
A Contrived Crisis? - You Decide

Through a series of supposedly random but arguably deliberate chain of events, America is poised to jettison 220 years of a free market system called capitalism, in favor of the tried and failed system of socialism. This writer, and others, are now starting to question how we reached this point.

Last summer, as McCain and Obama were in the midst of their campaigns to capture the presidency, a series of events dramatically changed the focus of the campaign from Iraq to the economy. From that point on, Obama took the lead and eventually won the presidency.

June 26, 2008: Democrat Chuck Schumer leaked a memo questioning the solvency of IndyMac bank. This memo precipitated a run on IndyMac which led to its failure. Federal regulators pointedly cited U.S. Sen. Charles Schumer, D-N.Y., in explaining the bank's failure. "The immediate cause of the closing was a deposit run that began and continued after the public release of a June 26 letter to the OTS and the FDIC from Senator Charles Schumer of New York."

This event, coupled with the Lehman Brothers collapse in September, marked the beginning of the current economic meltdown and provided the ammunition for massive government intervention in the private market.

July 12, 2008: The federal government takes control of the $32 billion IndyMac Bank.

Sept. 6, 2008: Fannie Mae begins its downward spiral, which will end with a crash in November. This crash was avoidable, as the problems with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were identified in June of 2006, when 15 Republicans on the Senate Banking Committee introduced legislation to address the problem. Democrats, led by Barney Frank, killed the reform efforts.

Sept. 15, 2008: Obama and McCain are virtually tied in their race for the presidency. Out of no-where, in the space of less than 2 hours, the Federal Reserve noticed a tremendous drawdown of money market accounts in the U.S. to the tune of $550 billion. Rep. Paul Kanjorski of Pennsylvania said that if authorities had not closed the banks, $5.5 trillion would have been withdrawn from US banks, which would have caused the collapse of the US within 24 hours.

This seminal event marked the ascendancy of Obama's candidacy, and eventually resulted in his election as president.

Fast forward to this week. The markets reacted to Obama's proposal to bail-out mortgages and Senator Christopher Dodd's talk of nationalizing banks by reaching 11-year lows.

Obama continues to stoke the fears of imminent crisis, actually using the word 'crisis' a total of 26 times in one speech.

Enter George Soros. The infamous one-worlder, billionaire George Soros adds his voiceto the media doomsayers by opining that the world financial system has effectively disintegrated, adding that there is yet no prospect of near-term resolution to the crisis.

Soros said the turbulence is more severe than during the Great Depression, comparing the current situation to the demise of the Soviet Union.

He may be right. The series of 'inadvertent errors', deliberate obstruction, political shenanigans, behind the scenes manipulation of the money markets and non-stop calls for immediate infusions of taxpayer cash have brought the U.S. to its knees.

With one voice, politicians, economists and 'experts' agree by unspoken consensus that government is the only solution. No one points out the fact that every single step taken so far by the government has exacerbated the problem, effectively bringing America one step closer to centralized government control. Which, coincidentally, Obama favors.

I am not an economist. But I will challenge any expert to dispute the fact that if President Obama took to the airwaves tomorrow and announced the Bush tax cuts would be extended and a capital gains tax cut was under consideration, the markets would immediately turn around.

That no-one is proposing this common sense solution is alarming. That no free market solutions are even under consideration is more alarming. That no-one is questioning who was responsible for the Sept. 15 run on money market accounts, or why the media was silent on it, lends credence to the possibility that our current economic crisis might not have been the result of a series of random events.

The economic meltdown is undoubtedly responsible for Obama becoming president. It is also responsible for the current consideration of socialistic solutions, if not outright socialism. Without a doubt, this crisis has strengthened the Democratic party. Yet to connect the dots and suggest that this crisis isn't a result of capitalism gone bad risks branding this author with the title of paranoid conspiracist.

Color me paranoid. Was this current crisis manufactured? I don't know. Does the possibility exist? You decide.


* Six months later, Jan 2, 2009, a seven-member group of investors agreed to buy the remnants of failed lender IndyMac for $13.9 billion. Other investors included a fund controlled by billionaire George Soros' Fund Management.

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Comrade Nancy,

Are you paronoid? No, but the thorazine and straighthjacket are for your own protection.

