
People's Army Introduces new 'Green', Feminist Bullet

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Dear Comrades,

At the direction of our Glorious Leader and Supreme Commander in Chief of the People's Army of the USSA, Comrade Party Chairman and Future President Barack Barackovich Obama, the Armed Security Forces will soon be equipped with ‘green bullets' in the interests Environmental Justice and to help women make their full transition into combat units.

Scientists have been working on a new formula for bullets, which Capitalists and the decadent Bourgeoisie have traditionally made from lead coated with copper. These ‘Full Metal Jacket' bullets not only fill the battlefield with unnatural lead fragments which the Earth cannot digest, but are heavy and unpleasant. The new ‘green bullets' will be made from compressed plant fibers, which will quickly decompose soon after firing, producing a fragrant aroma that recent studies of show women prefer to the old smells of combat.

Focus groups of female soldiers arranged by the Department of Defense Against Republicans also revealed that female soldiers think that bullets should come in various flavors. The Lead Chef of the White Fortress has been enlisted by the People's Army to work on various recipes for the new bullets, avoiding such racially insensitive flavors as bacon or breakfast sausage, which may offend Muslims or vegans.

Comrade Obama has already authorized production of his favorite flavor of bullet, Arugula Salad with Crumbled Feta.

While some have made comments about turning the Army's standard rifle, the M4, into a ‘Salad Shooter,' loyal citizens recognize the patriotic duty of every USSA soldier to defend the Motherland with ammunition that both protects the State and the Environment.

Feminists agree that this bullet will make military service more equal for women, who felt threatened by the inherent maleness of lead ammunition.

Now that female soldiers are permitted to enter into combat units, the People's Army will make arrangements to accommodate their special needs in order to recognize their equality to men.

Engineers have said they are working on remedying the reduced stopping power of the new bullet. To compensate for the abridged effectiveness of the new rounds, troops will receive special instruction cards with contact information for services they may need to help cope with additional combat stress.

Green bullets are the environmentally responsible way to protect the State! Preserve the Environment and Social Progress with One Bullet!

Faithfully submitted to the Collective of the People's Cube,
Comrade Nomenklatura-climber
Dialectical Progressivism Translator

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Nomenklatura-climber wrote: While some have made comments about turning the Army's standard rifle, the M4, into a ‘Salad Shooter,'
"From Mouse Gun to Salad Shooter: The Continuing Evolution of Eugene Stoner's Masterpiece". Now available at restaurants and Farmer's Markets nationwide.

It would be remiss to not point out that the linked Wiki article neglects to mention that Mr. Stoner's original design was actually for an AR-10 in 7.62, NOT an AR-15 in 5.56.

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I submit that our female comrades are already masters of lethal arts in the area of bullet-shaped objects.


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I can vouch for that, Comrade People's Director - on several levels!

Myself, I'm contemplating some nice chocolate mint .50 cal BMG. Yummerz!

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Red Square wrote:I submit that our female comrades are already masters of lethal arts in the area of bullet-shaped objects.

I agree, comrade. Mrs. Films is a sure shot, (I've got four glorious boys). For the party, moving forward.

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I would remind Party members that by Socialist principles all heterosexual sexual contact is considered rape unless it is solely contact with one's self or a transgendered person.
DaveFilms wrote:
Red Square wrote:I submit that our female comrades are already masters of lethal arts in the area of bullet-shaped objects.

I agree, comrade. Mrs. Films is a sure shot, (I've got four glorious boys). For the party, moving forward.