
MSNBC Shows Off Common Core Geography Skills

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Our friends at MSNBC have recently covered the “crisis” in Eastern Europe, and of course, how can you cover such a situation without presenting a map of the surrounding countries? But as some of our older comrades notice, (including our People's Director) something's… a bit off with the picture. Do you see it? Over to the left there's a little country called Czechoslovakia; of course, this country hasn't actually existed for over 20 years now.
Our Progressive comrades have not made a mistake, however; they're just illustrating their brilliant expertise in Common Core Geography, where old, worn out ideas of “borders” and “national identities” are nothing more than the similarly blasphemous concepts of “freedom” and “individuality”, which are considered detrimental to our cause.
In Common Core Geography, we try to expand beyond these limited ideas and further move towards a global presence. We must pursue greater efforts to inform the Future Workers of these concepts, after all, some of them will one day be our Prussian and Yugoslavian ambassadors.

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Comrade Sovremennyy, this, of course, involves Current Geography™, which - like Current Truth™ - is wholly dependent upon what's good for the Party (first) and the Collective (somewhere down the list).

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Kamerad ROCK has hereby Spoken Truth To Power! The World Map must be modified to Serve The Party's Ends! Thus if The Former Peoples' Heroic Soviet known as "czechoslovakia" has shamelessly drifted back into the a "Czech Republic" Revanchist Crime Against The Proletariat, then Someone Needs To Act! - And NOW!

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And don't forget another major player in that region - the Austro-Hungarian Empire!

Breaking: President Obama secures alliance with Austro-Hungarian Empire against Russia's aggression in Ukraine


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Where is the Holy Roman Empire on this? We usually follow their lead.

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I also propose a multi-national peacekeeping force to include troops from Rhodesia, the Belgian Congo, and Greer County.

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Isn't Rhodesia still in conflict with Tanganyika and Zanzibar? I'll bet they'd all like a dacha on the beaches of Ceylon...

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There is a lot of confusion over at BSNBC these days...


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Breaking news..Standing Prime Minister of the Third German Reich has pledged military action against the Ottoman Empire if current Sultan Suleiman lends any financial assistance to The armies fighting of the Golden Horde in the fight over the Crimean peninsula against the forces of the Gökturk Khaganate. The move has come under criticism from the President of the Confederate States of America, who warns Khagan Tashbar to "Not evahhn Thank 'bout tryin' no funny business."

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When The President ran as a Whig back in 2012, he was opposed to intervention in foreign affairs like the sacking of the Benghazi Consulate at the hands of the Vandals, but now seems to be leaning in favor of supporting the Picts in their fight against the Manchu Liberation Army, and Hun incursions into the confederation of the Rhine.In other news, congressman Ugg Gorf of the Proto-Indo-european Senate has announced today the creation of a new congressional budget that would include provisions for King Gilgamesh to construct a large wall around Ur to keep out Illegal immigrants from Eastasia, tornados, Dragons, and the Antediluvian Giants. The UN, the Warsaw Pact, the Greater Eastasian Co prosperity sphere,The Galactic Empire, and Facebook, the worlds largest Superpower, all condemn this action as Reactionary and Evil.

Success, Comrades! The President has found a diplomat who can speak Austrian!

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Omnis Gallia in tres partes divisa est.

Should the tres partes not be shown more clearly on the map?

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Manchukuo. They're the ones to watch if you ask me.