
Is Your Toaster Racist? Newsweek Provides Answers

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Just as the progressive community was scraping the bottom of the barrel to rationalize America's rejection of Obama's socialist policies and to provide plausible but untrue reasons for the 9-12 Tea Party in Washington, DC, Newsweek boosted their efforts with an effective subliminal image on this week's cover, leaving no doubt that the debate is all about race. A picture of a white baby with large black letters over its face "Is your baby racist?" is a brave new take on the olden-but-golden response "You're a racist!" to every difficult question.The article describing the study of the 6-month-old babies may in itself be innocuous, but the picture on the cover is worth a thousand words inside the magazine, especially if you don't bother to read it.

In fact, it's worth the entire content of the magazine for those who already are too depressed about the issue and instead just walk away from the newsstand with a vague impression of white guilt that reinforces every gloomy stereotype instilled in the American populace by progressive education.

Was it a deliberate visual agitation and propaganda on part of Newsweek's editorial board? If it wasn't, the only other explanation is a properly conditioned progressive response to new information, achieved by decades of training aimed at replacing thinking with korrekt clichés.Either way, we believe Newsweek has earned the prestigious "Beet of the week" award and recommend that Commissarka Pinkie sends all mothers of the members of the their board of directors bumper stickers saying "My son is a beet of the week at"

We were able to obtain versions of two rejected covers for this week's issue:



Another rejected Newsweek cover found: "Is your cat racist?"


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Yes, my toaster IS Racist! It does not make BLACK toast, only golden brown!

My FEET are Racist! They will only wear white sneakers!

My DOCTOR is a Racist! He told someone I know he had a BLACK spot on his lung and wanted to remove it!

My Auto Mechanic is Racist! He removed spark plugs from my car because they were black!

Chicago White Sox fans are Racist (this one should be obvious.)

Astronomers are Racist! They never blame WHITE HOLES for sucking up everything that comes near them!

Gosh, Racists and Racism are EVERYWHERE! It has been underground for many years, hiding in subtle forms just beneath the perception of the average person. But now that Obama has ascended to the presidency, it has reappeared in all its UGLINESS, hiding under the guise of "respectable" policy debate.

There is only one thing to do; a massive government funded re-education campaign led by ACORN, Jesse Jackson and Spike Lee must begin immediately! For Amerikkka's own good, this vile illness must be purged. Every man, woman and child will henceforth be followed by a government racial equality technician who will scrutinze their every move for any signs of subliminal racism and take immediate action to correct same if found!


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Comrade Red Square,

Thank you so much for bringing this important subject up for discussion. Of course, all white toasters are racists. And we're going to be able to keep those toasters scared for many years to come.

I hear that Dear Leader, hee, hee, keeps bottles and bottle of white guilt at his make-up table. It's what gives his light coffee and cream complexion that glow of confidence. He uses white guilt toothpaste, too. Kanye West is also a big user of white guilt. It gives him the confidence to jump on a stage and bash a beautiful female performer with milky porcelain skin.

Now, just imagine if the situation had been reversed. Let's say that Beyonce had won the award, and a white musician got up on stage, grabbed the microphone from Beyonce, and shouted out that Taylor Swift should have been given the award. There is no way he could have gotten away with it. He wouldn't have dared. He didn't have the use of white guilt at his disposal.

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{off} Ahh Eugenics will slowly return to the left.

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I denounce Comrade Extra Tasty Crispy for failing to notice the Party Approved(TM) {off} tag that I used.

I am redistributing several moments of your time to the beet fields now Comrade.

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Soylent Green is Chicken! Soylent Green is Chicken! (And cats, and dogs, and proles)

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I see Comrade Buffalo Wings is stuck on "Race Card". I'm sure once his vodka ration arrives that he'll be fine.

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Your RACISM appalls me!!! Buffalo Wings!?! That's RACIST!!! What because I'm a RED rooster you make Native American cracks at my heritage and feather color!?!

Buffalo Wings are red, and Buffalo's? Pfffft... Everyone knows that Buffalo Burgers are an insult to red Native American cows, and Buffalo Wings are what my chicken indigenous ancestors have been called for generations!!!!


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What Comrade Garlic and Herb Oven Roasted fails to understand is that I transcend race. Race is useful for allotting quotas and ensuring some groups are made more equal than others to soothe WhiteGuilt(TM) but beyond that, it is simply a tool for controlling the masses. I fear your latest Jifi-Lobo(TM) didn't take.

