
Red Alert: Reagan's Ghost Returns

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Red Alert! Red Alert! Warning! Warning!

Reagan's Ghost returned on his 100th Birthday:

This can't be found on YouTube, which shut down the right-wing site that posted it, so the only way for the Cube to view this blasphemy is to use Windows Movie Player (or any other program that can play "wmv" format):


We need to remind Obama to stop claiming he's "Reagan" or "Reaganesque."


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Maybe we should remind the Obama he's more along the lines of Carteresque.

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I forgot to add a small-size embeddable version:


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This motion picture is a Masterpiece! How easily Commissar Kah-Tuh morphs into Commissar The Won! It is a thing greatly to be celebrated, no? These two Titans of American Government are virtually indistinguishable, are they not? It even features war-criminal two-bit-actor Celebrated Commissar Reagan, whom our Obammunist Leader now emulates In Every Action! A Guiding Hand for The Won's Triumphant March Into The Future , no?

My own private celebration began when Commissar The Won predictably sided with the "democracy" "protestors" in Egypt - In The Same Fashion As Commissar Kah-Tuh sided with the anti-shah Iranian Peoples' Revolutionaries 30 years ago! What a blessing for the world that has turned out to be!

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Greetings, Comrades - I am "new kid on block".
And I am disturbed by this sighting of ghost. Who we gonna call? HAHAHA!
Comrades, I am not worthy to participate on peoples' forum, among you of great collektive intellect, but we are all equal so I participate.
Who knows, maybe I and Rock Tsar start band?
I am going to ponder this ghost.

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As you are a new comrade (and welcome to the collective, by the way) let an older and far more pickled head give you a bit of free advice. We are all, indeed, equal in the Party...but do be aware that some of us are more equal than others. Take Pinkie for example: unless she is shown absolute and proper deference, and unless you immediately endorse whatever cause dujour she has embraced, you may expect an immediate and severe shovel-shaped contusion. And in the name of Lenin, man, don't wear a red hat anywhere she can see you!

And just so there is no confusion, the rumors circulating about a secret bunker to which only members of the inner circle of the Party have access are almost entirely unfounded.

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There's a bunker? Nah, if there where a bunker I would know about. Now this business about Pinkie? She's the most caring, lovable Commissarka on the Planet. Ivan was just trying to scare you Comrade R.O.C.K. in the USSA .

Our new Comrade said;"[highlight=#ffff99]Who we gonna call?[/highlight]"
Well, her name is Akilina and she works for me. Yes, we of the NC Kollective do Ghost Busting. It's worked out rather well with the ground being frozen solid. The RayGun Ghost will be no match for her.

Here she is in her work clothes:


Oh, I almost forgot............sigh............ Do watch out for the Jimmah Kah-Tuh nuclar rabbits. They are really mean critters and you never know when they'll strike. Just ask Father Prog Theocritus.

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* * * Who we gonna call (as Ghost Busters for Reagan's Ghost)?" * * *

The RayGun Ghost will be no match for her.

Here she is in her work clothes:

* * *

That's a least a start, but we will need far, far more than this lone, Ghost "Busting" Babe to "bust" Reagan's Ghost. (She has great appeal, but I fear Reagan's Ghost may ghost her bust-- don't ask me what that means-- I read it on the teleprompter.)
Red Alert to all Comrades at The Peoples Cube:
Attention Progressive Comrades at The Peoples Cube:
We need Progressive Ghost-Busters to stop Reagan's Ghost from attacking Obama by using the epithet "Obamachev" as a substitute for Obama's real name. The next thing you know, he'll be describing Obama's Progressive programs as "Obamastroika" (oh, wait-- that's aready been done and is in the process of being rescued from the black hole into which YouTube already sent it by having its "Ghost Busting" robots terminate certain YouTube accounts unfriendly to the Progressive Agenda-- If we don't act quickly, the right-wingers will finish retrieving the "Obamastroika" video from the YouTube black hole.)


Those Reagan (RayGun, as you so insightfully say, Grigori) Robots are also trying to get people to watch this pernicious video on their portable devices:

Let's get started with some Ghost Busting (or at least some ghosting busts)

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Comrade Kook, I share your enthusiasm. I also have much enthusiasm for comrade Akilina, whether in her work clothes or out of them. We MUST stop this ghost before it enlightens propagandizes the ignorant masses with its truth falsehoods. I can only wonder at the damage it might do were it to successfully haunt teleprompter of our Leader.

We have come much too far since this Ray Gun temporarily derailed our glorious Plan™ to let his despicable memory haunt us now. Comrades, we must TEAR DOWN THIS GHOST!

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No worries Comrades. My spiritual adviser deals with this kinda thing all the time. I will summon him.


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Even worse that insulting our leader, Obama, the Ghost of Reagan is now appearing everywhere to tell jokes that make our collective ideals the butts of cruel jokes. Someone must bust this Ghost: .


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Dear Comrades,

I was watching the birthday celebration at Simi Valley, CA. Up to the point there was an introduction for James Bak er the toid. Personally, public discourse from this source has reached the excessive overabundance stage. There was immediate activation of the OFF switch.

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Comrade R.O.C.K., welcome! It is good to see another comrade who knows the value of turning music to the Common Good ™. Just in time, too. Old rhythm guitarist had a, uh, "accident" recently. Missed his entrance, then got too familiar with the pyrotechnics, da? I am sure you will not make the same mistake.

As for busting this Raygun- Can Pinkie's shovel reach into the supernatural? I bet it can.

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This RayGun Ghost thing is getting way out of hand. As for Pinkie Comrade Rock Tsar? She's hiding in her beet cellar. I've never seen the Commisarka this rattled. Obamachev? Obamastroika? It's getting scary Comrades, so I'm "manning up" and activating the entire NC Ghost Busting Team. They're warming up in the ready room right now:

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Grigori E.R. wrote:...It's getting scary Comrades, so I'm "manning up" and activating the entire NC Ghost Busting Team. They're warming up in the ready room right now:
Most excellent, Comrade Grigori - am feeling MUCH better now that we have music from Motherland with which to combat disturbing ghost. Music is powerful weapon, as you know.

Tsar of Rock, perhaps we trade guitar solos with Ghost Busting team singing and dancing, da?

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Comrade R.O.C.K., of course we will trade guitar solos with Grigori's ghost busters. One thing to remember: While all comrades on official Party band get equal time to solo, my time may seem more equal than others. This is not so. That would be unprogressive. The time interval is the same, just the moment is a bit longer. If you have questions, I refer you to Colonel 7.62.

If Pinkie's hiding, it is bad! Hurry, we must act NOW to WIN THE FUTURE!