
The Effect of Drugs on The Common Wood Spider

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Various drugs' effects take their toll on the web building practices of the wood spider...

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This is bloody brilliant. The crack spider and his 9mm is classic!

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The Wood Spider is a native Canadistanjian species. However, the Caffeine Spider is a foreign species only recently introduced to Canadistan in the last 10 or 15 years. It is believed to have originated in Seattle and is recognizable by its distinctive green and black markings.
Image Hinterland Who's Who is how most Canadistanjian children learn how not to get eaten by wildlife, much as most Amerikanski children learn grammar, science and politics from Schoolhouse Rock.

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I'm surprised the spider on THC could build anything at all.

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Premier Betty wrote:I'm surprised the spider on THC could build anything at all.
Not all creatures become facile when stoned on THC... some have a perverse reaction and become agitated and extremely paranoid... and yet I am surprised the THC Spider did not have more flies in its hammock... I would have thought at least the munchies... What we did not see was the wonder of the Tweaker Spider who subsists on meth-amphetamine and nothing else for weeks on end. It not only builds a multi-story web, but also takes apart and reassembles any machinery or electronics it finds lying about into new and hardly recognizable contraptions... It can, however, become irrationally violent at the least provocation and will often kill the THC spider for no other reason than it was playing Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon for the 785th time... man...

... Not sure why, but for some reason, The People's Videos section seems to be making my browser close... although it might also be some strange conflict with Corel ProCreate Painter Classic which I installed last night out of sheer desperation, but which is so completely and utterly useless that I have used the install CD as a coaster... Perhaps if I can find a Tweaker Spider, it will be able to fix the problem... or turn my computer into a MRI machine... either would be useful...