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I demand equality in the number of times one can say RACIST in succession!

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Oh, did I redistribute a couple of moments so you couldn't say Racist as many times as I did? Darn. Not all moments are equal, and none truly belong to you comrade. Be a good bird, and I'll give you an extra hour tonight.

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(Karakter Off)

Red Square, my wife saw this cover today on the newsstand and immediately had a similar reaction. This is pure, carefully-crafted agitprop served up as news. The subliminal messages are none too subtle, either.

The extent to which the Downstream Media (they pick up the stories that Fox and Conservative bloggers don't want) is in bed with the Obama adminisration is too extreme to merely be ideological agreement or affinity. Their coordinated cooperation has the structure and persistence that imply close partnership. This goes beyond 'helping' our Organizer in Chief...there are tangible benefits being offered here. Why else would these state organs be so willing to drive off the cliff with sinking profits and audience share? What would adequately compensate them for commiting suicide?

I fully expect to see a government bailout of Big Media, but only those who play by the 'Rules for Radicals'...

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{off} I have to disagree with some of your assessment of MSM General, but I have to confess I do sales for a couple of smallish dailies, and they are mostly concerned with the local market, and less about "agenda". Perhaps the major national players have an axe to grind, but I firmly believe your typical paper that serves a couple of counties really isn't out to do much but serve as a print media for the area they serve, with no major agenda to serve outside of local issues.

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[BLOCKQUOTE]Unfortunately, Mr. James concludes his piece by indulging in what George Bush (or one of his speech writers) so eloquently referred to as “the soft bigotry of low expectations.”
[BLOCKQUOTE]“It's also important to keep in mind that ACORN's workers are coming from the same low-income neighborhoods the organization serves, with all that entails — poor schools, high crime and the sorts of social problems that have been documented for decades.”
“So the flaws conservatives are pointing out about ACORN are not so much problems associated with that organization per se but more about the problems of being poor and minority in urban America.”[/BLOCKQUOTE]
It's true that the neglect of school children in the inner cities and elsewhere is morally wrong and possibly criminal. It is arguably the systemic root of much of what ails America. And it's true that liberal government policies dating back three generations have served to warehouse the poor while creating perverse financial incentives to underachieve, i.e. welfare policies that encouraged the poorest to forgo savings, to ignore career and college ambitions and to have multiple children outside of marriage. Even so, it is sick and condescending to assume that the poor and disenfranchised lack any moral compass. The aforementioned behavior, financially speaking, is perfectly rational — thanks to our government. The implicit suggestion that these people “don't know better” than to abet child prostitution is the height of racism and arrogance.[/BLOCKQUOTE] ... #more-3118


This Maura Flynn has to be sent for End of Life Counselling for the terrible crime of White Guiltlessness!

Plus, she rabidly attacks a white comrade who displays a healthy, Party Approved degree of White Guilt.

A Luta Continua!


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Comrade Red

I just realized there is a typo on the rejected Newsweek covers: "Rasist"
Maybe that is why the editor rejected them?


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My sister had a dog who was racist. He was sent to the farm. I am not a racist because:<P><img src="">

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I'm missing the "Rasist" joke.

Oh...and it's "Neil" Armstrong on the right banner column.

Umm, same subject...and it's Ben & Jerry, not "Gerry".

I think we've just fallen into a typo "black hole"...ooops....

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You see how our progressive Russian comrades long ago invented black bread to combat the racist overtones of white bread. Again, we lag so far behind.

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General Mousey-Tongue wrote:(Karakter Off)

Red Square, my wife saw this cover today on the newsstand and immediately had a similar reaction. This is pure, carefully-crafted agitprop served up as news. The subliminal messages are none too subtle, either.

The extent to which the Downstream Media (they pick up the stories that Fox and Conservative bloggers don't want) is in bed with the Obama adminisration is too extreme to merely be ideological agreement or affinity. Their coordinated cooperation has the structure and persistence that imply close partnership. This goes beyond 'helping' our Organizer in Chief...there are tangible benefits being offered here. Why else would these state organs be so willing to drive off the cliff with sinking profits and audience share? What would adequately compensate them for commiting suicide?

I fully expect to see a government bailout of Big Media, but only those who play by the 'Rules for Radicals'...


I've been calling them the Obama Harem hoping that that label would get some traction, but your term, Downstream Media, will still be usable after this administration is over. I like it.

