
Biden to Impeach Bush if Obama Attacks Syria

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Comrades, as the United States slow motion stumbles into World War 3; Vice General Joe Biden made a bold statement about George Bush being impeached for Obama's upcoming illegal attack on Syria. Biden was overheard saying this to Comrade Tingles in 2007....

"The reason I made the comment was as a warning. I don't say those things lightly, Chris, you've known me for a long time. I was chairman of the judiciary committee for 17 years or its ranking member. I teach separation of powers and constitutional law. This is something I know. So I got together and brought a group of constitutional scholars together to write a piece that I'm going to deliver to the whole United State Senate pointing out the President has no constitutional take this nation to war against a county of 70 million people unless we're attacked or unless there is proof we are about to be attacked. And if he does, if he does, I would move to impeach him. The House obviously has to do that but I would lead an effort to impeach him. The reason for my doing that, I don't say it lightly, I don't say it lightly. I say it because they should understand that what they were threatening, what they were saying, what it was adding up to be, what it looked like to the rest of the world we were about to do would be the most disastrous thing that could be done in this moment in our history that I could think of."

That was great foresight by Biden; to know six years ahead of time what Bush would do during Obama's presidency, is simply amazing. Not to be outdone in hypocrisy, the great War Doves named Pelosi and Kerry have now fully humiliated themselves. Comrade Pelosi has already consulted with her War Cabinet, which includes her 5 year old grandson.

"Nancy Pelosi told reporters today she consulted her five-year-old grandson over the weekend about whether or not to support intervention in Syria. The minority leader explained that when she was home this past weekend, her five-year-old consigliere pressed her, “Are you ‘yes' war with Syria, ‘no' war with Syria?,” and said he opposed intervention. She took issue with his use of “war” to describe what she considers an “action,” but told him she generally agreed, but favored intervention because “they've killed hundreds of children there.”


That's a very salient point made by Comrade Pelosi, because as we know, ZERO children will be killed by Obama's love bombs he's about to drop on Syria. Comrade Pelosi believes you have to bomb Syria first, before you know why you're doing it. While Comrade Pelosi is incapable of shame, Comrade Kerry is incompatible with an actual human soul. Kerry should be called the mad bomber, this brave and incredulous comrade has been beating the War Drum for months! The War Dove Kerry, who less than 10 years ago ran for president on an ANTI-WAR platform, has completely pulled a 180! Comrade Kerry is astonishing!


......And last but not least, the two useful idiots, Comrade McCain and Comrade Graham. If they're not invading Egypt trying to free their Muslim Brotherhood brethren, or meeting with known Al Qaeda affiliated terrorists in Syria (redundant, I know) then they're just pounding that war drum louder than anyone else in the band.


...... With "leaders" like these, who needs enemies?

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Are we not all thrilled that we keep our Impeach Bush signs.


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Yes Fraulein, or our ever relevant "Buck Fush" t-shirts!


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If he or his brother or cousin or any of the family runs for office again, I still have this...
