
Rand Paul

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I just watched his speech accepting the nomination of the Republican party though he did not mention republicans once. He is off the script. We need to do more to tie him to Palin or he could be a threat to dear leader in 2012. Watch it at your own peril.

We must protect our Friends sell-outs among the Republican RINO !

Those extremist Libertarian pot heads must be stopped or they might bring the GOP down back to its principles. See how they are corrupting our youth with those sexual pornographic content? !


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Maybe this will help. (emailed from my top secret anonymous source)


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Fraulein, where I to get such blouse? It to be so nice to have happy face of Dear Leader close to bosom.

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Sarah Palin has made the progressive media's dirty job easier by coming out as a Rand Paul fan.

And Rand Paul himself has also made their dirty job easier by coming out as an Ayn Rand fan.

Now all that's left it to start calling him Ayn Rand Paul and he'll have no chance in November!

Komrads you must remenber that Rand Paul is to be elected in KENTUKY !

So bad that the Komrads who were charged of improving poisoning the water with vitamins psychotic ... and we might need to nuke it to prevent him to get elected ... anyone ready for a Nuclear accidents.It was awful ... it was a Randslide !!!!!!!

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If we nuke KY, where will we be getting our KY jelly from?

Red Square wrote:If we nuke KY, where will we be getting our KY jelly from?
Komrad we can install a glorious new collective People's Farm in Detroit run by our friends thugs from SEIU ... we don't need the fertile lands of KY to have jelly, with a Declaration from the People's Soviet Congress of America, read by Nancy Pelosita and signed by Premier Secretary Obama, we can produce more Jelly than the world needs in DAYS !Forgive me Komrad Red Square .... but are you doubting of our Leaders Leadership or of the Party experience ?We need to NUKE KY ... this Rand Paul guy is very dangerous because he wants Term Limits, Constitutional Ammemdments to spending and few Wars. Will We agree with him on Wars, we must remember that we need Wars to accomodate the middle class idiotic Americans and buy Republicans, so we can continue the Glorious Welfare State Komrads !