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First, all the typos were all deliberate, and if you didn't get them, it was your own fault. The names of those who complained were marked with red pencil; their rations have been reduced.*

Second, all those guilty of making the typos have been relocated to areas with colder climate to participate in shovel-ready projects fenced with barbed wire. We call it "climate change." Ha-ha! Get it? Get it?
* Comrade Obamugabe did not have his rations reduced because his phrase (on another thread) was used in the agitprop image.

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Comrades, in the spirit of self criticism, I must confess, I too am a racist. Just the other day I discriminated. I made a choice. That choice was based on my preferences.

Yes, the waitress asked me if I wanted white bread or wheat, without hesitating or thinking, I chose the wheat bread. Oh sure, I regretted my hasty decision later, but at the moment I let bias dictate my decision.

Can I ever be forgiven for such a lapse? NEVER! I will wear the shame of my thought crime to the grave.

I'm glad to report that Kommissarette Maxine Waters wants to probe the racial views of "birthers and the teabaggers" at rallies like the 9.12 rally in DC. "I want those people talked to; I want them interviewed," Waters said.

- ... for-racism

We can all sleep well tonight with Kommissarette Waters on her vigilant watch. On a separate note, hiring at DHS is expected to skyrocket.

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Comrade Red

I must remind you that I am the Great Leader of the Glorious Zimbabwean Revolution. All rations emanate from me. So even though I appreciate your beneficence in not rationing me, you could not ration me even if you wanted.

Now that that is behind us -- It is obvious that I, the Great Obamugabe who can never be fooled, "got" the reason for the typos.

BUT I must insist that you explain it here so that we can be sure that YOU GOT IT.



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But it's so stupid. Babies don't know race from anything. I remember my parents knew a couple that adopted a couple of black kids when I was a baby and I remembered them but they moved away and then when I was a teen they sent us a picture and I was surprised that the two were black; as a baby I hadn't even noticed. I can only imagine it's that way for all babies.

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If Comrade Marxine wants to investigate racists, she can take a look at the Imperial Grand Wizard Robert Byrd, or whomever is pulling the string on the back of his neck.

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As an auto racing enthusiast I'm very pleased with this thread about racing and racist, although I've always referred to them as racers. Here's to the best TV show from the BBC, Top Gear.

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RACIST MSM wrote:CAMPBELL BROWN: (music) ...vicious, racist imagery attacking our first African-American president.

LAWRENCE O'DONNELL: (newsroom noise) Gentleman Joe Wilson has done much to make the racist history of South Carolina jump back into our present consciousness.

CANDY CROWLEY: (b-roll) Critics think this is about resistance to a black man as president.

JAMES CARVILLE: People are upset with President Obama because of the color of his skin. Who cannot believe that?

CHRIS MATTHEWS: Could there be a refusal to accept the legitimacy of Barack Obama as president because of his race?

WOLF BLITZER: A small but disturbing minority within the tea party movement is also blatantly anti-black.

JOHN RIDLEY: When you talk about racial image, this is not just standard debate.

ELAINE QUIJANO: (b-roll) A small but passionate minority is also voicing what some see as racist rhetoric.

JOHN AVLON: Hitler. Communism. Racism. All this ugliness is bubbling up.

ANDERSON COOPER: There is an undercurrent of racism in some of the criticism of the president.

JUAN WILLIAMS: An attack on somebody because you really don't like the fact that they are president or because of their race.

ROSS DOUTHAT: Clearly Barack Obama's race plays some role in the kind of anxieties that are roiling the political right.

CLARENCE PAGE: (outdoor noise) People are not just mad at Obama. They are mad at Jesse Jackson. They are mad at Reverend Wright. They are mad at Al Sharpton. They are mad at people who have nothing to do with Obama except they all happen to be black.

I didn't see one thing in the above about Red Roosters! I'm pissed! LIVID!!! I expect some acknowledgment here from the racist MSM!

It's not easy being Red dammit!

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Another rejected Newsweek cover found: "Is your cat racist?"


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In 1974, when Jimmy Carter was setting his sights on his "change," Hollywood was busy fighting racism with some very special treats for the masses, a la drive-in style.

What we need is Richard Burton to fight for right and might against white! [Note: When Burton and Marvin met months later, memories of even making this movie were vague due to alcohol comsumption while filming.]

