
Shed Archaic View that Your Kids Belong to You Not the State

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Parents: You must shed the archaic, reactionary view that your kids belong to your rather than to the Collective.


For our Enlightenment, here is the initial report on Breitbart regarding comments by MSNBC Host Melissa Harris-Perry promoting a progressive program on MSNBC about the need for a "collective" approach to parenting and education:


Here's the actual video of Enlightenment from the MSNBC Host(ess) (but not cupcake), Ms. Melissa Harris-Perry explaining the need or parents to "get over" the outmoded notion that their children "belong to them" instead of "collectively" to "the community":

Remember these important talking points whenever you're trying to get backward, reactionary parents to stop clinging to the outmoded notion that their children "belong to them" rather than to the Collective:

  1. 1. The Collective will prevent the children from suffering the trauma of having to decide whether they have a mommy and a daddy, a mommy but no daddy, a daddy but no mommy, two mommies, or two daddies because they'll be secure in the knowledge that all the womyn in the Collective employed by the State to serve as "mommies" are their real "mommies" and that the State long ago rendered the role of "Daddies" obsolete, so each child will be comforted by knowing that he/she has an entire community of "Mommies" which eliminates the need for any "Daddy" other than The State.

    2. The Collective Mommies will teach all boys and girls to throw baseballs the same way as does our Pitcher in Chief, President Obama.

    3. All children will be taught to address any adult Womyn (in the "community") as "Mommy" and any adult male as "Non-Womyn."

    4. All children will be taught that SSM (Same Sex Marriage) is but an intermediate step in the evolution of the fundamental unit of society becoming the NSM (No-Sex Marriage), with procreation being a decision reserved for the State to decide whose dna should be replicated into a new being according to the number of new human-type beings the Leaders of the Collective determine to be most compatible with the prime directive of returning Earth to the pristine state in which it existed before being raped by Capitalism.

    5. The Collective Mommies will protect the pre-womyn children from having any dangerous exposure to dolls, playhouses, kitchen-type toys and the pre-non-womyn children will be conditioned to only enjoy playing non-aggressive, non-competitive games such as the "How to Polish Your Own All-Purpose Trophy."

    6. The Collective Mommies will dress all pre-womyn children and all pre-non-womyn children in the same way-- i.e., unindividualized clothing consisting of a pink bloushirt and pink pantsies so no one will feel "out of style," but each bloushirt shall prominently display the "O" logo.

    7. The Collective Mommies will exercise precise control over all liquid and solid nutrition for each child to both protect the child and the planet from harmful diets (or planetary side-effects) involving the production and consumption of any form of red meat, any fowl food, or any inhabitant of the oceans, lakes, streams or rivers in favor of nutrition bars composed of at least three veggies a day.

    8. Condition the children to never forget to use spill-check and sintax-check.

From the brevity of this list, it is clear that there remains much work to be done to enable the Collective to comprehensively plan every aspect of the proper socialization of each pre-womyn and each pre-non-womyn to eventually take his/her place in the Interconnected Google/Obama Network. So it's obvious that we need additional input from the most Elite members of the Collective.

When reactionary Trekkies try to claim this sounds like the BORG, you must patiently inform them that it's not the BORG, it's the GORG, which stands for "Google/Obama Redistributive Group."

Last edited by KOOK on 4/10/2013, 9:38 am, edited 4 times in total.
Reason for editing this post: added video; spill check almost used; sintax-check; Revise artwork intro

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The maternal care unit of my offspring will be intrigued to learn that "she didn't build that" and that the state and teachers unions truly know best. Our beloved MTE was right..."It Takes A Village"

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Not only are we on the threshold of a glorious next Tuesday; we are on the threshold of a Brave New World.

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I for one hope to have the opportunity to beat the cr** out of Ms. Harris-Perry's offspring. Since they now are partially my responsibility, I will teach them the discipline they need to become good workers in our brave new society. I may also throw in a few licks just because the beet vodka has kicked in.

My evil twin brother "Expel the Blue States" had his typically ReichWing reaction to this stating: "expropriating income and assets no longer sates the Borg they want to expropriate our DNA!....isn't that a red line?"

His apolitical wife though carried away a different perspective. Recollecting the Leave to Beaver days when a street would be populated with housewife/mothers who watched each other's back by imposing community behavior expectations on minors, she posited maybe it does take a village to raise a child!

Mother spy networks and local community drones are one thing her fascist foam at the mouth husband exclaimed. Goobermit drones are quite another!

But the State in its Fifty Year planning sessions realizes the best taxpaying drones are those younglings trained by Public Sector Unionist.

