
Caption Contest: The Obamas Looking at Chicago Skyline

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Michelle Malkin suggested this as a caption contest on Twitter, but I don't know how to participate (hash tag games is a different matter). So I posted it on the Cube.

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They didn't build that!

“Some day all this will be taxed!”

Hussein, my Love, what is that town going to think when they find out you did not kill Osama; someone else did that for you?

"It was a long walk home. Now where did we leave our house?"

[Prog On](Ok, so it's wishful thinking....) [Prog Off]

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Tear down those skyscrapers, Mr. Capitalist!

Of course, the Обамаs have a greater vision for Amerikkka:
And I forgot about this timeless classic....

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Thank God for daytime, the photo crew, and the Secret Service, because being in Gary (Indiana) is scary.

We didn't build it thank Government, but we sure as Hell made out like bandits from it!

"The suckers are just gonna eat this sh*t up."

It looks great from here, but even better on LSD! (Lake Shore Drive).

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Image "Once the election is over and we have some more flexibility, one more round of Stimulus checks and the "Red Oktober" Navy pier and Amusement park will go right here..."