
Senator Ted Cruz Threatens Administration w/ "Constitution"

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Dateline Washington DC, United States Senate -

In a surprising and brash move today, Republican Senator Ted Cruz threatened the Obama Administration from the Senate floor with what appeared to be a pocket copy of an old and outdated document known as "the constitution".

While most of those present in the senate chamber laughed at first at what appeared to be a joke, apparently Senator Cruz was actually serious with his preposterous shenanigan, as he continued to lash out at both the president himself and the majority party, the Democrats, for allegedly "not following the law of the land".

Asked later what this could possibly mean to the president, presidential spokesmouth Jay "Carney" Carney shuddered and then whispered what sounded like "It buuuuurnnnnssssssss...".

More as the story develops.

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Boy, those senators must be really S-L-O-W to be needing a remedial course at their ages. Didn't they pay attention in class?

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Watching Ted Cruz on CSPAN.

This man needs to be President.


Where was I?

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That Cruz is a real assh@le trying to defeat Comrade Dear Leader Obama (PBUH). As a matter of fact, he makes me sick. Excuse me, I must go put a bit more vomit in the outhouse orifice.BTW, it appears we have a spy among us as per the ancient Chinese writings in the post directly below this one.

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Comrade Walrus, not only are the spy writings in ancient Chinese, they appear to be invisible!

Devious. Perhaps it is just that they are transparent like Dear Leader.

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Ahh yes, transparent like Dearest Leader (PBUH). Is Comrade Barack "Michelson" Obama upset with the treacherous teabag Cruz? This Cruz fellow still does not understand that The Constitution was made to live and to breath. Look at all the mistakes the <spit> founding fathers <spit> made as documented by all of the amendments.

Comrade Rock, I do believe though, the ancient Chinese writings were a neurological side effect from the fifth of potato vodka I found under the couch. Once mixed with my vintage beet vodka and after I stared at the post for about 15-45 seconds and tilted my head sideways, the results were totally different. . . words were gone and images began to appear. Here is a print screen captured precisely at the 30 second mark.


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you tilted your head sideways?

Wait.... oh!


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In appreciation for the Senator's marathon last night, I post this........ [video][/video] I'm sure Pamalinsky will approve.

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What is this "Constitution" that you mention, Comrade ROCK? Is it a new document that Dear Leader has bestowed upon the masses? Or is the dirty Rethuglikkan senator Cruz finding some old Pre-Biblical document and pretending that it is still important today?We in Minnesotastan have never heard of such documents before. We are more interested in if the capitalist *spit* owners of the conglomerate *spit* football team can pay for his part of his new stadium than we are in documents that might try to undermine the Glorious One. I do not understand this Constitution (Konstitution?) thing.
I am a newbie to the Kollective, please help me to understand.

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Comrade from Minnesotastan, welcome to the collective! I shall pass on to the appropriate commissars that you need to be added to the beet vodka rationing in, oh, say 5 years or so.

This so-called "senator" who calls himself "Cruz" seems to be referring to an ancient - although living - document written long ago by evil white slave owners, which was out of date the moment it was written let alone for today's modern world of NextTuesday™.

Fortunately, he finally shut up after glorious Senator of the People Harry Reid (Douchbag-NV) asserted that the end of his waste of time had come.

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Ted Cruz is a lousy f**k and I hate him. He's a stupid liar who's bad and dangerous for America. Mark my words, he'll take us straight back to the Dark Ages. Let Ted Cruz steal the election, and you'll be saddled with the worst president ever since George W. Bush.

Speaking of George W. Bush, what he didn't destroy--and you'd think he'd destroyed everything, but he's so stupid that he's certain to have overlooked something--and whatever that is, Ted Cruz will demolish it. Ted Cruz will finish anything George W. Bush started and make it even worse.

Ted Cruz is a stupid lying traitor who will end civilization as we know it. If, in spite of his total idiocy, he gets away with stealing the presidency, old people will be falling off cliffs everywhere. Mass starvation and homelessness and joblessness will be everywhere as we are forced to live in cardboard "Cruzvilles".

I hate Ted Cruz because no thanks to him, the planet will relapse from its healing of the past few years, and the oceans will rise again.

