
Only Strong Obamunism can Cure Fainting and Weak Socialism

POLL: Should we purge Hillary now or later?

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Yes We Can!
Damn, not again, is there an EMT here?. Thank goodness I always have an extra bottle of Evian at the podium.

It's rough being bigger than the Beatles, Elvis, Jesus Christ and Mohammad....wait, I almost got carried away and lost my head.

Here, I'll rephrase that so I won't lose my head....It's rough being bigger than the Beatles, Elvis, Jesus Christ and Mohammad

I'll soon have my own line of smelling salts for all these young ladies affected with "Obama Vapors"

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Mr Obama, my spies just reported to me an idea uttered by that rethuglican hack, the shadowy terrorist that goes by the name "El Rushbo," that caused my fur to rise. Should you win, and of course we shall have an even greater majority of the Senate, would you nominate the Empress for the next vacancy for the Supreme Court? Or would the Empress with a lifetime position on the Supreme Court writing or overturning law, perhaps represent an even more powerful rivalry for your power?

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Hah! I scoff at the weak-kneed supporters of Obama. The footsoldiers of the Empress do not faint in her presence! No! They can stand for hours at ridged attention, march for miles in lock-step! They are invincible! Obama, You Shall Not Pass!

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Smelling salts? What we need is a line of Obama Water. Each bottle has actually been touched by Obama! Only five dollars for a twelve ounce helping of pure Hope and Change (H2C). Cures light-headedness, dizzy spells, the shakes, and loss of consciousness due to seeing our saviour in person. Great for making Kool-Aid.

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Comrade Jar-Jar Binks Brain Wrote
Hah! I scoff at the weak-kneed supporters of Obama. The footsoldiers of the Empress do not faint in her presence! No! They can stand for hours at ridged attention, march for miles in lock-step! They are invincible! Obama, You Shall Not Pass!

Scoff now! But I have unleased my first secret weapon, the TED1 (Terminal Earsplitting Device)

I will continue the TED Offensive until you all desert the MTE for Strong Obamunism!
Consider the Collective warned!

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I shall now officially choose a candidate to endorse. Cobra for president!

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What Premier? Have you left Sweden only to face sure and swift People's Justice by endorsing this "Cobra?" Grant it, on the surface this candidate would seem to be ideal, however, did you not hear what he said at the start? Your candidate said that he was, and I can hardly bear to say this, "Independent!" You endorsed an "independent" candidate Premier! This simply can not go unchallenged.

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I have no regrets, and I have not yet left Sweden for several reasons which I will not reveal until after the elections. I support Cobra Commander because his financial plan for the future is much more realistic than the Democrats and the end result will be more useful to the party.

Second, he has tried to take over the world hundreds of times. Do either of these candidates have this kind of determination and track record to back up their claims? And he may be running as an independent, but that doesn't mean that his true loyalties don't lie with the party. Again, look at what he has accomplished. Who else could do so much and not be a true communist at heart? How many world domination plots has he tried? Who else but the communists have tried to take over the world so many times?

Lastly, Running as an independent makes him much more friendly to the public than if he chose a side. If he ran as a democrat, people might not vote for him because he is just a lowly progressive. Running as an independent allows one to retain their true title as diehard communist and not degrade oneself with such names as "liberal", "democrat", "progressive", or "socialist".

Cobra Commander is the only true choice!

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It is a shame we have to purge the Hillarious one. She loved those Latin Americans so much just ask Elian Gonzales.
<img src=" ... b24f_s.jpg">

He was given a permanent vacation to the workers' paradise of Cuba

<img src=" ... -squad.jpg" height="200" length="300">

<img src=" ... astro2.jpg" height="300" length="200"> <img src=" ... hippie.jpg" height="300" length="200">
(The Clintons are the pasty ones on the right, I think)

Always remember Comrades:

Liberal deports immigrants = humanitarianism (good foreign relations)
Conservative deports immigrant = Bad (racism and xenophobia)
4 legs good, two legs bad

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"I endorsed Barack Obama for president... because he is more like John F. Kennedy than any other candidate of our time," Sorensen said recently.

Obama has a bad back as well? Or did he have a boat sink out from under him?

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Premier, thank you for your explanation for why you endorsed this Cobra Commander, though I still worry about someone who dares to claim he is independent.

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The name "Independent" is just that. A name. We use names all the time and there is nothing wrong with that. I use many names at different times for different situations. Names are very useful and never have any reflection on who the name applies to. Just look at the name John Smith.

