
Not just any boots on the ground...

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Isn't this just like Dear Leader; to never ask of our military something that he would not himself be willing to do. And how clever he was in his speach the other night to instill a sense of security and tranquility in our foes through excellent oratory but then to fearlessly lead a brutal frontal assault on the QuaddafyDuck's forces in the proud tradition of the defenders of our motherland! These are not just any boots on the ground....these are "the" boots on the ground.


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You appear to be questioning the reasoning of "the one". Bad Move!

It is perfectly ok to harass Kadaffy, or others. The only boots on the ground in Lybia are HIS boots!

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Boots? Oh, I thought he said no booze on the ground. I agreed with that. Booze is for drinking, not spilling.

(I always treat the spirits with the greatest of reverence)

Comrade Pavlovski, I can't tell from photograph, but do I see playing card in spokes of Ear Leader's bicycle? If so, it makes sense: we get sound of machine gun without any possibility of our friends in Muslim Brotherhood or Al Queda being injured. It's for the Childruuuunnnnn, after all

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Comrade Ogrrre..... How dare you suggest that our dearest Dear Leader drive a bicycle to war!!!

I believe, in fact, that he is at the wheel of the "Presidential Dune Hopping Schwinn". A veritable kinetic death machine of non-lethality! I feel blessed that the Dear Leader allowed us to glimpse him demonstrating the shear shock and awe power of the futuristic battlefield weapons of Next Tuesday!

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Comrade Ogrrre wrote:Comrade Pavlovski, I can't tell from photograph, but do I see playing card in spokes of Ear Leader's bicycle? If so, it makes sense: we get sound of machine gun without any possibility of our friends in Muslim Brotherhood or Al Queda being injured. It's for the Childruuuunnnnn, after all

Comrade Ogrrrrrrrrre...:
You are correct and highly observant. Your name reminds me of the sound that the One's crisp new Bicycle cards are intended to make as they are slapped (like an impertinent pheasant) by the spokes of his war cycle, striking laughter fear into the hearts of the Muslim Brotherhood and Al Queda revolutionaries. Oh wait, I am confused suddenly. If I am not mistaken the Current Truth is that the Revolutionaries are the good guys. It is Colonel Gadfly that we are against. Perhaps I should not be posting until I figure this whole Libyan thing out and what my Correct thinking should be.

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BOOBS ON THE GROU . . . . . ?? oh, sorry, I see you meant to say "boots". Well, that is certainly a fine way to keep shoes off the ground, although I do not know what the 'big deal' is. We all have our shoes and bootery on the ground.... if not on the ground, what good would they be??!! These silly reichwingers come up with the silliest complaints.

But, once again, dear Leader has shown how smart he is.

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Dear leader leaves us with half witticisms because he realizes that's all our humble brains can process.

Trying to digest the full meaning of any of his statements would require a lot of thinking power clearly beyond our limited capacity.

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The old USA had a long history with the Bicycle Corp.

American Bicycle Corp at Fort Missoula in 1897:


So good to see the old Corpse reactivated. The new Bicycle Corpse looks formidable and with Dear Leader leading? What could go wrong?

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Grigori E.R. wrote:The old USA had a long history with the Bicycle Corp.

American Bicycle Corp at Fort Missoula in 1897:


So good to see the old Corpse reactivated. The new Bicycle Corpse looks formidable and with Dear Leader leading? What could go wrong?

Comrade Grigori,

If my history is correct as according to these pictures, the only thing Dear Leader would be "leading" would be the sweeping motion of a broom cleaning up the mess after the Corpse. Either that, or "community organizing" out in the cotton field, or beet field somewhere in BFE.

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Bicycle Corpse? Why do they need bikes? They seem happy enough....


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Judge Fraulein Pulloskies wrote:Bicycle Corpse? Why do they need bikes? They seem happy enough....

Very peaceful, at least.

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Image Image For better of camel-flage and use on battlefield...concept was tried in what is now Texasistan. Old becomes new again!

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Tovarichi wrote:Image For better of camel-flage and use on battlefield...concept was tried in what is now Texasistan. Old becomes new again!
Ah, yes, our ancestral Demokrat Jeff Davis thought of that....