
Newsweek: Was Russia better off Communist?

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Our Comrades at Newsweek have asked the perfectly logical question of "Was Russia better off red?". Of course, like any good progressive would, they concluded the obvious answer was "Da, tovarisch."

Image On that Newsbusters page I linked to, you can see a full JPG of the image from Newsweek. Apparently, they are much worse off now because they had 2,337 movie theaters, versus only 1,510. So, obviously, theywere better off under communism (and, by implication, we will be, too.) Never mind they have a more open society and more economic opportunity now. Oh, and of course never mind the millions of people exterminated in the name of a nonexistant communist utopia. Every good progressive must avoid aknowlodging how murderous their ideology is.

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Newsweak (sic) cites that the USSR had 12800 hospitals then vs. 6800 now....
How many of the former number are "psychiatric hospitals" (i.e. prisons)?

Recorded Crimes: 2761000 then vs 3210000 now....
As in the US, the key word is RECORDED (or do you trust a govt full of propagandists to record anything that makes them look bad)

Agricultural Land in Acres: 520 million vs. 414 million
But how much food was actually produced then vs. now? And how much food produced rotted because there was no infrastructure to ship it any place?

Alcohol consumption in litres: 7.5 then vs 10.5 now...
But in the USSR days, there was little alcohol (or any other consumer goods) and the workers had to drink brake fluid and anti-freeze, which probably didn't get counted in the consumption statistic.

Cinemas: 2337 then vs. 1510 now....
Oh yeah, life is always better with more movie theatres. That's why the golden age of movies in the US was during the Great Depression.

But one thing was certainly better in the USSR; back then, they weren't allowed to read Newsweak.

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Comrade Joe wrote:So, obviously, theywere better off under communism (and, by implication, we will be, too.)

That's precisely the point. Prepare for more of this propaganda in the near future. Maybe the next story will be about how elderly Floridians are risking their lives to cross the Florida Straits to get into Cuba for the free, and necessarily superior, health care. The front cover will probably feature some senior citizen in a flowered shirt and straw hat floating along in an inner tube.

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The glorious truth is that the Russia would be better of under my benevolent tyranny. I have sent a letter to Putin suggesting that Russia be annexed to Zimbabwe.



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^My friend, "tyranny" is a word the KKKonstervatives use to demonize us. Please use the word "democrat" or "Spreader of Wealth".

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Gollum's Will Be Done, As in The Mutherland, so in The Fautherland...

Союз нерушимый республик свободных
Сплотила навеки Великая Русь!
Да здравствует созданный волей народов
Единый, могучий Советский Союз!
Славься, Отечество наше свободное,Дружбы народов надёжный оплот!Партия Ленина — сила народнаяНас к торжеству коммунизма ведёт!
Сквозь грозы сияло нам солнце свободы,
И Ленин великий нам путь озарил:
На правое дело он поднял народы,
На труд и на подвиги нас вдохновил!
В победе бессмертных идей коммунизма
Мы видим грядущее нашей страны,
И Красному знамени славной Отчизны
Мы будем всегда беззаветно верны!

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Oh, how I miss the good old days! Remember when, if you wanted a VCR, you had to buy one on the black market, along with any American movies? And, back then, there were no stupid McDonald's franchises. And pizza? Who wanted pizza any way?

And the parades, oh, how I loved the parades. Mother would come wake me up at 3:00 in the morning. Get up, you fool. You'll be late for the parade. They expect you to march, and I don't want to lose any rations.

And, my sister, okay, so she had 17 abortions. So what? It was the only form of birth control. And, hey, they were free, weren't they? And how about laser keratotomy for everyone, free, yes, free! We invented it, you know.

And uncle Yuri, so what if they came and took him in the middle of the night. They packed his body in a freezer, and when they brought it out to do an autopsy, they found out he was still alive. He made history, and had a fantastic near death experience, much better than going to church.

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Comrade Leninka!

You have outdone yourself with glorious "memories" from The Mutherland!

Hail Stalin! (and Castro...)

(...oh, and CHE!)

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Comrade Red Rooster,

Thank you. It came from astroplaning during my afternoon naps. You could say, I really was there, in a sense.

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Actually, yes. I have astroplaned to Estonia, Istanbul, and Sri Lanka. In Estonia, I went nearly everywhere. Their favorite color there is blue, and they tell me that whereas the Nazis were like the Small Pox, the Russians were like the plague. In Sri Lanka, I traveled in a convertible to a resort, and in Istanbul, I saw the Bosphorus, and let me tell you, it is a deep deep blue.

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