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Like the name "Sweden" Premier? You really should adjust your time stamp if you want people to fall for this.

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My fellow Identity-Americans.

As your future President I want to thank my supporters, for their... well, support.
Your mindless support of me, despite my complete lack of any legislative achievement, my pastor's relations with Louis Farrakhan and Libyan dictator Moamar Quadafi, or my blatantly leftist voting record while I present myself as some sort of bi-partisan agent of change.

I also like how my supporters claim my youthful drug use and criminal behavior somehow qualifies me for the Presidency after 8 years of claiming Bush's youthful drinking disqualifies him. Your hypocrisy is a beacon of hope shining over a sea of political posing.

I would also like to thank the Kennedy's for coming out in support of me. There's a lot of glamour behind the Kennedy name, even though JFK started the Vietnam War, his brother Robert illegally wiretapped Martin Luther King, Jr. and Teddy killed a teenage girl. And I'm not going anywhere near the cousins, both literally and figuratively.

And I'd like to thank Oprah Winfrey for her support. Her love of meaningless empty platitudes will be the force that propels me to the White House.
Americans should vote for me, not because of my lack of experience or achievement, but because I make people feel good. Voting for me causes some white folk to feel relieved of their imagined, racist guilt.

I say things that sound meaningful, but don't really mean anything because Americans are tired of things having meaning. If things have meaning, then that means you have to think about them. Americans are tired of thinking.

It's time to shut down the brain, and open up the heart.

So when you go to vote in the primaries, remember don't think, just do.

And do it for me.

Thank You.

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Commissar Pupovich wrote:I also like how my supporters claim my youthful drug use and criminal behavior somehow qualifies me for the Presidency after 8 years of claiming Bush's youthful drinking disqualifies him.

I must have missed that memo. Perchance, Commissar, could you provide a linky to this information so that I, too, may be enlightened along with the rest of the drooling masses supporters of Hope and Change?

Thank you.

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Do you refer to BHO's drug use qualifications? He wrote of that in his book comrade.

I hope Mr. Obama was smart enough to inhale, unlike some other candidates (Bill?) that have run for the POTUS.

Maybe a new Order is needed when BHO ascends to the White House. Perhaps a crackpipe or a bong with Larry Sinclair's likeness and signature would commemorate BHO's becoming the American "Head"™ of State.

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Commissar Pupovich wrote:...He wrote of that in his book comrade.

No, no...I know about his using, I was talking about the statement that the drug use and criminal behavior qualifies him for the presidency, after 8 years of claiming Bush's drinking disqualifies him. Did you hear someone saying that, or just make the connection by way of the mania surrounding Prez Hopenchange?

I know the Left has been trashing Bush over his drinking for years, I have just never heard anyone say that Obamesiah's drug use helps qualify him for the job. Not that I disagree or anything, I just never got the memo.

I know that's a somewhat convoluted question, so if you would like me to clarify further, please say so.


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Ah, I see. Well of course that was not I that wrote that campaign ad, so perhaps Mr. Obama could clarify? Now one could suggest that all one need do is listen to the Empress scream and yell bloody murder and compare that to the laid back manner of Mr Obama to come to the conclusion drug use came to his aid?

Praise Raúl, you will have an ObamaNation!

Workers of these People's States, celebrate!

Viva La Revolucion!


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Isn't that a true Progressive office for BHO? Clearly it is either a garage of storage unit. Power to the People! Power to the Garage Door!

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Ivan Betinov wrote:Obama, You Shall Not Pass!

You would send him back to shadow just so you could become a white wizard? Isn't that a bit racist, Betinov?

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Actually, I was going more for the French battle slogan that has rarely actually taken effect.

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Oh, well, that's different and much more progressive.
Think of how von Schlieffen would have been amazed to see his plan thwarted by the French, um, fighting. No wonder they called it the Miracle of the Marne.
Hillary could use a Marne moment about now, but I think she's headed for an early Bloody April.

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Hillary could use a Marne moment about now, but I think she's headed for an early Bloody April.
Damn....I don't even know how to drive a car let alone hail 5,000 taxicabs. I'm as helpless as a Nagin with a lot full of school buses.

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Buck up Empress! Look deep into your black and bloody heart! You will find your strength, and woe to those who oppose Hope 'N Change, which we all know you have always been at the forefront of.

