
Disciplinary Moment: CurrentTruth is a Sophisticated Thing

Raum Emmanual Goldstein

It is with great trepidation that I humbly bring forth a point of order, but it must be done…even if my carbon footprint must be neutralized as a result. It would be, after all for the CommonGood.

I am most alarmed by the lack or PartyDiscipline and rising tide of ThoughtCrime splashing upon the pages generated by my esteemed colleagues on this vaunted website – especially among the select few in the InnerParty™ ProfessionalLeft™. If not corrected immediately, I fear for the continued safety of the Dear Leader (pbuh) and stability of the Party. Party Protocol must be maintained.

There are many examples of incredible ThoughtCrime which server space is too limited to mention here. However, one anecdote that should serve as a sample is the recent call for volunteers to serve as guinea pigs test subjects of the new prototype Complete Circles or Life Bio-Chip™ which has yielded few takers. (for full details of the program and a complete list of side effects you may either with your Obamacare provided Doktor or my blog on the subject: Most peculiar, though, were the number of InnerParty™ ProfessionalLeft™ members who explicitly declined enrollment. Although no one was denounced, I was even chastised for raising the matter. I will not raise their names here. Their guilt is for a Kangaroo People's Court to decide (may Judge Wapner have mercy on their souls soles). The declination to participate in clinical trials of the Complete Circles or Life Bio-Chip™ was accompanied by claims that InnerParty™ ProfessionalLeft™ membership exempted them from such mundane sacrifices duties.

As my most esteemed colleague, ThePeoplesComrade, so eloquently pointed out: “People are a commodity of The State, nothing more, nothing less.” If this is true for the Proles who are less valuable to the State than we are, then it must apply even more so to those of us InnerParty™ ProfessionalLeft™ members who are appreciably more valuable to the State. Shovel4U even presented photographic evidence of a Party Elitist Elite ProfessionalLeft™ member doing her Patriotic Duty.

But this is not about me or the Complete Circles or Life Bio-Chip™ clinical trials. It is about the fact that under Party Protocol, NO ONE IS IMMUNE EXEMPT FROM PARTY PROTOCOL!
The logic behind the exemption of InnerParty™ ProfessionalLeft™ members being exempt from the less than tasteful requirements of membership stems from the essential truth that "Some are more equal than others." That is, of course, Party Protocol. But Party Protocol -- like the Current Truth and our "living and breathing" Constitution -- must be subject to change and open interpretation without notice if they are to remain "Progressive."

Indeed, IF we are all equal...and some are more equal than others, then does not PartyLogic™ also require that some of us who are more equal are also more equally equal than the others?

As the Chosen Few, some of us who are more equally equal than others may be called upon by the Dear Leader (or His designated agents) to provide a useful example for the People to follow in accordance with the capricious desires of the Dear Leader (or His designated agents). In that vein, the WORTH of each member of the InnerParty™ ProfessionalLeft™ (except for those who must remain to ensure the continued success of the Complete Circles of Life™ Program…but that is beside the point) can only be measured by the willingness of said member to lay down his/her/its life for the Dear Leader (or His designated agents).

One who is reluctant -- by logical extension -- must be less equal than his more equally equal contemporaries. Is that not so?

So... ONLY those members of the Party Elite who are the most enthusiastic to have a test version of the Complete Circles of Life Bio-Chip™ inserted…or other various and sundry administrivia …may be should be must be considered the stalwartly loyal "Creme de la Creme of the Party." AND, by contrast, those who are openly reluctant to place their faith HOPE™ in the game system -- and the living, breathing rules of protocol that govern it -- are (by logical extension) less deserving and -- dare I say -- less than loyal.

As esteemed members of the "Pinnacle of Progdom", such logical truths should not escaped any of you. The fact that I, a mild and humble servant of the Dear Leader, have had to point this out to the collective is further indication that the loyalties of members who seek such exemptions on may be in question and all the more reason that they should immediately queue up for a Bio-Chip insertion before someone in a position of authority finds out about their unfortunate breach of the People's Protocol! If their loyalty to the party is truly unquestionable then they should suffer no ill effects.

The hysterical historical record is crystal clear on the point that Current Truth, Party Protocol, and its enforcement are sophisticated matters. One must be very careful….especially when they believe they are one of the Party Insiders whose loyalty is above question. As the beloved Stalin taught us through the masterful abuse use of arbitrary purges:


When a Party Official believes he/she/it is most loyal, most safe and most indispensible, and most privileged is when he/she/it should expect that midnight “knock” on the door, a free train ride to obscurity and their image embracing the Dear Leader to be airbrushed and/or photoshopped out of the historic record.

