
Mr. Obama, Denounce This Hateful Political Agitprop, NOW!

POLL: Are you offended by this attack portraying Dear Leader as the psychotic megalomaniac that she is?

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I'm sure you are all quite aware of the slanderous propaganda bit circulating around the Gulagosphere and other media outlets. Stop shaking your head; we know you've seen this slanderous filth, this false depiction, this… this… un-Lenin like garbage! Oh yes, we know you've seen it because the Reich-Wing media is all reporting on it, and we know they control the broadcast in this fascist warmongering country that we're forced to live in. OK, for those who don't know what I'm talking about, I'll fill you in.

I'm talking about the hit piece made by an Obama supporter depicting our Dear Leader, Her Most Exalted Majesty, Her Grace, Her Excellency, Protector of Socialism, Harbinger of Hope, Hillary R. Clinton as nothing more than a Big Brother figure trying to seize power and enslave us all under the benevolence of the Nanny State.

Warning: This article contains a propaganda video depicting Her Excellency in an honest, flattering, yet disturbing manner for Obamarama political gain. Please use caution when viewing and keep children, swing voters and small appliances away - even if that means locking them in an air-tight room for nine hours .

Now then, Her Excellency is very much offended by this hit job – but do not let this confuse you. Yes, she is indeed a Big Brother figure complete with the necessary physical and mental characteristics (and parts) to be considered a Brother, or more bluntly, a man. Yes, she will usurp all power and will be worshipped upon her coronation to the title of Empress of the known Universe. However, the tone and image presented by this Obama operative is in no way up to Her Excellencies standards of “correct and fair representation”.

First, their will be no daily broadcast of Her Excellency when she assumes absolute power over the masses, this is due in part to Her Excellencies busy schedule of purging, taking away from you on behalf of the Common Good™, and of course, her inability to be captured on film because of her status as Supreme Deity. Secondly, Her Excellency will not tolerate proles dressed in fine grey garb, proles are to be dressed in filthy potato sacks and will not be allowed any more TV time (because there will be no TVs in our progressive world of next Tuesday, sorry Lupe).

As a progressive, a hypocrite and a Goremon, I can say, in complete confidence, that I'm completely morally outraged by this video and place full blame on the Obama/Neo-Con/Plantation House junta in their attack on our Dear Leader. My only wish now is that you, the Party faithful, also reach the same conclusion that I have - because if you don't, well… I can guarantee you will be summoned for a special limo ride to Ft. Marcy Park. But please, view the video before you accept and parrot my conclusion.

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Actually, I thought it was quite flattering. The part I don't understand is that poor misguided womyn resorting to violence by tossing that hammer. What's next? Sickles? I mean, is violence really necessary? In my Village there will be no unapproved violence. This womyn could have contacted my website and if she had a different opinion other than mine we could of had a chat, I'd say "Let's talk" and then while I kept her online a tracer on her IP address would have her tracked down and a Black Maria would have been dispatched, she would have been re-educated and that totally uncalled for hammer tossing thing would have been avoided. Other than that, I thought it was great. I'll give it 3 and 1/2 Red Stars out of 5


Why are you looking at me like that?

How many time have I said "No eye contact!"?

Hillary '08

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Your Most Supreme Excellency, hallowed be Thy name,

I couldn't agree with you more, because if I didn't I would surely be pulled from my plush bed in the dead of night, beaten half to death, interrogated, and finally buried next to Vince with a matching bullet hole to the noggin. I too see this hit piece as flattering - but, with that said; I must denounce Mr. Obama (we know you did it! Don't lie to us!) for trying to "define" you for his own selfish political gain. Hopefully the Useful Idiots will see this piece in the same light as the Party faithful and come to realize that you are better than Stalin in regards to your ruthless character.

<bows and crawls away>

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I must denounce Mr. Obama

Don't worry, no sense in that, he's Iam's Dog Food.

By September he's finished, it's all fixed. Nice try Obama. Rookie.


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Your Excellency, HRC!!!

How can you be "flattered"? This commercial failed to show any scenes of you whipping Comrade Former President Bill Clit-on while wearing that lovely black leather outfit you bought last year at the May Day celebrations in Berkeley, CA. You know, the one that flatters your man-boobs? But no! Obamabutt forgot to include that and for that sin he shall pay!!!!!!!!!!!

Zampolit B. S. Blokhayev.

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The part I don't understand is that poor misguided womyn resorting to violence by tossing that hammer.

If you look closely, you can see that she is listening to an iPod. It had probably assimilated her and took over her mind.