
D.C. 912 Racist On Parade

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If you listen to the blowhards of the so-called “New Media” you'd think it's easier for Maureen Dowd to find a man willing to share her bed,than it is to find a racist at the 912 D.C. protest.
Of course it is not, and I can prove it.

Now, the easy way to prove it would be to chronicle the Herculean effort Ms. Dowd must undertake just to get laid, and then calculate the odds of a racist being among the one hundred or so (give or take several hundred thousand) right-wing extremist protesters.

However since I just ate...

...I will instead present half-ass theories, completely manufactured facts, and unspoken words floating in the air that only I can hear to support my case, just like my comrades from the establishment media.

From beginning to end, blatant racism was on display. The very asphalt they goose-stepped on with their grimy shoes was BLACK. Coincidence, I think not! Unnamed sources witnessed some of these haters actually avoided stepping on the WHITE stripes down the center of the avenue. My God what century are these people living in?

The Cracker Nation (hat tip Bill Maher) have tried to rebuke our charges of racism by pointing out that many were protesting Congress, not just Lord Obama. Do not be fooled by this tactic. Just as we have learned that “socialism” is code word for African/American, “Congress” is code for the Congressional Black Caucus. You would be wise to remember that any and all phrases and words these knukledraggers use to smear our side with have a racist double meaning.

These teabaggers are also using the most despicable trickery in exploiting underprivileged, defenseless Blacks, by paying them to pose as protester at their hate rallies. Or worst, brainwashing them to believe in their twisted ideology. This is especially offensive, because exploiting minorities to gain power is something the Democratic Party has perfected over many decades and now these right-wingers think they can benefit from our hard work. Outrageous!

Its becoming very clear that this deeply flawed country has devolved from Blue State/Red State to Blue State/Gray State.

Fellow citizens of the world, the truth is here for all to see, if you are willing to set aside common sense for the common good. Well are you?

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Let the common sense fly out the window, Comrade Maxim. That's fine with me. How dare they question a black president who quadrupled the nation's debt. Don't they understand that the means justify the end? And was it racist to complain? Of course it was.

And about the health care bill, they should be happy about it. After all, it's what Mitt did in MA, minus the public option, isn't it?

I believe Dear Leader when he says that illegals won't be included in the health care bill. After all, it wouldn't be fair to fine a Mexican family of four $3800.00 dollars if they don't buy health insurance like the rest of us, would it?

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The scientific fact is, white people are born racist.
That is why Forced Planned Parenthood for Whites is the only final solution for the problem of racism.

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<a>The Brits should be nuked for their attack on our American comrades!</a>

<a> ... ritain/</a>

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Stop The Relegation of Racism! Support Group Identity Politics! Skin Color Decides BIN Number!

Promote Tribalism Today!


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Subtle racism abounds here. Look at all those "marchers" wearing WHITE shirts.... an obvious throwback to the white robes of the KKK. Look at the signs they carry; printed on WHITE cardboard! How come no BLACK cardboard was used? I will not accept the bullsh*t that these would be hard to read; this is more likely a secret sign that one racist uses to communicate with another, like "I'm here because I hate Obama! How about you?"

It is very good that the NY Times is wise enough to expose this hatred. The Times will set an example for progressive thinkers everywhere; immediately, they will start printing their wonderful journal on BLACK paper with WHITE type to protest racism! [HIGHLIGHT=#000000] That should fix those evil rotten racist bastards! These right wing-nut scumbags say the MSM is irrelevant, eh? WE'LL SHOW THEM! TAKE THAT! Obama Forever! [/HIGHLIGHT]

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Comrades! Can you think of a more ingenious way to keep the country from uniting under one cause ( "freedom".....shudder...) other than to have our MSM keep creating a larger and larger schism in the populace based on racial biases? I think not! Remember our slogan:

"Our race is our religion and our skin is our uniform!!"

Comrades, how can I join glorious Cracker Nation and obtain crackers? Is hungry now that no comrades are winning Who Wants to Have a Beet.