
New Black Panther Party providing security at RNC Convention

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Today's announcement from Dear Leader's supporters at the New Black Panther Party:

NBP M.jpg

" Our feet will be on your motherf - - - ing necks !"

Happy to see they're putting Obama's call for civility into practice.[size=100<br>No doubt Jay Carney will affirm White House support in the morning.........[/size][/size]
No doubt Jay Carney will affirm White House support in the morning.....

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"They gonna put y'all back in chains!"

Good ta see da homeboys be lookin' out for Truth, Justice, and the Chicago Way!

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No "Freedom or Death", rather "Dem or Death". Stockholm anybody?

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Holder: I see nooooothing, I hear noooothing....

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Opiate of the People wrote:Holder: I see nooooothing, I hear noooothing....

Racism? What Racism?

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It is impossible for blacks to be racist because they haven't the power. Don't you know that? So there is no such thing as a black hate crime. All those muggings just didn't happen. Ve zee nutzing, ve hear nutzing.

Since it's impossible for a black to commit a hate crime, it follows that it is impossible for a black to commit a crime, because all crimes have an element of hate in them.

Therefore there no reason on earth that General Holder ought to be held in contempt of Congress or be sued. Since I have proven that it is impossible for a black person to commit a crime.

This is of course why Zimmerman must be locked up, or possibly executed. Even though his nose was broken and he had lacerations on the back of his head and that witnesses said that Martin was raining blows MMA style on him, Zimmerman is guilty.

Because he's white.

Get it? Oh. Close to white. A white Latino or something like that. Ah. Zimmerman. Could that be Jewish? They're white. Unless they aren't.

No, Martin was murdered. No matter what happened.

BTW, I have a bit of a dickey tummy right now, so whose fault will that be? You may not know it, but if Elizabeth Warren can be 1/32 Indian with utterly no proof of it, I can be a demi-semi-octaroon too. Or a hemi-demi-semi-quadroon.

Which will let me take all the doubloons that I want.

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I concur with both Father Prog and Fhalkyn, including Father Prog's tummy ache.
Comrade Biden is an embarrassment of glitches. Proven by Biden's own words.

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Thank you, Fhalkyn, for your beet and vodka rations. They will help, I'm sure.

Pamalinsky, I have determined that Joe Biden has irritable vowel syndrome. That's because he has only two parts: a mouth and an asshole and both are interchangeable.

Have you seen the South Park episode where Cartman shoves food up his butt and craps out his mouth? It becomes a rage, and Martha Stewart embraces it for Thanksgiving, sitting on an entire turkey and shoving it up her ass.

For some reason that seems entirely appropriate. Now if she took it out and inserted a turducken, that would really be insider trading.

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Turducken, OMG! What a disgusting thought! I do know many who espouse this sort of "layering" of food, especially during Thanksgiving. One can only imagine the fungus and rot that must occur within. Maybe that's what they view as a true thanks. Yes! I think that must be it! Oleander rules again.

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I know what you mean, Pamalinski, but I got used to the idea when I started to think of Richard Gere being wrapped around a gerbil.

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Ah yes, Richard Gere. An Officer and a Gerbilman. American Gerbilo. Take your pick.

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And our Many Titted Empress was wrapped around the Turbocharged Hildo Hydramatic, you may recall. With the power-generating trucks for an outdoor concert, and in concert with Janet Reno and Bonnie Fwankenstein.