
At this point, a Petition isn't Entirely Necessary...BUT

Raum Emmanual Goldstein

HERE is a TRUE "Patriot" in the very Progressive sense of the word. This Apparatchik deserves his own People's Channel!

He is passing around a petition to REPEAL THE BILL OF RIGHTS! ... 0he0cqHH20

BRAVO! Excellent! Although the Konsent of the governed is not necessary at this point, it will at least reveal whom we will not need to waste a perfectly good JDAM on!


Raum Emmanual Goldstein
And.. on a related note.... THIS Fine Young Patriot is passing about to FINALLY put an END to Womyn's Sufferage! ... detailpage

Don't you agree that WOMYN have SUFFERagED ENOUGH?!

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Comrade Goldstein,

Thank you for sharing this wonderful pair of videos. I just hope the Teabaggers don't see this and try to get Dear Leader impeached using a similar approach! But I probably shouldn't worry....they're not that bright.

Raum Emmanual Goldstein
Captain Craptek wrote:Comrade Goldstein,

Thank you for sharing this wonderful pair of videos. I just hope the Teabaggers don't see this and try to get Dear Leader impeached using a similar approach! But I probably shouldn't worry....they're not that bright.

One should not worry... the IRS and NSA have them under surveillance. We've programmed the drones to be on the look out for suspicious individuals with clipbaords.