Personally, I don't think that our glorious leadership completely manufactured this crisis, they're too inept for that, but they are very skilled at milking it. What I would also add to your list is amnesty for ~15 million illegals which almost guarentees one-party rule. Oh, and don't forget the new voting congress seat proposed for D.C. which will favor which party?

I'm sure that our 401k will soon be "collectivized" for the common good, and single-family homes will need to be converted to communal living space. A small price to pay for a glorious new world order

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Nancy V wrote:Through a series of supposedly random but arguably deliberate chain of events, America is poised to jettison 220 years of a free market system called capitalism, in favor of the tried and failed system of socialism. This writer, and others, are now starting to question how we reached this point.

How have we reached this point indeed! That is the question. How has the Peoples Organ™, the glorious Peoples Cube™, been infiltrated by such capitalistic, imperialist, war mongering Bushitler opinions such as this? "The failed system of socialism?" Where comrade where? Failed in the sense that clearly our security organs rakes of justice have been spread too wide to allow you to be free still. But that will soon be corrected comrade!

Ah Comrade, I have been wondering the same thing as you posted for quite some time, but never could prove anything. But I could not help but wonder how we basically had a fairly strong economy up to September (for every presidency basically has ended in a mild recession in modern times), then by October, suddenly we are supposedly in the biggest crisis since the depression! In my life time, we have never seen such an abrupt change in such a short period. Even 9/11 did not hit this hard, and I could not but suspect something sinister behind this.

However, I am not sure the facts stated by that Senator are correct.

Different view of money market "drawdown"

User avatar
Socialism guarantees equal outcomes, so it cannot fail. The rich become poor, the poor stays poor, see equal. The Central Party Committee makes sure that there is no way of measuring change, so there can be no winners or losers. You must open yourself to the goodness of the Party before you are taken to beet fields. Our comrades in Cambodia made good use of beet fields, need I say more?

Marshal, thanks for that link. Bad reporting or more economic "crisis" reporting? I mean the MSM has been talking down the economy since Bush took office. Soros did admit to having a position against the dollar, I really believe that he had a hand in this somewhere.

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Comrade Putin, seeing the youthfulness of your countenance, you probably do not remember the act that was passed in 1977 to make housing more equally available for the masses. This was our first foot in the door to the unraveling of Amerikkka.

Well, technically, it goes back even further than that, to FDR's presidency, but I will not bore you with history. As a matter of fact, we discourage it! Progressivism means we move forward!

Then we furthered saddling the banks with bad loans with President Klinton and her husband in 1996.

That's how we got the banks. Our pawn Soros is very useful in accelerating the process.

"Socialism guarantees equal outcomes, so it cannot fail. The rich become poor, the poor stays poor, see equal. The Central Party Committee makes sure that there is no way of measuring change, so their can be no winners or losers. You must open yourself to the goodness of the Party before you are taken to beet fields. Our comrades in Cambodia made good use of beet fields, need I say more? "

Free people are never equal and equal people are never free.

User avatar
Comrade Nancy, I am unbelievably appalled. You DARE to suggest that capitalism was not the cause of this problem? Capitalism is the cause of ALL problems. Communism is the solution to them all. Your post was one of the most blatant cases of Thought Crime that I have ever seen. Report yourself to the nearest gulag for reeducation at once!

I would not put it past the Obamessiah and the rest of the Democraps to make a crisis so they could use it to gain power.

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No question about it. I think it's fair to say that we can skip the investigation and trial of Comrade Nancy, and proceed straight to sentencing.

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Marshal Pupovich wrote:No question about it. I think it's fair to say that we can skip the investigation and trial of Comrade Nancy, and proceed straight to sentencing.

I propose we execute her, revive her in the same way we do the millions of dead who vote for the Party every election, and then execute her again.

User avatar
Now lets not get ahead of ourselves Comrade Joe.... first we must get the cost of the bullet from non person Nancy's family.... and of course put them on trial for not coming forth and denouncing her before it came to this.

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Marshal Pupovich wrote:Now lets not get ahead of ourselves Comrade Joe.... first we must get the cost of the bullet from non person Nancy's family.... and of course put them on trial for not coming forth and denouncing her before it came to this.

And the non-person's family will obviously have to pay for their defense lawyer... and the judge... and the prosecuting lawyer.