
The Official Debate Thread - Rematch with Candy Crowley

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Comrade Fine,

Upon careful scrutiny of your shoop, I fail to see the paper shredder anywhere. You should know by now that ALL Chitcago politicians have one.

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Well, well, well! All you comrades would like for your imperious dictatorleader to win again, right?

Well, I, His Excellency President for Life, Field Marshal Al Hadji Doctor Idi Amin, VC, DSO, MC, Lord of All the Beasts of the Earth and Fishes of the Sea, and Conqueror of the British Empire in Africa in General and Uganda in Particular, am going to do you people a favor.

I will fix this mess and guarantee Hussein SoetoroBarrack Obama glorious victory (heh! heh!), so you can do as you wish with the masses!! You see, all you comrades, I will host the next debate in Mombassa, Kenya!

And, your bourgeois capitalist, Romney will have to debate me!!! Heh! heh!, at a dinner debate! Well, don't worry about Barry, we'll serve him up his favorite menu, there's plenty of fresh dog meat for him! Heh! heh! And the bourgeois capitalist candidate? heh! heh! Leave that to me!!

My dear comrades, there is just one small thing that you owe me, after I take care of things, and you know what that is. Heh! heh!

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Comrade Whinny, the Obama administration keeps the White House shredder outside for equal access to the entire administration. Each "shred" costs $3.00, but you're entered in a lottery to have dinner with Michele, who's known internally as "the Food Shredder".

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Gas prices drop in a bad economy because demand is down. Gas prices are up now because of the breath taking strength of economic recovery caused by the 18 tax reductions Obama gave to small business. And this is why small business overwhelmingly supports Barack Obama. Look into my eyes, you are getting very sleepy.


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Reaction from our resident cartoonist...


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Comrade ROCK,

I stand corrected, but you didn't hear that from me; the MTE takes FULL responsibility. She said so. I can tell just by the color of that shredder (Chitcago Blue) that it's definitely an import.

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The price of computers has gone way down because the economics of the industry are bad.

Back before the electricity generating industry was turned into publicly owned utility companies the price of electricity kept on going down down down to practically nothing because of 'the failed policies of the past' and a bad economy.

Ford figured out how to drastically slash the price of cars giving everyone an opportunity to own something that had been the plaything of the rich... because the economy of the time had been so bad. It was so bad because of the 'failed policies of the past.'

J. D. Rockefeller's Standard Oil innovated and innovated and then innovated again bringing the price of oil down to next to nothing and thus benefacting everyone with plentiful fuel for heat and light as well as the plethora of other useful products made from petroleum. This was because the economy was so bad and was all caused by 'the failed policies of the past.'

- - - Obama, like so many today, has no understanding of the economy which he lives in and depends on because, like so many, he holds a cartoonish Marxist-Leninist understanding of free civil society and the blessings of material progress which free peoples create. The Progressives have abstracted 'the economy' so far out from the reality of it's grounding - personal freedom and the society on which personal freedom depends - that someone like Obama can say with a straight face that economic conditions were good because economic conditions were bad.

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When Obama finally mentioned Romney's vile 47% remark at the end of the debate, just like that I swear I had a spontaneous orgasm while sitting in my chair. Oh, the waves of exquisite delight that flooded my every nerve ending! I haven't felt that since the wondrous day four years ago when he said he'd pay for my gas and my mortgage.

If only he'd added something about Romney's missing tax returns and Seamus the Dog, I'm sure I'd still be writhing on the floor, slobbering slobber and jibbering jibberish. Oh, what a gloriously sublime apex of Democratic Progressiveness that would be!

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Commissarka Pinkie wrote:When Obama finally mentioned Romney's vile 47% remark at the end of the debate, just like that I swear I had a spontaneous orgasm while sitting in my chair. Oh, the waves of exquisite delight that flooded my every nerve ending!

Great googly MARX, Pinkie! Romney's 'war on wymyn' knows no bounds!

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Comrades, it warms my heart to report that not only did Comrade Crowley tell Romney >spit< to sit down at one point AND tell Romney >spit< that Dear Leader said Benghazi was a terrorist attack in the Rose Garden, she also allowed The One™ to speak for over four minutes longer than Romney >spit< AND she interrupted Romney >spit< 28 times!!

At the first debate the president only got something like three minutes longer than Romney >spit< This time it was closer, at least, to what Dear Leader deserved! Which, of course, would be to simply lecture Romney >spit< for the entire debate, giving moderator Crowley (or the next progressive moderator) a chance once in a while to tell Romney >spit< to either a) sit down, or, b) shut up - or c) BOTH!


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She would win by a body slam and a ham sandwich.

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Comrade Candy was apparently a bit distracted and careless after suffering from indigestion. Apparently, to get the gig she actually ate the original moderator, George Stephanopolous.

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This would have been much more colorful and effective if it had been choreographed into a dance after the June Taylor dancers.

Three rehearsal sessions and everybody would be on the same page! one–two–three–kick left; one–two–three–kick right, again!!!
Last edited by General Confusion on 10/17/2012, 8:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason for editing this post: Enlightenment

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Obama claimed to be deeply offended by the assertion he is a congenital liar and hater of the American people. There is no longer any debate, the consensus is in:


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You didn't build that Czar wrote:Comrade Candy was apparently a bit distracted and careless after suffering from indigestion. Apparently, to get the gig she actually ate the original moderator, George Stephanopolous.