Ted Cruz hates the planet, old people, children, immigrants, puppies, kittens, bunny rabbits, ladybugs, squirrels with big bushy tails, fluffy baby chicks that go cheep-cheep, and fluffy yellow ducklings that go quack-quack. He abhors science. And we all know how much he despises Obamacare. As the teabaggers' demigod, it's obvious Ted Cruz doesn't care about anything except his God and his guns, as well as millionaires, billionaires, and fat cat corporate jet owners.

He wasn't even born in the United States. He was born in Canada, yet his name is more commonly found in Mexico, so who knows where he's really from? For all we know, his mother was a jackal and he was switched at birth. In fact, I'll bet he's the Antichrist the rightwing evangelical nutjobs think they see in every leader of the people from Lenin to Chavez to Obama. But it's really Cruz. Think about it: No one knows where he's really from, and his name means “cross” which has something to do with Jesus. Couple that with the inherent evil that embodies Ted Cruz, and that's all the proof anyone needs.

Furthermore, Ted Cruz comes from the same state that cursed us with George W. Bush, Rick “Brain Fart” Perry and the Chainsaw Massacre. Watch that movie and you'll get an idea of just what he intends to do with our sacred entitlement programs that make America great.

For if Ted Cruz is allowed to get away with stealing the Presidency from Hillary, rest assured he will proclaim himself dictator, and say stupid hateful things—like letting people keep more of their own money when they're only going to squander it on themselves is somehow patriotic. Any nitwit will tell you that the moral and patriotic thing is to plead with the government to please, please raise your taxes, so they'll have the necessary revenue to help those who rely on the government—because that's what the government is for, and the government has made a sacred covenant with the people that they could always rely on it for everything, and for all eternity.

We will all be living in fear of our lives because of Ted Cruz's bloodthirsty tyranny.

That's all I have to say for now. Oh wait, one more thing . . . Ted Cruz is just like Hitler.
Last edited by Commissarka Pinkie on 9/25/2013, 10:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason for editing this post: To add squirrels with big bushy tails to the list of things Ted Cruz hates but eats anyway.

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I praise Comrade Pinkie for best post in the thread . . . She deserves an extra ration of vodka for the month. That damn Cruz makes me sick and if I could put my disturbance to words like Pinkie did, I could write a book. Excuse me while I go vomit a bit more due to the Cruz factor.

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Comrade Pinkie wrote:Ted Cruz[highlight=#ffff00] hates the planet, old people, children, immigrants, puppies, kittens, bunny rabbits, ladybugs, fluffy baby chicks that go cheep-cheep, and fluffy yellow ducklings that go quack-quack.[/highlight] He abhors science. And we all know how much he despises Obamacare. As the teabaggers' demigod, it's obvious Ted Cruz doesn't care about anything except his God and his guns, as well as millionaires, billionaires, and fat cat corporate jet owners. - See more at: ... 6KtcO.dpuf

Fortunately, he doesn't hate squirrels...yet.

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Captain Craptek, the Current Truth is changing and evolving all the time. As of 11:40 pm somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean time this evening, Ted Cruz now hates squirrels.

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Capt. Commie wrote:I'm sure Pamalinsky will approve.
I most certainly do approve Capt. Commie!When I first heard this song I knew it would be a major hit. And it was! The simple background vocals put it over the top for me. I loved it's exuberance.[img]images/clipart/Prog_Off.gif[/img] As I love Ted's exuberance. Go Ted! Keep those hits comin'!

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R.O.C.K. in the USSA wrote:
Oh, no, do not tell me you actually believe in (gasp) "God"! Where is the denouncement button???

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Red Square wrote:From Steve Bowers:


Is it not wonderful that almost entire Commissariat Congress is reaching across aisle to bury knife hatchet in Ted Cruz' back friendship? Now all huddling masses (excluding Commissariat Congress) will obtain rightful place as wards of State. This all shows how important it is to have one Party (Grand Old Socialist Democrat Party) instead of two.

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RedDiaperette wrote:
R.O.C.K. in the USSA wrote:
Oh, no, do not tell me you actually believe in (gasp) "God"! Where is the denouncement button???
Comrade, really. Of course I don't. But the proles would misunderstand if I had said "... Lenin kills a kitten", would they not?