Consider the point that The Obama Regime and the Congressional Democratic Party Members are categorizing a vast number of the proletariat as "Stupid" because they do not understand the benefits of Obamacare…even though many of these Proles have read more of the 2700-plus pages of the law than those who passed it into law. How could those who know more about the law than those who passed it be considered “STUPID?” Common sense would seem to dictate that those who enacted the law are far more ignorant of its ramifications than those who are clamoring for its repeal since they did not bother to read it before voting on it. But common sense harkens back to the out-moded common law principles of the slave-mongering, racist "founders." Common sense also dictates that “TWO AND TWO MAKE FOUR” is truth, a fact, an unchanging force of nature. Some of you would say that, but in terms of Progressive math: “TWO AND TWO MAKE FIVE”; it has always been this way, it is now, and always will be…until it serves the Party's purpose that “TWO AND TWO should sum up to “THREE.” Once this truth is established, “TWO AND TWO MAKE THREE”; will have has always been true, it is true now, and always will be. It is undeniable. We know today that we are on the eve of destruction due to Global Warming Climate Change...even though the Climate has ALWAYS changed. But now it is settled science that man has always been the cause that we are all about to deep fry...even though in my life time it was once settled science that we were all headed for the deep freezer. Even so, Party Science is never wrong and we are, were and always will be destined to broil...unless certain among us stop breathing.


GOD is the Author of Truth...those who have the POWER in a Progressive World therefore are the Author of Truth. This is "sophisticated" truth -- to sophisticated Progressives who seek to wield power by fiat responsibly. It is like the "living, breathing constitution" which is established as the law of the land: it is/means whatever the Party says it does. Anyone who disagrees with what "The Party" establishes as truth must --by logical extension -- be un-educated, ignorant, simple...STUPID. And because they are STUPID, they must be led by someone more sophistically educated, like say...The PARTY! That is why so many amoung us toil in Ivy League universities to learn this more sophisitcated method of problem-solving.

History has shown that the ultimate destination of this train of "sophisticated" thought -- especially when Progressives become extremely frustrated -- is the "re-education" of the STUPID (no matter what quarters they occupy)...usually in special facilities dedicated to eliciting the kind of Pavlovian responses necessary to maintain the "truth." Such a facility may be called -- for the purposes of our study -- "mental health facilities” (...I think Mental Health Facilities will be the likely term coined for such a place under Obamacare...) So, be prepared to undergo your mandatory Psych evaluation to ensure you qualify for your mandatory health insurance coverage.

That is why Congress did not need to be bothered to read the 2700 pages of the Obamacare bill...the words printed on the pages only mean something to the governed fools masses who actually seek to obey the “rule of law.” These same obedient masses will also have to stumble though the inevitable patch-work of regulations --- written and revised by bureaucrats at a ratio of around 100 pages of regulation for every one page of legislation -- that will soon follow. At every point, obeying one regulation will force the Prole to violate another buried somewhere else. No matter how hard one chooses to live by the rules, one resides forever in the precarious position of being frog-marched to a Federal penitentiary simply for breathing (which is conceivable considering the exhalation of carbon dioxide has been ruled pollution by the EPA). To those who are in the positions of authority -- the Congress and the Bureaucrats -- the words really don't mean anything…except what THEY wish them to mean (i.e. what is required for anyone wishing to remain in the good graces of the imperious bureaucrat they must stand kneel before when the day arrives that the individual should need to access some life-sustaining medical procedure). So, why must they -- the politicians and bureaucrats -- be bothered to read what is foisted upon the unsophisticated masses? Such a logical requirement is patently illogical. They are too busy with the day to day requirements of ruling the “stupid” masses.

Under the Dear Leader (pbuh) and Progressive thought, anything can be true…that's why we call it the current truth. The so-called laws of Nature are nonsense. The law of gravity is nonsense. To abscond with an illustrative point from Com. O'Brien: If I wish to, I could float off this floor like a soap bubble. Indeed, it has been reported by a bourgeois automotive engineer that when an Obama official was told that a Regime-desired hybrid car design was impossible as it would defy the Law of Physics, the Obama official interrupted and said:

"These laws of physics? Whose rules are those? We need to change that. (Some of the other officials diligently wrote down the law name so they could look it up). We have both the congress and the administration. We can repeal that law, amend it, or use an executive order to get rid of that problem. That's why we are here, to fix these sorts of issues."

Now THAT, Comrades, is a person who truly understands the party definition of the “Rule of Law.” They understand “protocol” and have internalized it completely. It is only those who understand the finite and temporal are an infinite and everlasting force of nature.

So, be careful…whenever you come to think -- nay vocalize -- that you are indispensible to the whims of those most deeply in power Common Good, this is the moment when you become the most expendable…unless of course you should by some freak of nature replace the Dear Leader -- perish the thought -- or one of His designated representatives. Until then, you may enjoy the benefits associated with InnerParty™ ProfessionalLeft™ membership, but always remember those who are most conspicuous among us are those most likely to be called upon to drink the Kool-aid. To who much is given, much is expected.

So! --Show of hands -- Who's ready to have a test version of the Complete Circles of Life Bio-Chip™ inserted?