
North Korea Launches Haute Couture Apparel Line

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Herro! I am Kim Jong Irrin', your host today for show of exciting new rine of radies apparer I raunching to generate badry needed income for my faired rogue state's miritary machine Orympic swimming & track teams. Never mind the sroping foreheads of mymacromegaric athretes, that not steroids I assure you. Yes yes!

Juche Couture™ !! The Hottest new fashion trend since Che t-shirts and purses.

Juche Couture™ Radies Handbag - Smarr enough for your unmentionabres yet big enough for your bratty chirdren. (The one on the right had Juche Couture handbag inside out. Subject was eriminated as standard cautionary procedure.)

Juche Couture™ Radies Hotpants - fatties need not appry. Theses hotpants wirr stir up the Fifth Columnist in arr of us.

Kim Jong Irrin'

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Comrade Kim Jong Illin',

Nice glaphics!

There appears to be amazing simraritirs between Korean Engrish and Japanese Engrish. I did not realize there was such a commonarity between the two widely sepalated points.

You rearn something new dairy!

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Juche reminds me of the Photoshop style I made famous...Junque

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I arso raunching new rine of fruit juices. I carr it Orange Juche™ . I gonna hire OJ Simpson to be marketing spokesman...., what that? He in jair in Ras Vegas? What the herr I pay you peopre for? Why no one ever terr me this kinda shit? You think I rike being ambarassed on worrd stage? Right now, Hu Jintao raughing himserf sirry.
Okay, okay, I carmed down now.....Get me Anita Bryant on the terephone. I sign her up to be spokesman for Orange Juche™ . What that? Aw, shit! She dead? But I remember her rike it was just yesterday! I have arr you peopre shot! Chop-chop!