
Dangerous Thought Criminals have Escaped the Gulag

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Do not listen to their words. They are subversive to the revolution.

The must be captured and severely denounced and clearly need reprogramming.

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I am to be very confused with the watching of this moving picture window. Why are racist african-americans spitting in face of benevolent leader who doles out Obama-money to all in need?! These are obviously propaganda plants of the bourgeois kkkapitalist pig rethuglicans!
Wait, did I just call african-american racist? Am I allowed to do that? Does this mean I am racist? My head is hurting from the thinking that is being thought ... This is a bad moving picture show yes, or is it no ... I am to be so confused ...

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THE GULAG SPEAKERS HAVE BURNED OUT (maybe it was that fire, inadvertently started when someone of unknown origin accident dropped the match while lighting the weed passed her way and which was completely unwanted, I might add... but I digress....)

well, ain't that someum!!

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Since the Thoughtcrime Response Teams are going to be busy quelling this uprising against the State, we will need some funds to be re-appropriated from Comradette Chelsea's wedding.

Liberty, Freedom --- jeeeezzz, what's next - a real job?


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Dr Progoyavich wrote:I am to be very confused with the watching of this moving picture window. Why are racist african-americans spitting in face of benevolent leader who doles out Obama-money to all in need?! These are obviously propaganda plants of the bourgeois kkkapitalist pig rethuglicans!
Wait, did I just call african-american racist? Am I allowed to do that? Does this mean I am racist? My head is hurting from the thinking that is being thought ... This is a bad moving picture show yes, or is it no ... I am to be so confused ...

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Doc Prog, as our beloved Chairman has so eloquently stated, yes, you are a racist. In his zeal to expose yoyur obvious cirimes and shortcomings, however, the good Chairman neglected to explain the error of your racist ways. The purpose of the Collective is to educate as well as punish transgressions, so I will explain:

You are white, if your avatar is any indication. This means you are a racist. This is something that has been scientifically proved, because some professors said so. With me so far?

Where it gets confusing is whether or not you are racist for pointing out the obvious racism of the gentlemen speaking in the video clip. Yes, you are a racist, but not for denouncing the rasicm of these gents. They can be safely denounced, damned in fact by their own self-proclaimed status of being "off the plantation." They have forfeited their racial immunity to charges of racism by failing to toe the Party line and cheerfully wear the chains that bind the African American community. By renouncing their slave status, they have lost the protection of the Masters and are open to all criticism leveled by all right thinking people.

So, no, denouncing the racism of these misguided men is NOT what makes you a racist. That is due simply to the color of your skin--it's just the way you people are. And, having checked the Party rosters, I see that you are not a member of the Party elite, the "inner circle" of Made Progs, as our beloved Theocritus calls us. Thus, you must be castigated for your racism. But be of good cheer as you board the boxcar for the re-education process. The Party will hurt you in the process, but we only hurt out of love. And pleasure.

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Groucho Marxist wrote: ... r_embedded

Do not listen to their words. They are subversive to the revolution.

The must be captured and severely denounced and clearly need reprogramming.

Comrade Groucho,

You are right. This is the most dangerous type of Thought-Crime ever encountered by our Progressive Movement to transform AmeriKKKa.

I'm sure Comrade Soros ...


... will quickly allocate additional funds to help our many comrades track down such thought-criminals and bring them to me for "speech" therapy.

--Thought-Crime Warden

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Komrade Groucho Marxist , is this an example of an "Uncle Tom"?

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Comrades. There has been a serious breech in security.

You must not listen to these non-persons. Take proper measures to protect yourself from their non-speech.

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This is not good for The Party™ comrades, definitely not good. We must hang these Uncle Tom's (oh wait, we can't say that anymore can we), ahhh hrmmmmmm, The Party™ must find these Traitors of Their Race™ and burn crosses in their yards (oh hell, I did it again didn't I, so sorry comrades).... Ahhhhh.... Hrrrrmmmmmm... now then as I was saying, as a high standing member of The Party™ and Tuesday night attendee of all Politburo meetings, I recommend these proles be personally attacked, DIG UP ANYTHING DAMMIT!!! I DON'T CARE IF YOU FIND OUT THEY WORE A WIG FOR HALLOWEEN WHEN THEY WERE 5, PAINT THEM AS TRAITORS TO THEIR RACE™ AND LET THE PROLETARIAT KNOW HOW MUCH THEY HATE THEMSELVES FOR IT!!!
(*ak.. grrrrr... gurp!)

Ah, excuse me comrades I got another chicken bone caught in my throat.

Carry on...