Also filmed in 1974, a masterpiece demonstrating red rooster racism. Notice the GOOD treatment of the WHITE cock versus the fate of the red one. There's your proof Comrade RR...hatred is timeless, and exists against all people and poultry of color (especially in the South.)

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Red Square wrote:Another rejected Newsweek cover found: "Is your cat racist?"

In accordance with all things progressive and politically correct, it is hencefore ordered and ordained that all references to black cats being "unlucky" shall cease and desist.

Furthermore, all publik skool curriculum shall be modified to exclude said language.

All Halloween decor shall not include any images of black cats. Only white cats shall be deemed "unlucky" or "evil". Failure to comply with this order could mean imprisonment or require kommunity service for up to 6 months at an ACORN Approved Brothel.

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Also filmed in 1974, a masterpiece demonstratingred rooster racism. Notice the GOOD treatment of the WHITE cock versusthe fate of the red one. There's your proof Comrade RR...hatred istimeless, and exists against all people and poultry of color(especially in the South.)

I KNEW IT!Dammit I want reparations! RED ROOSTER REPARATIONS NOW!!!

Meanwhile, comrades, it ain't looking so good out there for us spreading our racial race baiting, in da hood. Seems they now know that LBJ said after signing the civil rights bill, "We'll have those niggers voting for us for 100 years!" AND I found this going around my old hood...

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Obamugabe wrote:Comrade Red

I must remind you that I am the Great Leader of the Glorious Zimbabwean Revolution. All rations emanate from me. So even though I appreciate your beneficence in not rationing me, you could not ration me even if you wanted.

Now that that is behind us -- It is obvious that I, the Great Obamugabe who can never be fooled, "got" the reason for the typos.

BUT I must insist that you explain it here so that we can be sure that YOU GOT IT.



Comrade Obamugabe, you must understand that all rations come through Comrade Red Square, and all on the Cube must submit to him. You must also understand that through a strange fluke of centrally planned time, all ration requests have been filed for sometime in the distant future, and cannot be filled until then. However, there are now ample supplies of burlap bags, and a large shipment of Ladas (without transmissions, those will come in another, shipment at a later date) are on their way to your nation.

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Is your bleach racist? "I've never seen whiter whites!"

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Colonel 7.62 wrote:Comrade Obamugabe, you must understand that all rations come through Comrade Red Square, and all on the Cube must submit to him. You must also understand that through a strange fluke of centrally planned time, all ration requests have been filed for sometime in the distant future, and cannot be filled until then. However, there are now ample supplies of burlap bags, and a large shipment of Ladas (without transmissions, those will come in another, shipment at a later date) are on their way to your nation.

Comrade Colonel

I am afraid I am caught in a paradox here, probably a time paradox because of some treacherous oversight in your department. As I have stated "All rations emanate from me." You have stated that " All rations come through Comrade Red Square".

Both these statements are obviously Absolute Truth.

May I suggest that we resolve this Paradox with the time tested Party Approved Paradox Resolution Theory that "All Paradoxes can be resolved by calling Someone a Racist."

It is clear from my Avatar that I am a Black Man. Therefore according to Party Approved Principles I cannot be the racist.

Comrade Colonel, in order to resolve the above paradox I have no choice but to denounce you as a racist.

Unless of course you are also Black, in which case we will go to the next level of paradox resolution: "It was Bush's fault."



User avatar
Obamugabe wrote:
Colonel 7.62 wrote:Comrade Obamugabe, you must understand that all rations come through Comrade Red Square, and all on the Cube must submit to him. You must also understand that through a strange fluke of centrally planned time, all ration requests have been filed for sometime in the distant future, and cannot be filled until then. However, there are now ample supplies of burlap bags, and a large shipment of Ladas (without transmissions, those will come in another, shipment at a later date) are on their way to your nation.

Comrade Colonel

I am afraid I am caught in a paradox here, probably a time paradox because of some treacherous oversight in your department. As I have stated "All rations emanate from me." You have stated that " All rations come through Comrade Red Square".

Both these statements are obviously Absolute Truth.

May I suggest that we resolve this Paradox with the time tested Party Approved Paradox Resolution Theory that "All Paradoxes can be resolved by calling Someone a Racist."

It is clear from my Avatar that I am a Black Man. Therefore according to Party Approved Principles I cannot be the racist.

Comrade Colonel, in order to resolve the above paradox I have no choice but to denounce you as a racist.