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R.O.C.K. in the USSA wrote:
This so-called "senator" who calls himself "Cruz" seems to be referring to an ancient - although living - document written long ago by evil white slave owners, which was out of date the moment it was written let alone for today's modern world of NextTuesday™.
Thank you for enlightening me, Comrade R.O.C.K. A living document. It must be an evil document to have lived so long, and of course, to let someone like Mr. Cruz speak of it. And while speaking of Mr. Cruz... I mean no offense to anyone, but because cats are not my favorite animal... I must say Ted Cruz, Ted Cruz, Ted Cruz, Ted Cruz, Ted Cruz, Ted Cruz.... Now that 6 cats have dies, I can finally feed the Children ™ their full beet ration. See, we here in the frozen wasteland of Minnesotastan (Home of Hubert Humphrey and now the home of that glorious Party member Mark Dayton) do not grow many beets, as the season is far too short. We depend on Glorious Leader (Or as he has been called in my circle, the EGGO, which is short for the Eternal Grand Glorious Obama), and his minions underlings fellow Party members to ensure that we receive our rations while the sun shines. If only we were allowed to maybe hunt the deer that eat the beets of our rocky, frozen fields. What a wonderful world it would be. I do appreciate being added to the list of beet vodka rations, but 5 years? That would be too soon for a neophite like myself. Maybe by then I will be equal enough to warrant a half ration, but a full ration so quickly, I would be deeply honored. I will do my best to become the best Party member that I can. Thank you so very much.

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Comrade ROCK,

It appears the hostile Chinese are back, as evidenced by the mysterious links embedded in some of the posts. OR, Ted Cruz has successfully broken the Cube's security features, edited the posts himself, and is colluding with the like's of Google and getting paid millions of dollars for advertising here. OR, that potato beet vodka combo has some really wild aftereffects.


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Red Walrus wrote:Comrade ROCK,

It appears the hostile Chinese are back, as evidenced by the mysterious links embedded in some of the posts. OR, Ted Cruz has successfully broken the Cube's security features, edited the posts himself, and is colluding with the like's of Google and getting paid millions of dollars for advertising here. OR, that potato beet vodka combo has some really wild aftereffects.


Comrade Walrus,

Is this what you're seeing? If so, it's the vodka working its miracles again. Don't worry.


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Thanks for talking me down Comrade Squirrel. I was beginning to lose consciousness. And the funny thing about those embedded links...they only appeared in my and ROCK's posts....go figure?

Update...I now see them in Comrade Squirrel's posts too!!

Update #2...The embedded links are no longer walrus heaven but are now washer dryer reviews and Disney Cruises!!!

OMGOML now the links are appearing in my updated edits. Oven reviews now...

Update #3... Thank Lenin the tainted vodka effects have worn off . . . no more Chinese women, no more white girls, no more washer dryer combos. It's that damned Ted Cruz's fault. He just drives me to drink, heavily.

Update #4...Captain Squirrel send over the truck. Yep they're back again. I mouse over the name <spit> Ted Cruz and I get a Bosch oven review.

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Let us know if the toasters show up and I'll send someone over with a straight jacket.

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< recently overheard in my dacha >
"Yes its early, no its not pornography, there's a squirrel a walrus and a cat that wears a helmet discussing Senator Cruz.... What? Of course I'll wash my hands...."

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EGGO? As in Waffle? Minnesotastan, you just gave me a mini-haha.

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R.O.C.K. in the USSA wrote:
RedDiaperette wrote:
R.O.C.K. in the USSA wrote:
Oh, no, do not tell me you actually believe in (gasp) "God"! Where is the denouncement button???
Comrade, really. Of course I don't. But the proles would misunderstand if I had said "... Lenin kills a kitten", would they not?
True, true. I had not thought of that. I cry you mercy and thank you for korrektion.

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Comrade Commie,

My server went down I so couldn't actually listen to the video you posted then. But I did see your post and answered it.

Now, (server on), after an additional listen, even though I've heard it a thousand times, I was actually brought to tears by it. All the "diversity" gathered together, in this case, actual diverse people, dancing in the streets, symbolically and literally. The subtle 2-note background vocals convey to me an emerging excitement fulminating amongst those who agree with Ted Cruz. An awakening? Yes, I think so. That's what moved me to tears. What a perfect choice, Comrade Commie! I love it!

Pinkie, my dear Commissarka, I've only one thing to say:

Way to put it over the friggin' top!
(Where it actually belongs!)

