
Obama Monopoly Edition - Keynesian Revolutionary Style

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The next Obama's Monopoly edition will feature the SSI checks, Food Stamps card and social services credits.

Insteadof acquiring property the players will be competing for enrollment intorent control housing and ability to maximize on their social securitybenefits. Through out the game the players will be forced to give uptheir entitlement benefits, seek employment and pay for the acquiredgoods. At the end of the game the winner must be able to parent atleast 5 children1, collect all social benefits (program 8housing, monthly SSI checks, food stamps, public transit vouchers,etc.), possess no property, unless stolenexpropriated from the opponent. The player who is able to blame Bushfor their low socio-economic status collects instant 1000 points.

The next Obama's Monopoly edition will feature the SSI checks, Food Stamps card and social services credits.

Instead of acquiring property the players will be competing for enrollment into rent control housing and ability to maximize on their social security benefits. Through out the game the players will be forced to give up their entitlement benefits, seek employment and pay for the acquired goods. At the end of the game the winner must be able to parent at least 5 children1, collect all social benefits (program 8 housing, monthly SSI checks, food stamps, public transit vouchers, etc.), possess no property, unless stolen expropriated from the opponent. The player who is able to blame Bush for their low socio-economic status collects instant 1000 points.

"Get out of jail" card is automatically distributed to all non-white players in the beginning of the game and is not revocable. The card is redeemable at any time during the game if a white player, especially male, accuses a non-white player of stealing expropriating any of his possessions. Special Minority Edition will not feature jail at all.

Hasbro is also working on Al-Qaeda edition of "Risk, The Global Jihad Day". Coming to stores in 2012.

1. Single teen-aged mothers with more then one child do not qualify for this game, as they declared instant winners. Please refer to a complete list of rules. ... amily-home

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Welcome to the Cube, Comrade Cruiser Aurora.

Finally, a Monopoly game that suits me. Being a light skinned black person with no Negro dialect, I'm used to affirmative action, and quite a bit of deferential treatment, and sometimes, I get my skin darkened at one of those spray-on tanning salons, if I am anticipating the necessity of extra special treatment, so I very much like your "Get out of Jail" card, and your Special Minority Edition.

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Thank you Leninka. Being a white Eastern European male I feel grossly inadequate and insecure about myself. I joined the Cube seeking the support of my comrades. Your welcoming word are appreciated.

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Does your name refer to a Stargate Atlantis episode?



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This game will be resounding success in East LA, Detroit, New Orleans and Laredo! Finally a game that reflects the real heartland needs of Amerika. And, is truly inclusive. I will gladly pay my daily ration of beets to posses such a good time (after all my gulag work is completed, of course!)

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Dear Obamugabe, the name is referring to what is considered "the cradle of Soviet Social Revolution". See the link below.
One correction to the Wikipedia page is: it was never confirmed that the shot fired from her gun was intended to signal the attack on the Czar's palace. Some believe that shot was an accident as the crew was prparing to sail, but so it happened that couple of dozens of vigilante proletarians (probably drunk too) were in the vicinity and took it for Marx/Engels/Lenin sign from above... and the rest is history.

SS Aurora

PS. I have not watched any Stargate shows for over a year now. Are any of them still on? I used to like them.

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{prog of}

I don't have a TV (Can you believe it?). A friend of mine lent me four seasons' worth of Stargate Atlantis. I did 30 episodes in the last week on my computer. So I am pretty much saturated with New Age propaganda at the moment!

I checked out your link: You chose a pretty cool persona!

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Thank you Obamugabe.
The name Cruiser Aurora (correctly pronounced KREI-SER AVRORA) has always being dear to the hearts of Soviet proletariat. There are song written about her, and movies filmed. I had an honor of stepping aboard of this Holy Grail of Communism. It was over 20 years ago, when I was still a boy, living in the Motherland and was wearing the red Pioneer's Tie (PE-ONER-SKII GAL-STUK).

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Dear Fraulein Pulloskies,
Thank you for expressing your support for the new Monopoly edition.
I will contact the comrades in Hasbro's head quarters in Vladivostok to inform them of the overwhelming mass excitement about the new game.
As you may realize the mass production of this game may involve summoning many world citizens to the factories for the "volunteer" labor. The good news are, there should be no shortage of hands. The far most Northeastern region of USSR is now densely populated by former World Capitalists who, as you may know have recently being "voluntarily" relocated to the cities of Yarkutzk and Magadan.
Although, the only way to transport the final product from those factories to the progressive civilization is via dog sleds, I hope to see first shipments in the stores by May 1st, just in time to celebrate the International Labor Day.

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Comrade Aurora,
What glorious news! The Obama FEMA Camps will be bustling with activity now instead of dreary days of country stones in the wall. Work is good. Vodka is better, but work is good.
I will excitedly wait for the sled arrivals... and we'll hope that the spring thaw doesn't slow shipments down more than a month or two.


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Cruiser Aurora wrote: ... amily-home

"Get out of jail" card is automatically distributed to all non-white players in the beginning of the game and is not revocable. The card is redeemable at any time during the game if a white player, especially male, accuses a non-white player of stealing expropriating any of his possessions

To perfect the design you will need a race card.

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Comrade Pulloskies, the board design is perfect!
Thank you
I have nothing to add here. It's as gray and simple as life in the land of equal distribution.

Comrade Castrate,"Get Out of Jail" card will serve as the "Race Card" when the players will be expropriating and redistributing the property. Also,you realize, that The Minority Edition cannot have a "race card" by definition. (please refer to one of Obamugabe old posts where he clearly explains why a black man cannot be racist)


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China! I recall everything was going fine on the international communist front until that weasel Nixon played the China card ushering in a period of distrust and competition between our glorious motherland and China.

Dang these capitalists, they always manage to expose our respective nationalist roots. Even now they've driven a wedge between the interests of China and NoKo. There should be no division between communist states. One world, one movement, united under one leader...Obama

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Fraulein Pulloskies wrote:Comrade Aurora,
What glorious news! The Obama FEMA Camps will be bustling with activity now instead of dreary days of country stones in the wall. Work is good. Vodka is better, but work is good.
I will excitedly wait for the sled arrivals... and we'll hope that the spring thaw doesn't slow shipments down more than a month or two. Image

I denounce Comradette Pellosskies for making me laugh my ass off!

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Here is another article on Keynesian Monopoly I ran across:

<br> I urge all comrades to use Ms Pellosskies version, which is clearly superior, the articel linked to above is also very instructional.

