
Ain't It Heavy, (It's My Waiver)

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The bill is long
With many surprising turns
That leads us to where there'll be
No health care
If we're wrong
Wrong enough to kill more jobs
Ain't it heavy, Got our waiver

But on it goes
More welfare is our concern
More burden the rich can bear
We'll get theirs
But I know
This bill won't encumber me
Ain't it heavy, got my waiver

If I'm taxed at all
And regulated
That every one hurts
And feels the shared sacrifices
That hope and change brings us all

It's a long, long bill
That takes from your tax return
And we're on the way to where
No health care
But this bill will not slow us down at all
Ain't it heavy, Got our waiver

It's my waiver
Ain't this heavy, It's my waiver

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Sometimes situations and songs like this cross and the parody writes itself. Actually the Obama admin writes parody/satire quite well on their own. This was written in about 20 minutes this morning. Something wasn't right then..... I was thinking "Ain't it groovy" but that sounded seriously dated. Tonight looking, I saw it. Ain't it heavy!!