Unless of course you are also Black, in which case we will go to the next level of paradox resolution: "It was Bush's fault."




There, now that the current provision paradox is past,

It's time to go back to an earlier discussion...

Hey Popeyes Extra Crispy Gizzards, you're still a racists!

I have proof, why he's not even Red.


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DDR Kamerad wrote:Is your bleach racist? "I've never seen whiter whites!"

I had to throw my drinking cup away today when I found out how racist it was. All white, with no black lettering. How dare that cup insult me so, and I've known it for so long. Its racist tendencies never came out until today.

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Is your bleach racist? "I've never seen whiter whites!"

Hah! Racist! I bet you separate the whites and the colors when you do laundry!

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Comrade Obamugabe, while you are correct over the paradox issue, you are wrong over it being a race issue. This too is part of Central Planning, although you simply are too low on the rank scale to see why it must be done. The careful balancing of universes, realities, and the occasional drunken prank here at the People's Office of Time Management and Redistribution. Sad to say, your universe got called into existence after four bottles of vodka, a comely secretary dancing wildly (and unclothed), as well as the sudden crashing of the main computers at the office. We still haven't figured out how to send you back. Sadly you'll have to comply with this universe's directives until things get straightened out. I hope you'll accept the container load of caviar, and the thousand gallon tank of vodka to tide you over. Oh, and we sent some wheat, or moldy bread, or raw chicken, or something of that nature as rations for your people too.

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Comrade Colonel

I gladly accept the Caviar and Vodka.

I also magnanimously accept your apology for insulting the Great Zimbabwean Revolution.

A Luta Continua!

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Reiuxcat wrote:


There, now that the current provision paradox is past,

It's time to go back to an earlier discussion...

Hey Popeyes Extra Crispy Gizzards, you're still a racists!

I have proof, why he's not even Red.



Now here is a progressive chicken. Seems "Mike" was able to linger on for about 18 months after his "re-education".


How about NEWSWEEK cover with .........


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My toothpaste is racist. I looked at the label and it glorified "whitening" and promised a "whiter smile".

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Racist dog attacks Obama at White House pool.

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Reiuxcat wrote:Racist dog attacks Obama at White House pool.

Another racist dog.

<object width="560" height="340"><param name="movie" value=" ... ram><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="560" height="340"></embed></object>

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Reiuxcat wrote:


There, now that the current provision paradox is past,

It's time to go back to an earlier discussion...

Hey Popeyes Extra Crispy Gizzards, you're still a racists!

I have proof, why he's not even Red.


Comrade Kitty Litter,

Of course you know this honkey chicken above is not in truth the great Red Rooster below....

Infidel Castrate wrote: PROG OFF

Now here is a progressive chicken. Seems "Mike" was able to linger on for about 18 months after his "re-education".


Headless Mike! Hero of The Global Chicken Coop! All Hail Headless Mike!!!


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What does a Rooster need bat wings for? Most unusual. Most suspicious Most.... ooh look! A cleverly located pile of money next to my keyboard. Bat wings on a Rooster. Brilliant! Astounding! Truly progressive!

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Superkommissar Maksim wrote:As an auto racing enthusiast I'm very pleased with this thread about racing and racist, although I've always referred to them as racers. Here's to the best TV show from the BBC, Top Gear.

Of coures the Stig is racist (he's white) as is the whole show. Dont you remember what the English did to the Black Stig...... They shot him off an aircraft carrier.....

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Red Square wrote:Another rejected Newsweek cover found: "Is your cat racist?"


Instead of hello kitty we give you HitlerKitty the great new banner toy for racist kids everywhere! BRILLIANT !!

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A flow chart courtesy of the Houston Chronicle blogs:

<img width="577" src=" ... 5.Full.jpg">

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Glorious Trapezoidal Leader,

I have inscribed this chart in the barn yard grass with contractors paint, The chics play it all day long! I still have not been able to get past the first circle. I am contemplating building a merry-go-round with Karl Marx goats on top of it.

On another thought, I may reword the current play thing with the "Commissarka May I" dialectic.

Here's to Progress(TM)!

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A very helpful visual guide, Comrade Square. I shall present it to all the kulaks in the Metro Detroit area. They will be unable to hide their shameful schemes any longer!!

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I thought that was Newspeak magazine.

Love the Hitler kitty.

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I'm a Speed Racist - dissing all other people in under 5 minutes.

