
Our American STASI

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Image Ah. We are to have our own Secret Police. On the White House website itself we are given a bull by Linda Douglass, one of His O'liness's spin doctors. I've mimeswiped it lest it go down, although with this lot I don't imagine that they'll think that they'd be embarrassed by overreaching when they're nailing up the last strand of barbed wire on the re-education camps.

Quoth Dominatrix Linda:

The White House

Facts Are Stubborn Things
Posted by Macon Phillips
Opponents of health insurance reform may find the truth a little inconvenient, but as our second president famously said, "facts are stubborn things."

Scary chain emails and videos are starting to percolate on the internet, breathlessly claiming, for example, to "uncover" the truth about the President's health insurance reform positions.

In this video, Linda Douglass, the communications director for the White House's Health Reform Office, addresses one example that makes it look like the President intends to "eliminate" private coverage, when the reality couldn't be further from the truth.

For the record, the President has consistently said that if you like your insurance plan, your doctor, or both, you will be able to keep them. He has even proposed eight consumer protections relating specifically to the health insurance industry.

There is a lot of disinformation about health insurance reform out there, spanning from control of personal finances to end of life care. These rumors often travel just below the surface via chain emails or through casual conversation. Since we can't keep track of all of them here at the White House, we're asking for your help. If you get an email or see something on the web about health insurance reform that seems fishy, send it to [email protected].

Here are the complete videos that Linda refers to. First from the AARP:

And then from the President's news conference:


And we're back to what passes for reality in the world of the Obots.

Notice the farrago of lies, the disjointed nuggets of truth, the insinuations. This is the most dishonest thing that I've read since the supposed self-exculpations of John Wayne Gacy.

Who, by the way, killed just a tiny fraction of the people that Obamacare will kill through the grinding Scylla and Charbydis of bureaucratic rationing and political expediency.

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Character off:

I find it rather disgusting when you get elected officials standing up calling people unpatriotic for standing up and doing exactly why the First amendment was written.
Shrill Klinton, was screaming that people had the right to challenge the Bush Administration, but appears that no longer applies. Now the scum-bag and chiefs sending rent-a-thugs from unions to attack citizens.

These are truly dark times.

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Dissent is Patriotic ONLY if your a member of The Party(TM).

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(Charactor feature reported to [email protected])

My Dad called this situation a "Blivot".

The conundrum that is Obama'a ideology, leadership and absent altruism towards American values is going to result in blood in the streets.

I guess the Tree of Liberty needs fertilizing.

If our nation becomes third world after Obama tweaking...It can all be blamed on Bush. We've all been in a car with a piss poor driver. Opening the door and getting away from that vehicle is the only important thing in life. You make a mental note never to find yourself in that life threatening position ever again.

Obama is that piss poor driver. During the trip, your foot in on the imaginary brake, a free hand with a death grip any available handholds and you can't believe Obama is hits every single chuck hole.

Oh...My father's definition of a Blivot: 10 pounds of shit in a five pound bag.

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Navigator wrote: Oh...My father's definition of a Blivot: 10 pounds of shit in a five pound bag.

Gosh, another miracle performed by the magic 0!

Commissar Theocritus wrote:In this video, Linda Douglass, the communications director for the White House's Health Reform Office, addresses one example that makes it look like the President intends to "eliminate" private coverage, when the reality couldn't be further from the truth.

HAHAHAHAHA! Of course Obamachev is not planning to eliminate private insurance, but if that happens as an totally unintended consequence of his glorious reform..... whoopsie! In the same way, nobody can be fired from a civil service job, but if your boss really wants to get rid of you, he can make your life hell to the point where you'll quit. But technically, you weren't fired. You just wish you were so you could collect unemployment.

These people make Dollar Bill Clinton and his "depends on what the meaning of is is" bullcookies look like an amateur.

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I have to admit that I voted in the Democratic primary for Our Many Titted Empress. It was a rational choice and I convinced others to. But we voted near the door so we didn't pass out holding our breath.

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Comrade Theocritus,

You are a true patriot. I must confess that I only voted in the Republican primaries here in Houston.

Comrade Theocritus,

Leninka does not reveal the whole truth. I, Mr. Ed, who lives behind the main house will tell you. You know how it is. The servants always know what's really going on.

Comrade Leninka votes in the primaries for the Libertarian half of the Republican party. I won't mention the other half, as they are quite sensitive about who they are, however, Leninka is a veritable libertine. She is a loose woman, given to all kinds of vices. Well, I won't say more at this time.

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Leninka, if you are a libertine, give me your phone number. I'll keep Bruno out of the picture by giving him some shiny things to play with.

If the election is decided one way or the other, I vote Libertarian. And the word Libertarian is worldwide taking an American sheen. In Britain it used to mean anarchist but now has been redefined as loving liberty.

Don't tell Nansky ("Awk awk eek eek tookie tookie!") Peloski.

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Red Star wrote:Character off:

I find it rather disgusting when you get elected officials standing up calling people unpatriotic for standing up and doing exactly why the First amendment was written.
Shrill Klinton, was screaming that people had the right to challenge the Bush Administration, but appears that no longer applies. Now the scum-bag and chiefs sending rent-a-thugs from unions to attack citizens.

These are truly dark times.

Image I agree. Frankly I am getting rather depressed sometimes. However, when I feel down, I watch 1:26 of this video to cheer myself up:

In case you don't know, that's Romanian Communist dictator Nicolae Ceausescu meeting his well-deserved fate, being shot and shoved six feet under. I wish the same on all other Communist the same fate.

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Thank you, Comrade Joe. And I blushed to hear my name in the video.

Ah, dear Nicolae. He just wasn't strong enough. If the people had enough energy to kill them they were overfed.

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Poor Comrade Cuchchoostew,

A terrible travesty when such a perfectionist becomes a martyr. I know, this time, Our Dear Leader will get it right.

When it comes to the control of prole breeding, or not breeding, Nanski Peloski really did try with her condom program before it was taken out of the stimulus package.

Here is a gentleman who knows just what the breeding of American babies is doing to the planet. Whether it's a leader who wants more babies bred, like dear Cuchchoostew, or less, it is always admirable to know that some Dear Leader or other cares enough to take control of the breeding, as we proles are completely incapable of making our own personal decisions on how many babies to have, or not to have.

American Babies are Ruining Everything<br>

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Commissar Theocritus wrote:Leninka, if you are a libertine, give me your phone number. I'll keep Bruno out of the picture by giving him some shiny things to play with.

If the election is decided one way or the other, I vote Libertarian. And the word Libertarian is worldwide taking an American sheen. In Britain it used to mean anarchist but now has been redefined as loving liberty.

Don't tell Nansky ("Awk awk eek eek tookie tookie!") Peloski.

Comrade Theocritus,

Pay Mr. Ed no mind. He has no idea what he's talking about.