
Hillary Dons Her Mob Credentials

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In an effort to show off her mob credentials, our most beloved leader, Hillary Rodham Clinton, has given us this super-funny, original and masterfully directed short clip spoofing the Sopranos finale. I must have watched this clip over and over and over and over again in the MSM because it is just so damn good and entertaining (did I say original yet? And how many times has CNN shown this Oscar worthy clip??).

Ugh, where does Hillary think of these things!? WHERE!? It's as if she is reading our brain-dead progressive minds and figuring out that we get turned on at the sight of our Dear Leader being compared to a blood thirsty murderous thug! It just reeks so much in progressivism – you know, the whole murdering people for money and power thing both Hill and mobsters have going on. Hillary Capone '08! How does that sound, Your Excellency?

I also particularly liked this clip as a progressive because it highlights Hillary's control over her estranged testicleless husband, her murderous Godfather like qualities and, of course, her excellent wardrobe choices (nothing says I'm going to break your legs and torch your house with your family still inside than a black v-neck with matching black stretch pants to hide your bulbous ass).

Bravo, Your Excellency, Bravo! If this doesn't win the American people over, then maybe you should do a short clip with you sitting down with Bill having a goat dinner with Al-Qaeda members in Iraq? That'll really highlight your Anti-American terrorist credentials and finally win over the Kos crowd to endorse you!

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What? No random explosions, no hard objects colliding at high velocity with sensitive body parts, no hot steamy premarital sex?!? What was she thinking? I was barely able to sit through it. I was waiting for that guy who glared at our beloved queen to get the s**t beat out of him by her, and then molested, but nothing!!! What a disappointment.

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It could be worse. Her Excellency could've shown us full frontal nudity while singing Yankee Doodle Dandy. Thank goodness for us she cares about The Children and will not scare them for life (not until she is elected, of course).

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I have never felt as close to her majesty. The fact that she is in a regalur mom and pop dine in shows that she is intouch with the little people. Hillary '08! Her majesty is for the people! She knows your sorrows!

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"She's just a small town girl", comrade Overly Hunted Progressive Animal. A small town girl from the Chicago suburbs who helped watch the children of Undocumented American workers as they went off to the fields in her suburban neighborhood to reap in the harvest.

Ah, Her Excellency is such a compassionate womyn, isn't she? I mean, she cares so much about her estranged husband that she actually takes the time to order him carrot sticks (we need him alive, comrades. Hillary needs him to win). Luckily for us that little diner will be put out of business after her coronation... no one will be able to survive her tax increases and that is all the more reason to vote for her. We love you, Your Excellency. We are ready to sacrifice other people for the Common Good™.

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Chairman M. S. Punchenko wrote:"She's just a small town girl",

Ah! True, I keep forgetting that she was a middle class American. She knows our pain firsthand. She too has suffered at the hands of the rich while as a teenager only being able to drive a corvette while the rich kids drove porsches. Free us your majesty!

Chairman M. S. Punchenko wrote:comrade Overly Hunted Progressive Animal.

So you noticed "the change". Once a rodent, now a fox?! You wanna know what it is about? I will be loud and obnoxious about it, just like all the other comrades; but you gotta ask.

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I heard it as a warning: a few years ago people talked about smash-mouth politics. But Our Many Titted Empress, although she is a steely disciplinarian, is politically deaf. And I wonder if the First Groper's ego will let Our Empress actually get to the White House or if he'll somehow sabotage her.

Just think how that butler's pantry off the Oval Office, if it's her Oval Office, would mock him, knowing that he wasn't in there with Monica.

And whom would she stable in the Lincoln Bedroom? A sleep over with Mr. Reno?

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Mob credentials?
I sang bass in the Wellesley Glee Club.
I have no idea what you're talking about.

Great news though! Bill and I are getting back together!
It's time for him to "Stand By Your Man".
I think I'll make that my campaign theme song.


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Why not get Jay-Z to do a rap version of "The Internationale"? And you can get Diddly Pee Pee and Louis Farrakhan to take their homies to your rallies with persuaders. After all, a dollar that walks out that's not in your pocket is a dollar not put to its best use.

And really, Empress, I think that this triangulation is getting a little bit out of hand. The party faithful are beginning to wonder if you really mean to skin them all; how long has it been since you came out with a true socialist demand to take it all and now and screw the consequences. For you and I both know that the people who make the money cannot have it for that would give them a sense of power and we can't have that. Arbitrary punishment, arbitrary rules.

I have it! When we do the national version of "It Takes a Village" we'll have a truly progressive curriculum in which the rules change every day. That way there can be no plots and no one will get a sense of order or self. Power is ours!

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Why not get Jay-Z to do a rap version of "The Internationale"? And you can get Diddly Pee Pee and Louis Farrakhan to take their homies to your rallies with persuaders.

Already done courtesy of Jihad E

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I want to have Her Excellencies baby!! (then a Punchenko will sit on the throne... MWAHAHAHA!!)

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I see that I am a newbie at the Cube. But that doesn't matter to a progressive, does it? Just because you did it before I happened along, I still get what I want.

After I shut my Mac down, I'm going to get on the phone and harangue my patent attorney who has some silly idea that I can't patent electrons. After all, if I want it, I can have it. Paris Hilton is a piker.

Meow, just how will Her Excellency impregnate you? Snap-On Tools? Their spokeswoman is Martina Navratilova, by the way.

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Meow, have you seen her arms? I have had congress with men with less sinew.

I just had a flash of Martina and Rosie having it on. It would look like a hatchet in a pumpkin.

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Dear Comrade Theocritus, why Meow most certainly can be impregnated her Excellency Our Many Tittied Empress! If the ultimate goal of feminism is the genetic obsolescence of the Y chromosome, then certainly modern medical technology will be able to create an artificial uterus so that men too can bear children. Think of The Children, Theocritus! It's all for The Children. Besides, Meow won't be the first man Her Excellency has ever f*cked in the ass!

Zampolit Boris Sukavich Blokhayev

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Zampolit, I feel sure that you are right. In fact on browsing the website of Snap-On Tools there is a special section with the celebrity sponsorship of Our Many Titted Empress, the Demon Queen of Busy-Body Hell, H8.

But what bothers me is that some of them are made of ceramics rated to 2000 degrees F, which will not melt under molten iron. Just what the hell is going on here?