
Speaker Nanski is Defamed and Mocked by Rethuglikkkan

The Tea Baggers and Neo-Cons have created a video criticizing and defaming our dear Speaker Nanski. This is an outrage and must be repudiated in order to inform the masses about the Truth.
Here is the inflammatory video for you to see. WARNING: Extremely Graphic and Obscene Images!!!

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I DENOUNCE THESE NEO-CONS! Nanski is the salt of the earth; looking out for her cronies constituents. She knows we must spend OPM to get out this Oba... Bush depression. She is the most admired woman in Amerika California Congress!
Good work comrade, Zarkof.

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This type of unwarranted and unfounded attack ad from the evil rethuglikkkans is not acceptable. Every good prole knows that the only way to save money is to spend it hand over fist. Anyone (like this non-person) that disagrees needs to be evaluated and re-educated, if need be (and it will). Keep dragging 'em out in sun-light, comrade.

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I am aghast at such light-taking of the gratest woman wymyn who ever lived!

They have been calling her a "Limousine Liberal". How utterly preposterous!

Nansky worked her way up to where she is now.

I remember Nansky well when she was working in San Francisco.


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Hey Vlad, I must denounce your spelling of Women as Wymyn. We must be sensitive to our Islamic brothers and respect their concept of male dominance. (Along with regular female beatings for their own good)

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ThePeoplesComrade wrote:Hey Vlad, I must denounce your spelling of Women as Wymyn. We must be sensitive to our Islamic brothers and respect their concept of male dominance. (Along with regular female beatings for their own good)

My dear Apparatchik-

Please click on the work "Wymyn". See? It is underlined, which in People's Cube code, it does not turn bright blue to tell you it IS a hyperlink.

It is hyperlinked to the Wikitonary.

Which I believe is the Party ApprovedTM authority on words 'n stuff.

I will let the Y.W.A.D. slide this time, but next time, I might Y.W.A.D. you back.

Your Comrade,
Vladimir Scratchanitch

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Vladimir_Scratchanitch wrote: My dear Apparatchik-

Please click on the work "Wymyn". See? It is underlined, which in People's Cube code, it does not turn bright blue to tell you it IS a hyperlink.
Your weak attempts at avoiding gulag detention and re-education are of no avail. If you insist upon denying male supremacy a fat-wawa will be instituted.
ImageDon't force me to fat your wa.

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So Comrade, I take it that you agree Wikitonary is the Party ApprovedTM authority?

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I couldn't have said it better myself.
Notice how society Progresses ™ from Capitalism to Socialism to Communism. How could we argue with such a glorious definition?

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Comrades, this rethuglican is very clever to use the "friends of Dorothy" ruse to garnder votes in San Fran.....

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Yes they are tricky but what I wonder is how many Mommies did Dorthy have?