
Save Obama's Uncle!

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PICKET: Obama's illegal uncle arrested; 'Uncle Omar' almost hits cop car, tries to call White House

By Kerry Picket
Washington Times
Published on August 28, 2011, 11:40AM

The Australian is reporting that [highlight=#FFFF00] Onyango Obama[/highlight] has retained Cleveland lawyer Margaret Wong. This is the same immigration attorney who successfully represented Mr. Obama's sister Zeituni, when she managed to avoid deportation to Kenya. Mr. Obama pleaded not guilty at his remand hearing.

*Clarification: Onyango Obama nearly hit the police car. He did not actually hit it, according to police reports.


A number of media outlets have already reported that an illegal immigrant from Kenya by the name of [highlight=#FFFF00]Onyango Obama[/highlight], 67, was arrested last week on Wednesday after he nearly rammed his SUV into a police car in Framingham, Massachusetts.

He was later charged with DUI among other violations. I spoke to Framingham Public Information Officer Lieutenant Delaney who told me that when Onyango Obama was asked at booking if he wanted to make a telephone call to arrange for bail, the Kenyan immigrant replied: "I think I will call the White House."


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S.A.F. Marshal Pravda wrote:I see the family resemblance...same eyes
Funny thing, I thought so too. Only my exact words were "Same beady snake eyes"


Raum Emmanual Goldstein
S.A.F. Marshal Pravda wrote:I see the family resemblance...same eyes

Yes... And I dare say that all look the same to YOU, don't they????

(Me thinks I smell a thought crime in progress).

Raum Emmanual Goldstein
Vladimir_Scratchanitch wrote:
S.A.F. Marshal Pravda wrote:I see the family resemblance...same eyes
Funny thing, I thought so too. Only my exact words were "Same beady snake eyes"



Raum Emmanual Goldstein
hehehehehehehehehehe..... He said "Wong."



Raum Emmanual Goldstein
Ok.... How do we spin this for Dear Leader (AP&PBUH)?

Wait! I know!

... He's that crazy zanny relative that every president has and should keep locked up in the basement, but that the People find as an endearing feature of said President (because we all have that crazy zanny uncle in our family that would be better left locked up in a closet...Don't we!).

Hey! Remeber Billy Carter? It worked for Jimmy! Why... If it worked for Jimmy.... Oh! Wait....

Hmmmm... How do we spin this for Dear Leader (AP&PBUH)?

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Raum Emmanual Goldstein wrote:
Vladimir_Scratchanitch wrote:
S.A.F. Marshal Pravda wrote:I see the family resemblance...same eyes
Funny thing, I thought so too. Only my exact words were "Same beady snake eyes"


NOOOO. Not racist at all. I like snakes. I grew up with them. Played with them.

Some of my best friends are snakes.

My ex-wife was a snake.

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Raum Emmanual Goldstein wrote: Hey! Remeber Billy Carter? It worked for Jimmy! Why... If it worked for Jimmy.... Oh! Wait....

Although I much prefer the Peoples Vodka, I will swill some Uncle Onyango brews to donate to the deportation defense fund - because I care, just not quite as much as the Commissarka. If you can evade the imperialist rethugliKKKan forces in this inhumane, racist capitalist hellhole for over 20 years - you have truly earned the title of "Peoples Hero" and all the rights & privileges thereto afforded.


On the 17th Uncle O cals the WH for bail.
On the 18th, nephew O signs executive order to end run Congress on amnesty.

If Uncle O beats the rap, he gets a stay-in-country pass!

Isn't America great!?

Falling for the Democrats transparent government ruse;
Weiner goes on full display

Democrat legacies:
How long will it take to live Weiner down?

Weiner displays new Era in Democrat transparency.
Pelosi not amused.

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My crystal ball foresees a different outcome in an election year.

