
OWS poster!

Comrades, here is a new poster created by the unwashed masses occupiers in New York!

(Character off) I must admit it is amazing how much the above OWS poster which I actually downloaded off the OWS site looks like Soviet Propaganda, even down to the class warfare message. The artwork on this poster is a bit clunky (My guess is that it is hard to create good artwork in a tent that is being hosed down by the NYC sanitation department) but it has the look and feel of Communist artwork. Way to go OWS.

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In my days, we had better artists. But, we were hungry peasants, not rich brats.

Though the use of imagery from the Tienanmen Square counter-revolution is strictly verbotten. Remind me to send the young whipper-snapper who made the plagiarized poster a thank-you note with a group hug from the Paяty Cэиtяal...

Anyway, this is what I expect to see on Thursday:


Jíbaro wrote:

Anyway, this is what I expect to see on Thursday:


Man, those OWS women really have to start to shave a little more regularly. This is getting a little out of hand.

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“God bless them for their spontaneity,” Pelosi told reporters. “It's young, it's spontaneous, it's focused and it's going to be effective.”


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I think what the Peloski really meant to say was "It's going to be infected", instead of "effective"—typical Peloski™ malapropism.

The same with her claiming it's "spontaneous" without ending the phrase with the word "combustion".

And saying it's "young", is nothing more than a clarion call for all the 50+ yr-old rapists and molesters lurking in the background, waiting for nightfall: "HEY! FRESH MEAT HERE! COME GET YOUR FRESH YOUNG MEAT HERE!"

And who is she jiv'n bringing up "God"? We all know she doesn't believe in any such thing—unless she's refering to "god=messiah=The One™", and that needs to be clarified for korrekt understanding.

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A similar movement is currently a foot...


Good one, Red Rooster! Maybe if OWS had some real toilet bowls they would not be spreading so much disease among themselves. Imagine working down there? I worked in MidTown for years and it was hard enough to get to work. I can't imagine dealing with all those people on a daily basis.

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Ted State wrote:Good one, Red Rooster! Maybe if OWS had some real toilet bowls they would not be spreading so much disease among themselves. Imagine working down there? I worked in MidTown for years and it was hard enough to get to work. I can't imagine dealing with all those people on a daily basis.

Ted, why have toilet bowls when you have COP CARS? And when one becomes 'used up' just find a nice, clean one.

Rooster, maybe we should change the acronym to "ABM"—Astroturf Bowel Movement instead of "OWS"? OWS reminds me too much of the sentiment on November, 5 '08.

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Ted State wrote:Comrades, here is a new poster created by the unwashed masses occupiers in New York!
According to the poster's imagery, it would seem that all The Monochrome Coalition staffers are gathered in neat little rows for that 0'Leader inspired former ACORN members Astroturf grass-roots rally. Is The 0ne (assuming that is Dear 0'Leader leading the teaming masses to square off against the square-turreted tanks) holding bags of poop contributed in the “Going Brown Green™” movement by the Occupussies? It appears He is prepared to stink-bomb the tanks. Or perhaps He is toting The People's Money stolen redistributed from the few producers left in 0bamaville greedy Evil KKKapitOlist pigs while on his way to the next Solyndra? And if so, where is Moochelle? Behind the lines telling the Occupussies to eat their vegetables to aid in their heaving valiant efforts to lay down some brown go green?
Image Aren't these rallies supposed to be leaderless (unless they're led by The 0ne, I suppose...)?

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Aren't these rallies supposed to be leaderless (unless they're led by The 0ne, I suppose...)?

Comrade Red,

Pssst! You might want to use the Image for that comment. Of course these "rallies" are "leaderless"! We all know that! This is a true grassroots effort, started deep from within the "bowels" of anger brewing in regular, normal, intelligent, cognizant people who happen to reside in their parental units' basements playing video games and commenting on DailyKozzz, Hufingpuffington post, NYT, and Mother Jones all day while doing bong hits collecting trust fund payments, or paychecks from NYCC/ACORN to walk around with signs and repeat every word coming out of the mouth of Moore be down and out thanks to the rotten Rethuglikkkans who refused to pass Dear Leader's comprehensive Jobs Bill.

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Image (Shhh...) You're right. Many are lurking, looking to be offended. We must tread lightly lest Denunciation follow! We Progs all know that Our True Lives must be lived in Fear and Loathing - even of one another, not only ourselves.

At least we needn't fear the Repubican'ts. They cancel themselves out of any debate.

The RethugliKKKans, however - PBU Dear 0'Leader that we have marginalized and ridiculed them into irrelevancy.

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What's the word from the eastern front? I smell VICTORY!


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A lowered shoulder strap ? I'd say Her Majesty is in the mood for a little Chinese.

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Krasnodar wrote:A lowered shoulder strap ? I'd say Her Majesty is in the mood for a little Chinese.

Yes indeed Comrade

With the amount of money we need now to fund our new utopia, no doubt this became possible due to some Progressive form of "Indecent Proposal" by Papa Obama

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Neotrotsky wrote:Yes indeed Comrade

With the amount of money we need now to fund our new utopia, no doubt this became possible due to some Progressive form of "Indecent Proposal" by Papa Obama

At least M00-chelle hasn't forgotten the Party colors of black and red. Some say "payback is a bee-atch". If that lagging shoulder strap is any indication...