
Obama 2012 Slogans: No More Change, Vote For The Same

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General Secretary called me today with an important question. If we must spearhead the campaign to get Obama reelected in 2012, should we once again use the word CHANGE in our visual agitation?

Wouldn't that mean that we're changing the change we've already been blessed with? Wouldn't two consecutive changes work as a double negative, canceling each other out? What is the result of changing change? And what would be the result of not changing change?Further deliberations led us to believe that the outcome in either case will be THE SAME! Let me illustrate it with these formulae:


Any way you look at it, "CHANGE" is no longer an option. Therefore, our visual agitation divisions in the grassroots organizations, media, academia, and entertainment industries should begin substituting "CHANGE" with "THE SAME."

All fellow travelers, collaborators, sympathizers, and useful idiots are hereby advised to practice chanting "THE SAME!" as eagerly and unquestioningly as they chanted "CHAGE" in 2008. Refer to visual aids provided.


Alternatively, we can reduce our carbon footprint by recycling some of the 2008 artwork. The two slogans below may have seemingly opposite meanings, but given the overall confusion among our constituents, it's hard to calculate the reaction - so we'll just hang both of them and see which one sticks.

  • Change the Change
  • Keep the Change


Some more posters with "HOPE"


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Being a Made Prog, it is my duty as well as my pleasure to read each and every word of text, backwards and forwards and diagonally, but most especially between the lines, to scan for rightwing racist (but I repeat myself) code words and "dog whistles"--or perhaps we should call them "prog whistles" since Progs are the only ones who see them for what they are.

When I find them (and as a Made Prog, I always do), it is then my duty as well as my pleasure to make a big stink out of it and demand the offender resign from his/her position and make financial reparations and apologies that will never be enough to absolve them of the charge of racism.

Therefore, if you were not a Prog, then it would be with great self-righteous glee and smug delight that I'd raise awareness of the fact that you have inserted a blatant racist word in your second sentence.

But because you're a good Prog, you're allowed to make racist remarks and jokes because as a Prog it's utterly impossible for you to be racist.

My only concern is the possibility of violent backlash from hypocritical rightwingers and Herman Cain, who will try to use your use of the word "spearhead" to raise a big stink of their own--not because they care about minorities, because they don't and never will--but to create a distraction from their dangerous agenda to cut taxes that will do nothing but bring death to minorities, old people, children, puppies, etc. etc.

I just thought I'd make an issue out of this so I could raise awareness about it. Because I care.

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I'm kaptivated by the lak of Republikan koncern in changing that gawd-awful document they keep klinging to as bitterly as their guns. Those kreepy old founders sure make it hard to akcept the word of our propoganda media wing as gospel. Being one with the loyal kollektive is not only good, but it relieves one of the necessity of making those pesky decisions!

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Don't forget hope. We've already got the hope that we voted for. Let's see...

Hope + hope = more of the same. Hope - hope = more of the same.

More of the same on a horse in mid-stream!

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Comrade Otis wrote:Hope + hope = more of the same. Hope - hope = more of the same.

More of the same on a horse in mid-stream!
In the Motherland we have a saying: One shouldn't shovel horse manure in midstream.

Do I need to illustrate the point with a piece of visual agitation?

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Mmm, I like all of the ones, where Dear Leader is fisting...

Dear Leader has decided on several new campaign signs and slogans. His excellency has conferred with the masses and he is most happy with the results.

His favorite so far is, "If you ain't a racist... Vote for me".

Another that pleases the dear leader is, "Hey...I am still black".

Another that struck his fancy is a combination of 'hope and change' into a french sounding word called "Hopange" ..... pronounced 'Ho-pawnjh'.

He has a picture of him in a beret and a cigarette, smiling and saying..."thees will be ze real hopange". He hopes to use this to woo the ladies and the gays. Dear Leader wants to sound a little European without bothering to learn a foreign language.

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CHANGE ...the damned socks, Barry! I mean really change them - not like you "change" things in Washington, by pulling one off your left foot and putting it on the right foot. Damn!

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And here's one more, try to fill in the blanks...


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Did someone mention not changing horses mid stream?


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"Remove that Band-aid, and Eat your PEAS!"

Dear Leader himself assures us that our wounds will be healed by Obamacare, and the glorious government will provide sustenance!

I hope to vote early and vote OFTEN!

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I'm stealing this from R.O.C.K in the USSA, so now it's mine.

"If you're happy and you know it, clank your chains."

ObamaKare Death Panel:
Shovel Ready for Seniors!

It's not the same Bread Card Joe Stalin knew and loved!

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Dah, comrade Betinov. Most excellent conclusion.

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Peoples Comrrade,

Looks like other studebt/student pictures I seen, same motif using an Appolusa!

Major Mistake says Whose azz is he?

How about "I support what 'is name".