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Shortly after this issue hit the newsstands, I was in the grocery store and came across it. I picked it up to peruse it briefly and I rolled my eyes and moaned under my breath "This is a crock o'sh**". Unknown to me a "sista" was standing behind me. She goes off on me and, of course, called me a racist. I tried to point out the absurdity of this article in that babie have no concept of race or ethnicity and thus have to LEARN to be racist, but that was to no avail. As this article and this woman highlighted, stupidity is color-blind.

Upon finishing up in the check-out, my g/f saw this going on, quickly came over, kissed me and said "Honey! We need to get going or we're going to be late.". She grabs my hand and hauls me off. This heifer that was railing on me ... shut up the second my g/f kissed me. She looked like she wanted to explode in a rage but knew better. I think she wanted to go off on my girlfriend. However, it was a good thing that she didn't because it would have been on. Two loudmouth black women going at it in the grocery store.... the thought of how vicious that would have been makes me shudder.


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Dearest Comrades,

I'm so sorry I have been so absent of late as I could have cleared up the entire debate of whether babies are indeed racist or not, very quickly.

Without a doubt, babies are racist. Just as first chickens, whether Red as a Rooster on the outside or not, were, on the inside, the first 'white meat', and pigs the next, so too are babies now the newest white meat.

Image Babies: The Next White Meat*

As you can see, the food industry is in the process of gearing up for their next 'healthy meat' advertising campaign, and as 'red meat' is generally seen as unhealthy (clearly anathema to Party doctrine... policy, as anything red is, by definition, healthy for the Party™ and its tools... members... except lying Cocks, who are only Red on the outside), and 'black meat' is generally considered to be unhygienic (though why there is such an unbalanced focus on 'black' meat in this instance, I don't know, as I believe green meat is generally seen as equally unhygienic... though I do have a green toaster... but not green toast)... Then not only the food industry as a whole, but now most certainly, babies, will, of necessity in a kapitalist milieu, be required to be racist if they are to be seen to be healthy and therefore, kompetitive (Ptui!). White meat is, after all, equated with health in Amerikkka, is it not? I am never sure, as in Kanadistan, any meat, particularly by the end of the interminable winter when our food stores are bordering on nil, is considered healthy... hell... by the end of winter, wall-paper paste is considered healthy...

In any case, I hope this helps to clear up the debate, however late it may have come. I will be home soon, my dears... I am only finishing up hunting the last of whatever I can before the sun sets for the long winter months, in order to keep the pod from starving. I shall be with you all, much more, soon...

Oooh! There's a big... something living... must go!
Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang,
Sister Massively Opiated.

P.S. Dear Beelzebob... "We sweep dead people"... Love, the Kommissariate of Housekeeping...

* Thank you to for providing proof of the meat industy's "next big campaigne". Kapitalism is indeed an awful thing.

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Welcome back Comrade Sister! It is good to see your smiling face, and the improvement in cleanliness around here. I trust you are feeling better?

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Sister! Due to Colonel's Chronological Powers we have been able to go back to your past and obtain a childhood portrait from the time you were a cute Girl Scout. The dreamy eyes didn't change at all.


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Is that Meow and Pupovich in the background running out with loot from the house?

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Red Square wrote:Life imitates the People's Cube.

Robot racism? Yes, says a study showing humans' biases extend to robots

What Color is your Robot?

Perhaps a new Oprah book recommendation.

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And it's not only that those Boston-Dyn cyborgs never wear a turban, or - equality! - a chador.

Also, they are always glutted with those contraptions of the White Man - cables, bolts, ICs, LEDs, displays, optics, levers, motherboards, sensors, controls, software inside, you name it...

Never you see there Arabtech, Congohardware, Papuasensorics incorporated!

You ever pondered where the term 'robot' actually comes from?
Up, up, kommissars Slavicists! Davay, davay, na rabotu!

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Genosse Dummkopf wrote:You ever pondered where the term 'robot' actually comes from?
Up, up, kommissars Slavicists! Davay, davay, na rabotu!
I don't need to look it up - it's a Slavic word meaning "he who does the work" and it was first coined by a Czech writer Karel Čapek (ChAHpeck) who among other things wrote science fiction. Other sci-fi writers picked it up from him, and the rest is history.

I remember reading his War with the Salamanders and something else in high school, as my parents had his collected works in our home library (5 or 6 volumes).