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Melissa might have wrote:I take the bus everywhere - school, shopping, work.

My bus is so short that even when I insist on sitting in the front seat...

I don't like sitting with those mean girls Chris Hayes and Chris Matthews.

One day our bus driver, Mister Joe, forgot to put on his pants! It was the best day ever... cops can be pretty funny when they want to be!

My friend's name is Rachel. She helped me get a picture ID so that if I got lost or needed to vote I could show it to someone. I'm sure glad I have a Democrat friend because I would have never figured that one out!

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Now, this is what Transformation of America™ is all about!

Finally, Comrades, we now have a major corporate conglomerate, Toys R Us, bending to our will!

Yes! No longer will parents have the responsibility to raise their own children.
Yes! They can turn it all over to the collective.

Remember when our darling Hillary first said, "It Takes a Village?"

Just think how wonderful it will be when the state takes ownership of our own children. We don't have to do anything! This is very kewl!

Guilt free, responsibility free. What could be more wonderful?

Someone should bitch slap this bitch!
Where are our heros? Oh, I get it, they've turned into gyros! Greek meat rolls.
Nice. Barf.

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Had I only known this when my own children were young. There we were, the Mrs. and me, feeding and clothing these little parasites day after day, month after month, year after year. Had Comrade Melissa Harris-Perry only spoken up sooner, she could have saved us years of aggravation and cold hard cash. My children - oops - I mean our contribution to the community's child pool (I certainly don't want to seem selfish) could have been off foraging and learning important survival skills. I am seriously considering denouncing this comrade-come-lately for her untimeliness.

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OK, since I do not have children, I'm going to have to borrow some of yours, comrades. They can help me clean up this place. After all, they belong to the Kollektive, not to you. Don't be selfish.

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I'm thinking this glorious new policy that has yet to be signed, or debated, or proposed, (still a darned fine idea) should be made retroactive. If we go back to the days when I was nine years old, and everybody was my parent, and all of those people sent me my $3.00 allowance, every week, interest compounded...

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The knuckle dragging reichwingers brains are just not wired politically correctly.

Our drones must korrect that in their miserable little prog-eny.

Self reliance & individuality will be eradicated as they do not serve the Collective.

Their culture will adapt to service us.

The collectives consciousness Barakus of Prog has spoken.



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At the introductory portion of this thread, I've added the following additional photoshop artwork:



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I remember other days of collective ownership of children... they were called 'plantations.' Of course, because they were owned by whites, it was bad. It is much better that we be owned by blacks.

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Re: Kids raised by the Village- That would be the ones who were not aborted because girls getting PG is a mistake and they are punished with a baby.

Last edited by Vladimir_Scratchanitch on 4/12/2013, 10:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason for editing this post: Added link to "Punished with a baby" story

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Pamalinsky wrote:Scratchanitch, you are a genius!

Yeah? The truth is, I really wish I was a lot more stupid, because then I could be happier instead of being so....damned...utterly disgusted.

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Vladimir_Scratchanitch wrote:
Pamalinsky wrote:Scratchanitch, you are a genius!

Yeah? The truth is, I really wish I was a lot more stupid, because then I could be happier instead of being so....damned...utterly disgusted.

Ha! I have had the very same thought, Dear Scratch! Hang in there, sweetheart! I am determined to do so, as well!

This is not the first time I have encountered adversity in my life, and, most likely, won't be the last.

Thing is, I think the newspeak word for adversity is, DIVERSITY!

Hey, it friggin' rhymes! That's what counts. Right? There is no requirement for it actually making sense. That's now a given!

Keep up the good work, Scratch! Love you!

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So today the Great Punisher comes up with a new theme. I am thinking this might be a series for Comrade Red Square to spruce up and move to the top again, because I don't think all the bones are fleshed out with this Monster-

Obama: Put Nation's 4-Year-Olds in ‘Public Preschool;' Will Save on ‘Child-Care Costs'
April 10, 2013

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Due to my Geezerhood Forgetfulness, I unforgiveably forgot to remember wisdom I once knew before I became a Geezer. In this thread focusing on parentage, I failed to remember that "The Child is Father to the Man," and thus failed to recognize the need for this thread about parenting to include what is probably the most widely known example of the child being father to the man and vice versa. (Don't ask me to explain the vice of the versa.) Here is the masterpiece:


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KOOK wrote:Due to my Geezerhood Forgetfulness, I unforgiveably forgot to remember wisdom I once knew before I became a Geezer. In this thread focusing on parentage, I failed to remember that "The Child is Father to the Man," and thus failed to recognize the need for this thread about parenting to include what is probably the most widely known example of the child being father to the man and vice versa. (Don't ask me to explain the vice of the versa.) Here is the masterpiece: --KOOK

And to think, right now everybody is snickering about the spastic cult leader worship in North Korea.