And show us what really is in store for us if we don't get our heads right!

You rock from the heart!

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Hey, R.O.C.K., I know you're a rock kinda guy, but do you know anyone on the the Cube that goes Country?

Because I dreamt this the other night, inspired by Father Prog Theocritus, I dunno why, I just did. It was "Country" all the way and I think it applies to Ted, as well:

Here's my lyric:

The other night as I lay dreamin'
There you were, much to my surprise
You pulled me out to see your vision
You made me realize

If I can take what I see in front of me,
Drink it down from the loving cup,
If I can't see any kind of compromise,
Then I know that my time is up.

It's time to be who I know I am
Not who I think I'm supposed to be
I just can't see any kind of compromise,
And I know that my time is up.

It's time to be who I know I am
Not who I think I'm supposed to be
I just can't see any kind of compromise,
And I know that my time is up.

Just askin'.

If we can collaborate here, it will be a coveted Cube original.
That would be awesome!

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Comrade Pam, I would severely recommend speed/thrash metal for those lyrics.

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Dear R.O.C.K.

I must concur. Severely done!

And, especially, most equal!


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R.O.C.K. in the USSA wrote: Comrade Pam, I would severely recommend speed/thrash metal for those lyrics.

Comrades - I'm not sure.............."It's Time To Be Who I Know I Am".....Hmmmm........Does this make sense as applied to progs? Wouldn't "I'll Never Be Who I Know I Am" be safer, less disturbing mentally?

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Captain Craptek wrote: Comrades - I'm not sure.............."It's Time To Be Who I Know I Am".....Hmmmm........Does this make sense as applied to progs? Wouldn't "I'll Never Be Who I Know I Am" be safer, less disturbing mentally?

Or perhaps: "I think I am what I think, therefore I am ... I think."

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Well, Dear Leader Comrade President would sum it up thusly: "I AM".

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R.O.C.K. in the USSA wrote:Well, Dear Leader Comrade President would sum it up thusly: "I AM".

HE (PBUH) quickly added, "I have made Me in My own image."

Dedhedvedev wrote:Boy, those senators must be really S-L-O-W to be needing a remedial course at their ages. Didn't they pay attention in class?
How dare he try to stop modern progressive ideas by quoting nonsense from people who are dead?

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Captain Craptek wrote:
R.O.C.K. in the USSA wrote: Comrade Pam, I would severely recommend speed/thrash metal for those lyrics.

Comrades - I'm not sure.............."It's Time To Be Who I Know I Am".....Hmmmm........Does this make sense as applied to progs? Wouldn't "I'll Never Be Who I Know I Am" be safer, less disturbing mentally?
Most equal point, Comrade Crap,

I am currently reading The Captive Mind by Czeslaw Milosz, a Nobel Prize Winner for Literature, regarding this very subject. And you are right on!

A depressing but informative read. As a Made Prog™, I need to be depressed 24/7. It's essential for my very existence. Hey! I know how to face reality! Okay?

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R.O.C.K. in the USSA wrote:Well, Dear Leader Comrade President would sum it up thusly: "I AM".
Hey R.O.C.K., way to reduce things to lowest terms!
A mathematical genius!

I, as a Made Prog™ always love reducing things to lowest terms because it's easier for me to understand. It is quite coincidental that it happens to tell the truth on a most basic level, which I don't care about. I just like it simple. Keeps me from actual thinking, which I find most annoying.

If it's simple, I can easily discredit it as being racist, homophobic, haters, terrorists, etc. and I know I am covered by these talking points in the MSM. If things get "complicated, i.e. things I don't understand, well, same thing! MSM talking points rule! It's as easy as 1-2-3! That's why I love the Demo(lition) Party. Yep! I'm a true believer.

Having made that perfectly clear, I'd like to post this:

O.K., It's about Popeye the Sailor Man. But, look closer. The iamwhatiam was taken from a biblical quote from the bible. "I am that I am." Referring to God. A coincidence? I don't think so.

Here it is:


In addition, here's another pic with non-photoshop interpretations due to my current lack of ability in this area:

Spinach=The Peoples Money

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Oh yeah, Comrades,

I received this today from another "stay creepy" dude claiming it was said may years ago and applies today. What a non-revisionist joke. It is most amusing and I post it for your entertainment: