
My test this forum number 2. trfekiol.

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Another attempt to infiltrate the People's collective with subversive literature. Holder will not prosecute if the perpetrator is a panther or related animal.

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Comrade Opiate!

Also this Rat is a clever prole to engage the citizenry of our collective and not the military thus ensuring a civilian trail and not a proper military tribunal. This will give him the chance to hire lawyers, tie up the court system and have a public platform in which he can spout his anti-party rhetoric. Then when his trial is over with the pre-conceded verdict of innocent, he will then be offered a chance to become a citizen…yes very clever….as a matter of fact I think that's how I did it……

This Rat is a persistent prole. But, no matter. His trial will be another glorious Show trial, wherever it will be held. He looks like a failed attempt by Cheney to infiltrate this Collective.

Perhaps Commissar Theocritus could show this agent provocateur what a Rat on a stick looks like.

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Yet another sinister attempt by Cheney/Haliburton to steal our snake oil.