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Think of how von Schlieffen would have been amazed to see his plan thwarted by the French, um, fighting. No wonder they called it the Miracle of the Marne.

The big problem with the Schleiffen Plan was it had far too ambitious of a timetable, relied far too much on offensive firepower while disregarding the potential of the same weapons in a defensicve role, and depended on everything going according to plan.

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The big problem with the Schleiffen Plan was it had far too ambitious of a timetable, relied far too much on offensive firepower while disregarding the potential of the same weapons in a defensicve role, and depended on everything going according to plan.
Liege took too long, should have been bypassed, and supply couldn't keep up. Exhaustion. And Taxicabs.

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We oughta sit down over a case of beer and discuss this war of imperialist aggression some time.

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Hillary wrote:Damn....I don't even know how to drive a car let alone hail 5,000 taxicabs. I'm as helpless as a Nagin with a lot full of school buses.

Another problem, Empress - most taxi drivers graduated from the same madrassa as your opponent.

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Ivan Betinov wrote:The big problem with the Schleiffen Plan was it had far too ambitious of a timetable, relied far too much on offensive firepower while disregarding the potential of the same weapons in a defensicve role, and depended on everything going according to plan.

True. When the enemy's not in the mood to cooperate, he can really foul things up. Hence Clausewitz' famous quote.

BTW, if you didn't already know about these, try going...,,
<br>...and here.

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After the horrible appearence of the Empress at the debate, I ask, nay demand, that the purging begin now. Obama must be shown what will happen if he continues on the path of weak communism. If we wait until Denver, then the eyes of the collective will be on Obama, and the purging will not be as dramatic.


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Comrade Otis wrote:Smelling salts? What we need is a line of Obama Water. Each bottle has actually been touched by Obama! Only five dollars for a twelve ounce helping of pure Hope and Change (H2C). Cures light-headedness, dizzy spells, the shakes, and loss of consciousness due to seeing our saviour in person. Great for making Kool-Aid.
Last night the Cube received an email from an alert comrade and an "avid fan of our site" named "Hugh" who pointed out that someone has already posted Obama's 'Yes We Can' Kool Aid on eBay.


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Even I reluctantly am beginning to see the wisdom and positive message from BHO. Obama understands the need for a judge with a progressive heart!

"When the nomination of John Roberts to be chief justice of the Supreme Court came up in the Senate in 2005, Sen. Barack Obama argued that the role of a justice is to favor the "weak" over the "strong."

.....the other 5 percent, he argued, the determining factor is not what the law in question says, or what the Constitution says, but the emotional disposition that the justices deciding the case have toward the parties disputing it. "In those difficult cases," Obama said, "the critical ingredient is supplied by what is in the judge's heart." Roberts and Alito were bad judges, he decided, because their hearts weren't in the right place."

Praise Lenin! Death to this bourgeois notion of "justice" being decided on such outdated notions of "right vs wrong!"
The determining factor in ANY judicial case should ALWAYS be justice. It does not matter if it is the case of a dirt poor worker accused of stealing a pencil from Bill Gates. That is one of the major problems we have today that affects everything from the price of medicine to groceries. It can not be denied for we even have a commonly used term for the practice.... "deep pockets." All the evidence of this can be seen on just about any of the millions of bizare warning lablels on products to attempt to give cover to companies from being held responsible for ignorant consumers and more ignorant and unjust juries. How often have we read about some big company that had no logical responsibility or liability for some incident, but because the true culprit did not have the money to "right the wrong," if some lawyer can convince a judge and jury that there is some link, no matter how tenuous, to someone or some company with money, then they pay the bill. It is so common that most companies will not even fight it other than perhaps try and reduce the award. Justice is supposed to be "blind," even when it comes to money. I don't want a judge with their "heart" in the right place, I was a judge with his head in the right place.

Back to the Kool Aid....

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Red Square wrote: Last night the Cube received an email from an alert comrade and an "avid fan of our site" named "Hugh" who pointed out that someone has already posted Obama's 'Yes We Can' Kool Aid on eBay.

And we have just discovered the inspiration for Obama's campaign (forgive me if this has been done. Sometimes I'm too busy saving Oz-stray-ya's environment to scan the entire cube)

<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>

<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value=" ... ram><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>

Spot the difference? yes we can't !
<br>(With credit to the evil Oz-stra-yan anti-progressive Andrew Bolt)

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I like the Bob the Builder song. If we combine the two songs together we get something like this:

Bob the Builder - Can we tax him?
Bob the Builder - Yes we can!!!

