
Party Celebrates Success of Head Start Program

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For more than two years, officials of the Department of Mandatory Education have held onto statistical findings that, when released in December, showed that the more than Seven Billion People's Dollars spent on the Head Start program succeeded in preventing school scores from plummeting further than original Party estimates had suggested.

Time to Ax Public Programs That Don't Yield Results

Informed citizens know that State Teachers as yet still do not receive their fair share of the Fruits of Redistributionism, an injustice that President Barack B. Obama has struggled to remedy since seizing power from the bourgeois and reactionary G. G. Bush during the Great Revolution of 2007. The workers and peasants of the USSA have given their unanimous support to Comrade Barack Barackovich, giving him the unquestioned mandate to protect the children of the USSA through improved teacher benefits and compensation for their collectivized labor.

Because of the injustices our teachers have suffered, student testing scores were expected to be much lower, and so the Department of Education has worked diligently to prevent teachers for being blamed for decreased performance. Yet, despite these adverse conditions, the Party is happy to tell the People that the massive infusion of People's Dollars into the Head Start program succeeded in leaving those children mandated to attend the program at the same educational performance level as other children not mandated to attend the program have achieved, rather than the much lower performance that was expected

This is a great success, duplicating the efforts of Comrade President Barack Barackovich to head off a massive Depression through his various spending programs and several Quantitative Easing Plans. Were it not for our President's heroic expansion of the National Debt, the Party expected unemployment to increase to triple digits.

It is obvious that Head Start needs an increase in funding, both as a successful employment program and a likely venue for implementation of the Universal Pacification and Disarmament Plan put forward by the Party.

We should expect an Executive Order in the near future integrating Head Start in the Affordable Healthcare Act to help with controlling school violence and monitoring parental behavior.

Increase Social Justice by supporting Head Start!

Faithfully submitted to the Collective of the People's Cube,
Comrade Nomenklatura-climber
Proletarian Red-noser

The perfectibility of man begins in the schools.

Reactionary fascist counter revolutionary sabotage of the edukation system is afoot!

Never mind the propaganda about de-localizing education...the multi-Trillion dollar honey pot of the Fed printing press will steam roller over any provincialist school board faced with budgetary constraints, the real threat comes from KKKapitalist Kompetition.

School Vouchers....intended to allow Neanderthal parents to send their large carbon foot printed spawn to schools that might teach subject matter not approved by the Department of Edukation is in direct contradiction to the engineering of the New Man.

A second threat is a charitable non-profit that in fact constitutes a threat to the Teacher's Union Soviet...mainly 'Teach For America' seems as if some counter revolutionary is trying to re-direct the Peace Core/AmeriCore youthful enthusiasm, energy and idealism toward trying to inspire and empower students in the worst performing schools. What end of social disruption might take place with such? Will the union membership dues go down? Will 'performance' and 'outcomes' become the whip with which breaks the backs of 350 lbs 5'6" teacher/slaves? And what IF these youths should become empowered and ambitious? They might even try and take control of their own lives!!!

Luckily, the election of Nov 6 is past, and so all the B. Hussein demons are beginning to crawl out from under their rocks. Former militant partisan Bill Ayers has recently on videotape denounced Teach for America a fraud!!!

This militantcy of Bill carried over today to his comrade in Weathermen propaganda of the deed, Ms. Dohrn, who published an op-ed warning the struggling masses against accepting 'faux' gun control laws.

Without the inspiration of these sages of Revolution against the 'privilege of the white skinned' our current struggle against KKKapitalist Kompetition in Edukation might lose heart at the outbreak of the counter revolutionary success in offering the masses that EVIL concept of choice!

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The most important question, How many heads did they start with,
How many do they have now, what is the collection method?

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One must remember that there is an overall depletion of Young Socialists in the USSA, and many school districts are in a panic mode because they will naturally lose their share of the per-student redistributions. Rumor has it that the unions are pushing for a per-employee redistribution system, which means that the Progress will have been attained.

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Us and them: Head Start and no Head Start

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head start.jpg
Head Start - don't be left behind, be more equal.