The great US is much smarter than that. Aren't we?

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Comrade Scratchy - If we don't care for the children, who will?


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Yeah, Kook!

It's when all of us who knew shit from shinola about everything, thought we could enlighten our parents. Weren't we wonderful? And stupid?

No! We were the most brilliant humans on the face of the earth! We had "insights" into the "truth" because we were young and not yet "jaded." We just "knew" things adults were unwilling to see. But, us enlightened ones, could.

It all worked out quite well, no? Comrades?

It is pathetic to see those same idiots trying to preach to us now.

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Komrade Hairy-Perry's mindset makes her the ideal candidate to run our PerfectPROG Cloning™ operation to it's ultimate fruition which will on some future Next Tuesday™ totally eliminate the need for re-education of these little misguided reichwing malcontents. PROGTOPIA nears!


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Infidel Castrate wrote:
[img]images/clipart/Prog_Off.gif[/img]Holy Checkmate, Comrade Infidel Castrate, Holy Checkmate!Your video brought me to tears! Thank you for posting! X!

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Pamalinsky wrote: ImageHoly Checkmate, Comrade Infidel Castrate, Holy Checkmate!Your video brought me to tears! Thank you for posting! X!

Yes, Comrada Pamalinsky the road to "The Glorious World of Next Tuesday" ™ will not be traveled by hard revolution or guns/warfare.

We can only achieve our ends by gradualism, first infiltrate academia and create the professors to educate our future teachers.

Then the teachers change the youth. Next is to nationalize the teaching indoctrination standards into a Common Core.

Concurrently we must take over the Democratic party and destroy the economy.

Most of the sheep citizens will follow along as long as we take from the productive and demonize them and give the rewards of their labor to the inept.

Those useful idiots only care that they get free stuff, and we shall provide it.

Adding that we must also open our borders and give free stuff to all the undocumented future democrats in exchange for citizenship and votes.

HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA !!!!!!

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Gosh, Infidel, what happens when we no longer have the dinero to finance this "free" stuff?

I don't even want to contemplate this awful scenario. Because of this, I may become another sheeple. Then the state will be using me for lambchops, or, rack of lamb!

For the elite, of course. Baaah! Baaah! (help!)

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Infidel Castrate wrote:
Pamalinsky wrote:Gosh, Infidel, what happens when we no longer have the dinero to finance this "free" stuff?

I don't even want to contemplate this awful scenario. Because of this, I may become another sheeple. Then the state will be using me for lambchops, or, rack of lamb!

For the elite, of course. Baaah! Baaah! (help!)

The answer is real simple, we just print all the dinero we need, we can never run out that way.

Of course once the sheeple figure out we stole all their money this way they will no longer be allowed to have guns, then WE come in and save the masses from this "crisis" brought about by the 1%.

Never let a good crisis to go to waste.

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Hey Infidel,

Here's another take on yet another one of my futile attempts to convey my "thoughts":

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How did you obtain this graduate level tele-course video? I thought this indoctr teaching material has been restricted to party officials only.

Comrade Infidel,

When we run out of dinero the economy collapses and we have 2nd International (or is it 5th, no matter) glorious people's revolution. A new beginning, this time to make ALL things more equal.

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I dunno, Crap. I was reminded of becoming a lamb chop in the above post. The words, lamb chop, stimulated me to go to YouTube and, voila! Shari Lewis!

My "mind" works in mysterious ways. Hope you enjoyed!

p.s. It has to do with "stream of consciousness" or "string theory," you know, something like that.

Edited: Once. To add even more absurdity.

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I see... "stream of theory" as in "string consciousness". Like that? Right?

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Ding! Ding! Ding! You got it, Crap!

Another genius!

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mellisa perry.jpg
I sympathize with Ms. Perry's confusion as to why her position is controversial. Certain truths are self evident to collectivists.

One truth is that education in America is under funded. We need look no further than financial to correct all that is wrong with education. Extravagant infrastructures, excessive administration, improper emphasis are not possible because the education bureaucracy was established by intellectuals for the good of the people. Such efforts can have no problem or flaw but lalck of funding.

Another truth is this: anything and everything that can be construed or imagined to be good or worthwhile must be controlled by the government bureaucracy. Government, because it is made up of "the best people" (unless controlled by conservatives) will always know and do what is in "the people's" best interest. Government, because of its size and makeup, is always the most efficient and is never self-serving.

How unimaginable it must be for anyone to oppose such irrefutable thinking.