Bob the Builder - Can we sue him?
Bob the Builder - Yes we can!!!

Bob the Builder - Can we screw him?
Bob the Builder - Yes we can!!!

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Bob the Builder seems totally non-progressive to me, perhaps I am missing something? But it seems to me he is advocating construction which can only lead to a greater carbon imprint, not to mention it is such a capitalist thing to do. We should be pushing for more environmentally friendly habitats such as caves, mud huts etc.

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(Pinkie off)

Bob the Builder was evil during the housing boom in Florida. His construction companies destroyed thousands of acres of green rural tranquility to make room for subdivisions and condos and Wal-Marts. People complained of all the development. It meant more people, more roads, more traffic, lower water table, more crowded schools.

In 2002, they put on the state ballot an amendment limiting class sizes in the FL schools because of the overcrowding. It passed by something like 52 percent. Theoretically, it was supposed to lead to the building of more schools (i.e. more $$$) For several years thereafter, one heard a lot of screaming about adhering to that amendment.

Then, in the fall of 2006, the most alarming news appeared on the front page of the local newspaper: School enrollment was DOWN--meaning the FL schools weren't so crowded. Good news? Hell, no. The same people pushing for that class size amendment saw this as BAD, because fewer students meant fewer $$$ from the government.

Apparently people were leaving because of the hurricanes, which in turn led to increasing insurance and property tax rates, etc. Now the same people who complained about too many people moving to FL and sucking up resources are complaining because people are leaving . . . and taking their $$$ with them.

More recently they're whining because there's not so much new construction now--and that Florida's "construction industry" which was viewed as evil only 5 years ago, is now a victim of the overall bad economy and tanked housing market. Suddenly they realized it created lots of jobs, which in turn created lots of $$$ for the state economy. To hear them talk now, gazillions of Floridians who relied on our wonderful "construction industry" for jobs and to feed their children, are now suffering and starving.

And don't get me started on how these same bozos screamed bloody murder against the recently passed state amendment to lower property taxes.

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Why can't people make up their minds? Earthquakes don't bother me here in Cali....

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When I'm vacationing in Cali. From my vacation spot in Sweden. You know, you get tired of vacationing and you have to take a vacation from that vacation. It happens to me all the time. But I shall return to Sweden just as soon as people start trying to stone me to death for endorsing Cobra Commander.

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Now I got faint!

Off Character

This man wants to be Commander-in-Chief and he gets squeamish over a little blood draw?
On a pathetic scale of 1 to 10, that's a 20.
I know little girls who have more courage than that.
I know I wouldn't want to share a foxhole with this little squint.

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Obama, not that I question your immaculateness, but I was surprised that they allowed you to "pour over the charts" since that is supposed to be confidential information. But you simply have to work on this faint heartedness, We will need to do a lot of purging come January.

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...I was surprised that they allowed you to "pour over the charts" since that is supposed to be confidential information.

Commissar, are you in need of re-education? There are no such thing as "confidential" charts in the Obamanation. How can the annointed one heal you if he does not know the nature of your sickness? Why, he might give you a breathalyzer when what you really needed was an inhalator. No, once the Messiah is in office, the confidential file will be no more. Every calorie you consume (and what it came from), every degree on your thermostat, whether or not you a watching the volunatary mandatory nightly indoctrination news...all these things will be at His fingertips.

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Ivan Betinov wrote:
...I was surprised that they allowed you to "pour over the charts" since that is supposed to be confidential information.

Commissar, are you in need of re-education? There are no such thing as "confidential" charts in the Obamanation...... No, once the Messiah is in office, the confidential file will be no more.

Ah Comrade Brain in the Jar, are you in need of a fluid change? Though I am always delighted when the one who tries to slander me provides for my defense in the same paragraph.....

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Gawddamn HIPPA! ... rights.pdf

I'm the Obamessiah! I have been annointed! There never was a "confidential file"!
The Obamessiah knows all and see all! I knew what was on those charts. I put my hands on that 17 year old and she was healed, you think they would write in the newspapers about that?...Hell no, I've been discriminated against again.
Dammit! I see you lickin' yo little Pup Nutz right now.
Aww Pup, stop that, I don't need to see that.
See, this gift of knowing all and seeing all is a real cross to bear.
Vote my pity and your guilt.
Move back two Red Squares and surrender one ration card.

