
Fun facts about Maxine Waters

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1. Maxine Waters wears James Brown's energizer wig, from which she derives all her power. Pulling the wig off instantly puts her to sleep, while her staff places it on a special charger.

2. Her 43rd congressional district in California is shaped like a penis. She loves it, even though she hasn't seen it in a long time. She blames the Republicans and Trump for how it is pointing downward. In her mind the words "The South will rise again" have a whole different meaning.


3. Maxine Waters once refused to save 15% or more by switching to Geico because that would have made her a sellout to corporate interests.

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If you know more fun facts about Maxine Waters, share them here.

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Maxine missed her chance to wear a most coveted crown (a crown available only in the decadent West, where canine parasites are treated as "pets" and have whole supermarket aisles devoted to them while non-privileged peoples worldwide suffer pangs of hunger while watching good food being "crowned" kings and queens at frivolous "ugly animal" spectacles).
A-A 2018-06-25 at 7.04.19 .jpg

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​Of course, sometimes the battery overheat​s​ and the wig malfunctions.


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Why is she called "Aunt' Maxine? She's not my aunt. She's probably not your aunt either. Is her constituency comprised of only her nieces and nephews? Who knows?

My aunt was a moonshiner back in the 1920s and 1930s. She was ugly, too, but she made an honest living by distilling beets and making Beetka. Unlike Maxine, my aunt was a real aunt and I aunt to know because she provided something The People required, needed and wanted: cheap beet squeezins.

What has "Aunt" Maxine provided for The People? A big Black Hole that traps taxpayer money and draws it into the Democrat Event Horizon, then transports it through the Democrat Party Wormhole until it reappears in the pockets of the builders of the multi-million dollar mansion that Aunt Maxine lives in——well outside the Congressional District that she ostensibly represents.

Aunt Maxine has no wit, no talent and no aptitude to perform as a public servant. Most of all, she is not anybody's aunt.

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I didn't expect this recent reveal of documented extraterrestrial aliens among us. This is the second sighting that I'm aware of. Is this the dawning of a new age?


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Comrade Putout wrote:Tried to fart ladylike. Shits.

Technically, Comrade, it's "SHARTS," not "SHITS" when one tries to fart but instead shits. It happens to everyone sooner or later, regardless or rank or station. It happened to me once during a high-level meeting of the G.R.U. (Gorilla Reserve Units). My closest comrades wrinkled their noses and tried to ignore the odor but some of the younger attendees (non-silverbacks) took it as a challenge to their masculinity. Much sharting ensued. I remained the dominant male after it was over, but zookeepers volunteers had to be called in from three different oblasts to clean up the mess and return some of the GRU members to their cages quarters..Luckily, my wife never noticed...or if she did, she never said anything. She's probably used to seeing "skidmarks" because she does my laundry.

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You genetically enhanced soldier, silverback, dog, Colonel Obyezyana!
Your wife, Nastya, must be proud!
