Lie, Lie, Lie, Lie, Lie, Lie, Lie, Lie,

Cost for two is one
Don't look now, your doctor's gone
Came in last night to tell us
It was clear the funding was gone
Then the door was open and the nurse appeared
Shot in hand and she disappeared
The sheets were pulled. The morque is here...saying don't be afraid
Come on grandma ...guess who is here?
Just like carousel...then she started to fly
Saw the bright lights and said goodby...she had overstayed her welcome
She had Obama's plan...she had become what they are
Come on grandma...It was much cheaper

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Once again Comrade Groucho, you have distilled the essence of free* healthcare** for everyone*** into a soliloquy that all should hear.

* Taxed. Your costs may vary.
** The Reaper is an apt metaphore.
*** The proles. Never the party elites.