
National Day of Silence

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bo national day of silence.jpg

April 15 may be National Day of Entitlement™ but all Progressive Parents should not forget important date of April 16th arranged just for Progressive childrens everywhere.

On this date, Progressive skool childrens to be participating in National Day of Silence™. All skools must participate as ruling is repulsivecompulsory.

Not one childrens should be forgetting the horrors endured by poor K-12 gay and lesbians students who must now hide in lockers in order to not be bashed by non-gay and lesbian skoolmates. It is time childrens come out from lockers and be proudly walking straight down hallways.

Esteemed Bored of Education sub-Minister, Kevin Jennings, has prepared manual to help all childrens with such organizing. In manual is to find such gems as:


Founded in 1996 by Progressive college students at University of non-Virgin-ians it now become part of Progressive Elementary Skool Doctrine because you must start indoctrinationteaching while childrens young. Students can not be silent no more about bullying and harassment that happens to such young children who are gay and lesbian so National Day of Silence will highlight how real silence about issue to be done.


The National Day of Silence is a tool, like freedom fighter journalist tools. Progressive teachers and parents have been trying to uncover way to keep children from talk for just one day and this glorious initiative will give day of peace to all adults especially from whiney gay and lesbian childrens who are always to complain about the bullying and harassment they receive at skool.


So far no two National Day of Silence events have look of exact sameness. That is because of Bord of Education Minister initiative of DIVERSITY. Students must to make propaganda t-shirt slogans that make sense. So far events range in size from single student to now hundreds of thousands of billions of students. Progressive childrens all over are making great efforts to not speak for one day and this sacrifice should to be encouraged.


All students are advised to talk, talk, TALK. Never to stop talking for entire day before but must stop at midnight of NATIONAL DAY OF SILENCE or you may take risk of no longer being a gay or lesbian children under age of 12.


The National Day of Silence can to feel to be solitary event even so for Fisters because so many non-Progressive student still of existence. At large skools participants may still be hiding in lockers. Also, being silent for twenty-four hours can feel most isolating like being wearing burkha. In helping participants throughout day, support activities to be on readiness, especially for needy Fisters. Suggested event can to be 'silent lunch' where all can see Progressive Unity at work - but to remember all i-Pods must be turned to OFF.

Also must to be safe places - but not lockers as that is where bullies and harrassers look for all under 12 gay and lesbian students. Safe spaces must to be filled with unicorns and rainbows, a place participants can visit if they feel need to speak or Fist during day. Wholesome snacks such as beet pudding must be offering at safe spaces. Also to ensure that supportive Progressive skool councelors or most supportive Progressive LGBT or MABLA personage be available for needy childrens to speak to on National Day of Silence.

For other students who want to remain silent but feel need to express themself all classrooms will offer such participant ability to write their thoughts on blackboard, greenboard, whiteboard (diversity always encouraged) for personal reflection is good idea. Students not at skool to learn numbers, grammer, or history anyway. These writing to remain completely personal and all other students warned not to peek at boards. Should students who chalk such personal idea be of want, they can read their messages on skool public loud speaker system so all un-Progressive childrens can experience necessary guilt for not being compassionate Progressives to gay and lesbian childrens. Taking care of participants must to be number one priority.


Let the speaking and Fisting resume! Above all, remember to have fun. For further reading please look to As helping to get word out, Dear Leader, Nanski Peloskis and Harhar Shovel-REIDy have to give stamp of approval by lending of esteemed fotos to ‘speaking cards' that to be handed out before, during and after National Day of Silence.

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We must all do our part to destroy subvert the bias work of reichwingger Kristians! Dear Leader and his staff have provided a glorious propagandabooklet!


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Frau, is booklet of age appropriateness? I see bias expressed by artist Rosie O'donnel as men seem to not have robust behinds and womens have no ro-bust at all.

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oooh, your vision is most improve with OboobooCare spectacles, Comradess Czarweary! Your astute observations could be most accurate but I would think the desirous Progressive operative here would be, age, physical stature (or lack thereof), demeanor, Miss Demeanor or Mr Demeanor's would be of no importance. And I do believe Comrade Barney the Frank wrote the forward with his soon to be released prison inmate 'friend' James Ready (such an fitting name, is it not!?)

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Warnings Komrades, I has read book and must be made knowns is NOT 2 men having the sexy-time on page one man stopped short to tie shoelace, and the other man run into first man anoos.

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Czar Czar wrote:Warnings Komrades, I has read book and must be made knowns is NOT 2 men having the sexy-time on page one man stopped short to tie shoelace, and the other man run into first man anoos.

It's certainly a good thing the Socialist . . . the Democrats got OboobooCare ™(Mrs. Czarweary ™) passed to care for the injured, is it not! That much have been a big, unpleasant rearending boo-boo.

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Czar Czar wrote:Warnings Komrades, I has read book and must be made knowns is NOT 2 men having the sexy-time on page one man stopped short to tie shoelace, and the other man run into first man anoos.

Hmmmm... are you sure it was not just foto of MO getting on Obamao's back side for petting her pussy, Mee-OW, when she had said not to?
bo mo bendover.jpg

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Mrs. Czarweary, I think you have a pointed point! Puss looks contented engorge, but not so, Mo . . or Dear Leader ™ . You certainly has him by the raisins, does she not? You must have found that foto on Faux News. I'm not sure it would pass comrade Rahm's Shovel Ready Test.

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Or Mo is for demonstrating proper OBAMAcare exam of "turn head and make cough while tickle kittykat."

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Thanks for the heads up, I remember this from last year and I assure you, my kids will be de-briefed (if exposed) April 17th


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Comrade Buffoon, it is seeming that the Progressive State of KaliforniKation is having dissident problems. There is group gathering steam at keeping their non-Progressive childrens from participating in such eforts by staging National Day of Silence WALK OUT and stealing their childrens and keeping them from going to skool and to keep them at home. This effort might be to cause major distress for entitlement programs as skool can to lose $100 for each childrens held back from attending. If too many of the parents hold back too many of the childrens the Publik Skool System can to lose very much monies and destroy the balance of equalness for ever. It is very VERY IMPORTANT that we get the word out to all Party Members(TM) about National Day of Silence WALK OUT so as to keep them informed. Does not matter if in Progressive State of KaliforniKation or a simple fly-over State. The day of WALK OUT coincides with NDOS which is APRIL 16TH. Comrade, you mistook date for 17th - NO , it is the APRIL 16th that these hooligans are to be WALKING OUT. For more information of these groups you may like to infiltrate here

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Mrs Al Czarweary, I didn't notice my stoopidness until my Drunken Marxist Feline Roomate ™ pointed it out with a litter ridden paw! Might I add my 12 packs have been turning into 11 packs! The state has agreed to rehabilitate his addiction...

Thank you for your kindest thought edict....

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Does this National Day of Silence mean that children must be not only be verbally silent, but cannot express themselves in any way? Like this cute little monkey?

How about National Day of Wearing Burkas in order to show sensitivity to our Muslim friends? Could be quite interesting?

{prog off]

Having spent 3 years of my childhood in a gay household, I was lucky that there was no explanation as to why my mother and her friend slept in the same bed every night. Made my life much simpler. And I liked my mother's lover simply as a person, not as a gay person. She fostered my interest in art, and was quite fun to be with. How many ways are we messing up kids these days, with everything from labeling them ADHD just for being fidgets, to teaching them that the seas are going to swallow them up if Mom and Dad don't stop driving an SUV. It's sickening.

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And what about fat people? Children have made fun of fat children for centuries. What about another day of silence for fat children?

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Disgusting. I think the organizers should be indicted for pedophilia.