
Supreme Court Twister

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The game that defies reason and ties logic in knots.

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Comrade Maksim, I am so glad to hear that this game is finally out! I've been waiting for my Executive Branch Twister™ and US Congress Twister™ games for quite some time as well, but I suspect I'll be receiving my Supreme Court Twister™ any day now!

It's my understanding that both the Supreme Court and US Congress versions will soon be phased out, so I recommend that everyone get them while they still can. What a fun and wonderful way to teach our grandchildren in the near future about how things once were, as we gather together around our compact fluorescent bulbs for heat on those cold, dark winter nights!

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I hope justices Roberts and Ginsberg are practicing Safe Sox ™.Will there be a trial for the 4 apostates who dared to vote against Dear Leader's mandate? Make room in the gulag!

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Those four are too dangerous in the gulag. No, a quick show trial and loving, compassionate execution is the best, I think. If ideas of freedom were spread in the gulag like that, no work would ever get done!

Also, Comrade Maksim, will this game come free with my Obamacare? If not, I'm going to <ahem> tax some rich guy so I don't have to pay. Just need to know if I need to make plans or not.

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This looks lovely! It'll stand right next to my first edition of Department of Justice Clue™ as soon as I receive it in an unmarked box at my doorstep!

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Those two are having way too much fun!

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"Clue" no longer exists at the SCOTUS level. Nobody there or the DoJ has had one for years. Sad but true, Comrade.

Perhaps FLATUS can cash in some of her frequent-flyer miles and get a gift-set for you?

Now that the Dem dog caught the car and ObamaKare is constitutional because it is a tax, neither know what to do next.

It is not a tax, it is a tax. Dealing with the Dems is like playing Mother-May-I with a bunch of liars.

Raum Emmanual Goldstein
A most sophisitcated parlour game, Komrade!

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Tovarichi wrote:
Perhaps FLATUS can cash in some of her frequent-flyer miles and get a gift-set for you?

Comrade T........
You should know that all gifts from anyone to anyone are to be sent directly to Lord Obama.
Didn't you read any of the leaflets the Administration air-dropped last week ?

( Perhaps you'll find a few out in the beet field during your next sixteen hours of work.)

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I really miss Twister (my many broken vertebrae and shattered rib cage preclude any further participation)... But I used to love twisters... We had them regularly on the prairies... I'd dream of my house landing in a different province, but just having it land a couple blocks away was a great distraction from the hell of living in that hole above ground where I spent my teenage years. And it was fun to see what everybody else had in their houses... kinda like peaking in someone else' medicine cabinet, only on a bigger scale, and if you found anything good, you could keep it as long as the owners weren't around... Sorta like climate-based kollektivism. I once found a perfectly fine dually in our back yard after a good twister.

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Comrade Ginsberg says she'd be in for the next round of Twister however she's a bit tired from the Dependence Day festivities... that last bout of deliberations re: the Glorious Affordable Care Act has really tuckered her out. Thankfully she has her sisters-in-arms to support her in heart, mind and body! Such good friends, who can ask for better comrades?

(somebody please pass the spray, Ruthie's starting to get that funky smell again....)

weekend at ruthies min party.jpg

It's a penalty -- it's a tax --- NO, IT'S A BOUNTY!

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Other games coming soon:

Government Monopoly


Hungry, Hungry Michelle

Barrel of Czars

Operation: Obamacare Edition

The Game of the Life of Julia

You Took My Soda Pop!

Sorry! (Apology Tour Edition): Toss the dice, move your piece, and wherever you land, make an apology for America. Forget to bow and lose a turn.

Republican Trivial Pursuit: Test your knowledge of how much you know about Republican scandals, foibles, peccadillos, mistakes, embarrassments, examples of being out of touch with ordinary Americans, and stupid stuff they did back in third grade! (Similar games: Scene It, MSNBC edition.)

Mystery Bill: Move your legislation around the board as you try to get it through committee and then the House and Senate and finally the President's desk. If you win by passing it, you'll get to open it up and see what's in it! But watch out for your sneaky opponents who'll try to get the courts to strike it down!

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In Obama-Checkers, the black pieces get to be KINGS...

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Oh! Oh! Oh! I like that "just because" space. It's the biggest time save I have when it comes to justifying my actions. . . As if I need to do that in the first place.

Image If Roberts really wanted to leave a legacy, he would have struck the law down. What a schmuck.

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Commissarka Pinkie wrote:Other games coming soon:

Hungry, Hungry Michelle

Republican Trivial Pursuit: Test your knowledge of how much you know about Republican scandals, foibles, peccadillos, mistakes, embarrassments, examples of being out of touch with ordinary Americans, and stupid stuff they did back in third grade! (Similar games: Scene It, MSNBC edition.)

I'd go for Hungry Hungry Hypocrite...

Hard Scrabble

Boggle (says it all)

Economy (formerly known as Battleship... "You sunk my Economy!")

Snakes and Snakes (nowhere to go but down)

Crash: The Bankrupt Game (yes... this is an actual game)

Hey, That's My Spleen! (yes... there's an actual game called Hey, That's My Fish!)

Solarquest (real game... but this is the $9.6 million dollar subsidized version... comes with game pieces missing and without a rule book... have to borrow the money from China to get it)

Risk (Home version, Health version, Savings version... just like all the different versions of Monopoly that have come out)

UnStratego (give up as much leverage over your political enemies with nuclear aspirations, until they successfully enrich enough uranium to blow something up, and you win!)

Don't Quote Me (yeah... another actual game... )

Pick-Up Scraps (just so you can survive)

House of Cards (Wall Street Version)

Vodka Pong (More Cubish than Beer Pong!)

Kill Doctor Lucky (another actual game, based on Clue, where you have to actually carry out a murder... an Obamacare version might be appropriate...)

Bonkers! (how many of you remember that one? "It's never the same excuse twice!"

BTW... just a piece of trivia... Trivial Pursuit was invented in Kanadistan....

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Another game coming soon...

Regulation Trap


Players build a Rube Goldberg legislative cartoon device bearing utterly no resemblance to the Rule of Law to eliminate each other.