
Petition to Abolish Greed

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And there are still people out there that think the Karl Marx Treatment Center is only building up and knocking down straw men. The Jason Mattera's of the world need to be rounded up and brought to justice.

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Comrades, this Jason Mattera has shown us the way. Let us call for legislation to abolish hunger and pain. After that we can abolish cancer and heart attacks. We have the power, if we just dare to hope and change.

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This reminds me of an interview I heard on NPR, where a young progressive musician was almost crying with despair, so heartless and stupid the US Constitution seemed to him. "Why don't they include something good, something meaningful in it - like 'Save the children' or something?" he said.

My heart swelled with pride at the Party's glorious success in giving this young man correct education.

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I am too bothered by this for a decent comment right now. Much, much too bothered.

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Why would we waste time signing a petition when we could be Purging all the kkkapitalist pigs who cause greed? Besides, we already know that all the People would sign it. Only non-persons would not.

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(wipes a tear from his eye)

Beautiful, just beautiful! *sniff* I really got choked up on the waterboarding Rush Limbaugh part.

And replace the Constitution with the Communist Manifesto! Glorious!

I would also go one step further and replace all copies of the Bible with Mao's Little Red Book and replace all copies of Atlas Shrugged with Das Kapital.

Who was that well-dressed young Progressive! I see him rocketing through the Party ranks like crap through a goose!