
Lets Support Vice Premier Biden

Comrades, we must do all we can to support the vice premier as he takes to the stage to defend socialism in the upcoming debate against the capitalist Paul Ryan.

For the common good,


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Dear Comrade Joe, this is not my first Purge. I know when the ship is about to sink, and I already have my suitcase packed (actually, the clothes on my back are enough, as long as I keep my head on my shoulders).

We all know that the Dэaя Lэadэя's Re-election campaign is sinking, and that Premier Biden is now being fattened for the Day of Reckoning. If anyone must fall, it must never be our Dэaя Lэadэя Obama.

Don't forget the days of THE GANG OF FOUR:


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Comrade Joe is pumping up his supporters as we speak!


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Don't forget about Joe's IQ. I know I have.

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When you work with the "'smartest man in the room", you don't need an IQ.

Even if you average their two IQ's, and you still end up at high-end genius.


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I have it from a reliable source that Comrade Biden plans to make a very unorthodox entry to the debate on Thursday night!

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May we assume that the duck has the technology to change the traffic lights so that Dear Leader (PBUH) doesn't have to wait when he and Moochele need entertainment for the children?

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In support of your post, I'd like to make a musical tribute to our dear Joe Biden! Seriously! This video kicks some serious butt!

Cool Joe, Mean Joe, Killer Joe! Every diverse person joins in! Do I see Utopia, or what?

\Dig it Comrades! Yeah!

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Right you are, Pamalinsky !

Why, I can even smell the administration's " Utopia " from here .

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It has been brought to my attention that 'ol Joe has just received the Pinocchio Shoe Award for a factual and truthful debate with his rethuglikkkan rival.

A collector's edition "Joe Biden" ChiaPet is under way, complete with shoe-in-mouth, that you simply water and watch it grow.

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Comrade Joe has laughed his way to victory!


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Hey Comrade Putout, I forgot to mention, just love the über cool Obamatat on your arm. Best tat EVER. Nice touch.