
AZ Drunks claim discrimination!

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Riding high on the fervor of the “discrimination” protests to Arizona's illegal immigrant bill, a grassroots group of alcoholics is challenging the state's DUI laws.

The group claims that Arizona drunk driving statutes unfairly target alcoholics. The group believes acute or chronic alcoholics are more likely to be singled out for DUI stops.

According to Bill (Stumblebum)Williams, a spokesman for the group, “Drunks are more likely to be pulled over than non drunks for DUI. This is an abomination and discrimination. Drunks have the same right to be on the road as non-drunks.”


The group is currently working with the ACLU and Ted Kennedy's ghost to bring a lawsuit against the state of Arizona.


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I've always thought that "public drunkenness" laws discriminate against the homeless.