
GAIA Minister Neytiri to Rush Limbaugh: Leave Romney Alone!

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GAIA Minister Neytiri Naked Truth Report says to Rush Limbaugh: "Hands-Off Mitt Romney-- He's OURS on Global Warming."

Today, the Right-Wing CapitAlist Tool, Rush Limbaugh (an extremist opponent of Obama's
CapitOlism), dared to besmirch Mitt Romney for Romney's support for our Climate-Change Agenda to embrace the lifestyle of Na'vis on Pandora (and or the Amish in Lancaster, PA) to attempt to reverse Anthropogenic Global Warming. In the latest GAIA Minister Neytiri Naked Truth Report, she says to Rush Limbaugh: "Hands-Off Mitt Romney-- He's OURS on Global Warming and, by the way, so is Newt, who has been OURS since his passionate embrace of Nancy Pelosi on the Park Bench of Truth about Anthropogenic Global Warming."
According to an earlier GAIA Minister Neytiri Naked Truth Report (onJune 9, 2011), Mitt Romney announced inNew Hampshire on June 3, 2011, thathe believes in Global Warmingandthat humans contribute to it. Said GAIA Minister Neytiri, "We proud to be able to say that 'Romney is One of Us.'" (Among the first to report this was HotAir.). GAIA Minister regularly issues Naked-Truth Reports on the Environment for the Progressive Movement atThe Peoples Cube.

And in professing his belief in AGW (Anthropogenic Global Warming) Romney refused to be prosaic. Instead, he burst into song with religious fervor praising GAIA and courageously identifying human activity contributing to Global Warming. Romney had hoped to also be wearing a
GAIA Hatat the announcement, which he had ordered from Al Gore's "Carbon-Credit Indulgences" foundation via an 800 number, but the package failed to arrive in time.



August 21, 2011--
NASA scientist says extra-terrestrial aliens are likely to destroy humanity to save Earth from Global Warmingandsave the Cosmos from humans spreading their nature-abusing carbon-footprints the carbon footprints across the Milky Way Galaxy.

According to the latest GAIA Minister Neytiri Naked Truth Report, Mitt Romney, Jon Huntsman (sometimes misspelled as "John Huntsman"), Al Gore and President Obama agree that this compelling and indisputable scientific evidence reinforces the urgent need for "tying down" the excesses of capitalism symbolized for so long by "Uncle Sam."


A spokesbeing for Al Gore said, "We must stop Uncle Sam's Travels spreading his capitalistic carbon footprints across Mother Earth by tying Uncle Sam down in the land of the Goriputians, into which large numbers of Na'vis have immigrated (legally, of course, by special diplomatic passes from the GAIA-Friendly Obama Administration). Said Michelle Obama, "We are shovel-ready to bury Uncle Sam's global-warming habits." Soon Jon Huntsman (sometimes misspelled as "John Huntsman") will join Mitt Romney at the GAIA Minister Neytiri Boot Camp for special training in targeting those Flat-Earther/Global-Warming Deniers.

To help the Progressive Movement to make Earth perfect before Americans dare to attempt to contaminate the Cosmos by resuming human exploration of space before humanity is able to make itself Progressively Perfect, President Obama stripped naked the NASA budget for human exploration of space. According to the Global Warming division of NASA, it is hoped that this action will earn for us the respect of the Extraterrestrial Progressive Aliens (such as those from Pandora, who are already here as guests of the Global Warming Expert, James Cameron, and whom he featured in his blockbuster movie, AVATAR)..

As a result of Obama's directives, one of NASA's most important missions is to repair the ClimateGate and restore the reputation of NASA as the home of the smartest scientists on The Planet. Indeed, our new Astronauts revel in this new "Mission to Save GAIA."

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Are the Mission to save GAIA plans printed in Arabic? Seems that appeasing our non-terroristic comrades of the Middle East became NASA's top priority not long ago...

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Not to worry, Tov........

It's simply another example of BHO's " fluid " leadership style.
Instead of firm policies upheld by planning and discipline, our country has been released from the shackles of responsibility and accountability. It is now free to drift anywhere and everywhere that's convenient for the administration.....
as long as it's left of center.