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Oh, Obama. You're so knowledgeable! I love you and the trojan donkey you rode in on... Ohhhh!!!

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Well Obama. finally I have managed to at least a smidgen of the blood lust and cojones that the Empress oozed from every scale of her reptilian body, and I approve. Yet we need to develop this, and I would like to come to know you better and perhaps help where I can. As you have noticed no doubt, Commissar Theocritus has been disturbingly absent, and one can certainly understand you preferring to not associate yourself with the taint and filth that permeates the Commissars ranchero from all the many orgies the Empress and her soon to be cardboard cutouts engaged in. Therefore, I would be honored to invite you down to my little dacha....

Whoops! Sorry, that is a little tavern I used to drop into time to time in my biker days.

I meant this...

Damn it! That was one of my boats.... Here, my bayou home

<center><img src=" house.jpg"></center><br>

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Go here: ... obama-toy/

Loved the comments. Ever since I saw the movie Idiocracy, most progressive blogs and their comments remind me of those characters.

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I... I.... I can't hardly breathe! For Lenin's sake, to what depths of depravity will the VRWC sink to? Couldn't you arrest that criminal on the spot Chairman? I would suggest that you just shoot him.... but given that recent incident... that I can still feel with the weather changes, perhaps it would be best if you keep your gun holstered.

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Comment# 49

RUCerious Says:

Next up, some Amos ‘n Andy footage with Obama and Wright photoshopped in…

June 13th, 2008 at 12:59 am

DAMN! Who would do something like that?
Next they'll be saying I'm the Kingfish of the Mystic Knights of the Sea.

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Next thing you know, those hatemongering, racist Republicans will be dunking a picture of the Obamessiah in a jar of urine, and calling it art!

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...and depicting his holy mother's image on a canvas smeared with elephant dung, covered with dozens of photographed close-ups of vaginas and asses cut from pornographic magazines.

Wikipedia wrote:One of his paintings, The Holy Virgin Mary, a depiction (portrait) of the Virgin Mary, was at issue in a lawsuit between the mayor of New York City, Rudy Giuliani, and the Brooklyn Museum of Art when it was exhibited there in 1999 as a part of the "Sensation" exhibit. The painting depicted a black African Mary surrounded by images from blaxploitation movies and close-ups of female genitalia cut from pornographic magazines, and elephant dung. These were formed into shapes reminiscent of the cherubim and seraphim commonly depicted in images of the Immaculate conception and the Assumption of Mary.

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Holy Mother of Obamessiah surrounded by elephant dung and close-ups of female genitalia cut from pornographic magazines in the style of progressive artist Chris Ofili.

Can you hear the outrage and screams of progressives - the same ones who ridiculed Mayor Giuliani's lawsuit over a very similar picture and called him a fascist because of his opposition to "freedom of expression" paid for by New York taxpayers?

This version actually makes more sense than the original "Virgin Mary" by Ofili, considering the story of Obama's birth. Yet it would never be allowed on public property. Progressive galleries would reject it because of the disrespect towards their Messiah's mother, and conservative galleries would reject it because of it being literal pornography and literal crap.


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Dick Durbin's yesterday said "The hottest ring in Hell is reserved for those in politics who attack their opponents' families."

In this regard, if your opponent's mother is Virgin Mary, doesn't that make you Anti-Christ?

And if I don't believe in hell, does that mean I can attack anyone I want?

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Hmm. Couple this with all the recent brouhaha about his birth certificate, and one has to wonder what else The Holy Mama of Obama has in common with Virgin Mary. Was she "visited" by a supernatural being? Did she ride into town on a donkey?

Surely we can get Dan Rather to assert that's an original 1961 birth certificate.

Next up: The Obama Code, and establishment of a clandestine society to cover up and protect any more secrets the Republicans will only use to smear and attack the Obamessiah.

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Most interesting, Obama in his Fight for Truth site acknowledges this:

I sought in myself, the attributes of Martin and Malcolm, DuBois and Mandela.

Ah, WEB Dubois, a socialist's socialist!

David Levering Lewis, a biographer, wrote, "In the course of his long, turbulent career, W. E. B. Du Bois attempted virtually every possible solution to the problem of twentieth-century racism — scholarship, propaganda, integration, national self-determination, human rights, cultural and economic separatism, politics, international communism, expatriation, third world solidarity."