User avatar
Genosse Dummkopf wrote:...
You ever pondered ...
Red Square wrote:
Genosse Dummkopf wrote:You ever pondered ...
I don't need to look it up ...
That was a generic "[highlight=#ffff00]Komrade![/highlight]", as in "[highlight=#ffff00]Komrades & Komradettes![/highlight]".

Icepick forbid I would evah even think of addressing Komrade Direktor that direktly.
(only to see him draw his Nagant (aka Наган М1895) and give me its cold evil eye?)

In kommunistic magnanimity, Komrade Direktor chose not to engage Kommissar Наган (this time, that is). Instead, he enlightened the Kollektive by sketching this glorious troika: Slavic word [rabota/robota][=work] Čapek robot.

Btw, while at that:
Russian, and Russian-affine languages (Ukrainian, Belarussian) plus all Russian-akin ones (Bulgarian, Bosnian, Macedonian, Serbian) know the word rab/rob, meaning 'slave'.
(The not-so-close-to-Russian - Polish, Czech, Slovak, Slovenian - know robota but not rab/rob.)

Me not a linguist, but for sure there is a connection between rabota/robota and rab/rob.
Just yet another variant of the chicken-or-egg conundrum, eh?


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Students Sign Petition To Ban ‘Oppressive' White Stick Figure In ‘Walk' Signals


In Campus Reform's latest video, Campus Correspondent Ethan Cai asks students at George Washington University if they'd be willing to sign a petition calling for banning the iconic white stick figure in "walk" signals because they are "oppressive." Most of the students are happy to join the "inclusive" effort.

"As we students cross the street, we are told by the symbol of a white man when it is okay to cross," Campus Reform's faux petition reads. "Many students from diverse backgrounds, including individuals of color, gender fluid individuals, and LGBTQA+ individuals, feel oppressed by this." Students who sign the petition are supposedly letting the university know that they "vehemently urge the University to consider changing the crosswalk signs."

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Red Square wrote:"As we students cross the street, we are told by the symbol of a white man when it is okay to cross," Campus Reform's faux petition reads. "Many students from diverse backgrounds, including individuals of color, gender fluid individuals, and LGBTQA+ individuals, feel oppressed by this." Students who sign the petition are supposedly letting the university know that they "vehemently urge the University to consider changing the crosswalk signs."[/i][/indentr]

And what about all the disabled people that can't even walk! The hate has got to stop! Hate has no place in our streets!

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Margaret wrote:
Red Square wrote:"As we students cross the street, we are told by the symbol of a white man when it is okay to cross," Campus Reform's faux petition reads. "Many students from diverse backgrounds, including individuals of color, gender fluid individuals, and LGBTQA+ individuals, feel oppressed by this." Students who sign the petition are supposedly letting the university know that they "vehemently urge the University to consider changing the crosswalk signs."

And what about all the disabled people that can't even walk! The hate has got to stop! Hate has no place in our streets!
Not to mention the visually challenged who cannot see the signs at all, the amputees differently-appendaged who must gaze upon figures swinging two arms and two legs each, and of course the species who have fewer or more than two legs and/or arms to begin with! Oh, the suffering, the pain! The exclusion and hate!

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Margaret wrote:... And what about all the disabled people that can't even walk! ...
Only when the stick figure depicts a Central African gender fluid alternatively abled* special needs Jewx (yes, yes, -x) of Scandinavo-Arabic roots and Far Eastern slit-eyed face yet aboriginal-style flat nose, intersectionally fully accomplished and sexually drawn to rhododendrons, only then will it satisfy the advancedest proglo-feelthink and be embraced by all Humanity-2000.

* thanks, Margaret!

But wait.. 'stick'?
And what about clay? A 'figure' can be made of clay, no? Or of berg-crystal? Or, like protons? ...

And then, what about speciesism? Who says, the 'figure' must be a 'human', however modelled?
Why not a kitten*? An octopus? A nice extraterrestrial? Or Gitchie Manitou?
For crying out loud, how 'bout a likeness of Holy Number Pi, made of.. one word.. plastics?

* waving my anthropoid paw to you, Komradette RedD!

Yeah, the world was simpler, back then in 2009 . . .
It was only RRRAAAAAcism, and only a f*ing toaster . . . . .

P.S. Surprise!
Yesterday edited, today submitted - and now I see, Komradette Kitten was already at work here, in between. Hello, RedD!