
Google fixes racism: no white inventors; only white thieves

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American Inventors

Google has solved the problem of racism.

If you search Google images for "American Inventors" you will find only black men and women.

If you search Google images for 'burglar', 'thief', 'robber' or other terms, you will see only white men in the images.

This will help progressives defeat the lying FBI statistics that show that the approximate 5% of young black males commit nearly 50% of all of those types of crimes.

We don't know how they left that lowly honkey whiteycracker privileged grifter Thomas Alva Edison in there with all of those fine African-American inventors - there must be some mistake at Google. I'll bet that dastardly James Damore had something to do with it...

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Evil Smiley wrote:Google has solved ...
uh, you mean Googoebbels, ja?

BTW, using Googoebbels I looked up "europe history people" a few months ago. Result? SHOCK!
And so I did the same right now. Wow, Googoebbels progressed by orders of magnitude!

See today's Googoebbels production (at your location, the result - link above - may differ).
But this is what I got (and I swear to Stalin's shining boots, no photoshop there whatsoever):
(also, at a glance, here.)

See Pushkin?
I bet, he is there not for his (glorious!) poetry, but because he was 1/8 Abyssinian.

Sure, there isn't a "sinister operator" behind all this. (or is there?)
But you tell me, Komrades: How come an AI algorithm, just combining europe+history+people, to crank out such gibberish as shown above?

And sure, courts all over Europe occasionally included "overseas" courtiers. Typically, as "exotics" brought here and assimilated, or as children of "colonialistic" love, brought by their courtier fathers (lovingly) back to Europe and raised here in the court culture.

(an extraordinarily shining example: Joseph Boulogne, Chevalier de Saint-Georges)
(or: nobleman Abram Petrovich Gannibal, Pushkin's great-grandfather)
(or: ... ask military historians ...)
(or: ... etc. ...)

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Genosse Dummkopf wrote:
Evil Smiley wrote:Google has solved ...
uh, you mean Googoebbels, ja?

BTW, using Googoebbels I looked up "europe history people" a few months ago. Result? SHOCK!
And so I did the same right now. Wow, Googoebbels progressed by orders of magnitude!

See today's Googoebbels production (at your location, the result - link above - may differ).
But this is what I got (and I swear to Stalin's shining boots, no photoshop there whatsoever):
(also, at a glance, here.)

Wow, I didn't think that they were also making Europe non-white...

Still doing it...
Screen Shot 2018-01-19 at 12.21.01 PM.png

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But do not despair white folks, European white people are not left out of Google. All you need do is look up the right term to find them.

Do a Google Image Search for 'Rapist' - plenty of white folks there... almost all of them and the first 50 or so are almost only white (sometimes a black face slips in temporarily - the algorithm is still being fixed).

Search Term: Rapist


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Google's digital genocide of European people, their race, culture, history and heritage.


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(with full understanding, that Googoebbels AI, asked for "rapists (in language of area X)" will present you who knows whom & what, and who knows how related all that to "area X" actually is)

Våldtäktsman (Sweden) :


Violeur (France) :


Vergewaltiger (Germany) :


Hmm... Yurope, dragging behind Amerikkka?
