
The Political Evolution of Obama

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"I won!"


"They [republicans] can come for the ride but they have to sit in the back of the bus."

"Republicans have offered no ideas and no solutions."


Obama slams GOP budget "posturing."


Obama slams everything the republicans say.

2012 Election:

Obama Campaign: Obama win will liberate republicans to work with the president!

David Axelrod wrote:Republicans will “blink into the light of a new day and they're going to turn to the Grover Norquists of the world, frankly as Jeb Bush has recently, and say, ‘You know we did it your way, and frankly that was a failure for the country, and also for the Republican Party, and now we're going to work together.'

A win for Obama is a win for republicans. IT'S A WIN-WIN!

I never saw it that way before. Who knew? Who knew?

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Well, Dear Leader is going to have a lot more flexibility to liberate the republicans after He's re-elected, you know.

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It's the proletariat that will need the added flexibility.


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THE GOD, not just a god, comrade R.O.C.K., THE GOD.
R.O.C.K. in the USSA wrote:

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Comrade Red Square, Kollektive,

Please pay attention to this seriously important issue, and I hope you react accordingly.
My credentials in front of the kollektive. I have a PhD in Math from imperialist Italy, studying for a degree in Aerospace Engineering in imperialist University of Central Florida. As an engineer I know the ins and outs of many issues, technically speaking.

I have taken engineering classes in Hydrogen economy and concluded that Hydrogen Economy is a very elaborate dastardly evil scam. My opinion is shared by many other top guys in the field. Will be back on this in a moment.

Our betters believe themselves gods, and they want the fire back, that Prometheus gave to us unwashed rustic lil things. They have concocted everything that doesn't work, and stand in the way of everything that works.

They invented biofuels, algae for fuel, tide electricity, wind power so as to keep us little things busy while they were to put things in order. The trick is, unbeknownst to them, corn fuel happened to turn out efficient on all counts. And I have read the analysis, it doesn't occupy any land we need for other stuff. We do have enough land that this must not be a problem whatsoever.

When corn fuel turned out to work, it became dangerous. It subtracts from Saudi loot, and it risks to give the unwashed a stronger hold on fire, which rightfully belongs to Gods. Those same people who promoted corn fuel, turned against it when it worked, with the same slogans now adopted by this most korrekt socialist people's website. Komrades, you are playing their game by offering t-shirts that discredit biofuels. You are repeating slogans that they put in your mouth, unwittingly.

When things turned dangerous, they concocted a most evil plan, the hydrogen economy, that space is not enough to explain how dastardly the idea is.

I hope that the kollektive changes its mind in the topic, and Oks corn fuel alongside flex-fuel cars, nuclear energy, coal energy, natural gas, hydropower.

BTW, natural gas (aka natural fart) is causing big headaches to our betters, because it was unwarranted, and the whole arsenal of scam they had prepared for us doesn't work there. Must concoct something new to increase its cost. Hydrogen economy can do that.

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A good comment on this from Facebook:

Felix Rabinovich wrote:It goes both ways, right? A win for Romney will be a win for Democrats of good will who will turn to Krugmans and MoveOns of the world, as Bill Clinton has recently, and say, ‘You know we did it your way, and frankly that was a failure for the country, and also for the Democrat Party, and now we're going to work together.'”

Dear Leader's statement that his administration was the only thing that stood between the audience, the US Chamber of Commerce, and the pitchforks.

Who knew what that meant? People who know Russia's history know what the pitchfork reference is. How many Americans know that? Connected to that reference seems to be the murders of some 10,000 per month at one point.

And, if his administration is the only thing, then what happened to the other two branches of government? Now we know why he issues diktat through bureaucracies rather than cooperating with Congress as the country was designed.

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Comrade Loaf wrote:Margaret
Dear Leader's statement that his administration was the only thing that stood between the audience, the US Chamber of Commerce, and the pitchforks.

And, if his administration is the only thing, then what happened to the other two branches of government? Now we know why he issues diktat through bureaucracies rather than cooperating with Congress as the country was designed.

The only thing that stands between anyone and crime is the Rule of Law and justice. What Obama demonstrated was a total disdain for the foundation upon which our freedom, liberty and the civilized world depend.

An actual man, John Adams, defended the British soldiers involved in the Boston massacre against the charge of murder specifically because he well understood that the rule of the mob could not trump the rule of law or else there would be chaos and the destruction of everything.

Obama's answer to John Adams is to be the mob leader.

On June 26, that neo-Kulak, Darrell Issa arrogantly sent a letter to Dear Leader demanding justification for Dear Leader's assertion of Executive Privelege for all the documents on an ATF operation Il Douche never heard of, and has no knowledge of or involvement in. One of our comrades in the Whitehouse (how racist is that?) sent me a copy of the letter Teh Won sent back to Issa. Letter follows:

Dear Mr. Issa
Just who in the hell do you think you are? Challenging ME. I am Teh Won. I am the god of the Democrats. What makes you think I have to live by the mundane rules and laws of you kulaks? Precedent? Who gives a shit? I am the Allahdamned RULER of this realm.
You teabaggers and those 5 idiots on the Supreme Court who are trying to prevent My vision for a fair, wealth distributed, everything free America had just better watch your asses, because after I am re-elected, I'll have more flexibility to deal with your treasonous asses.
These f***ing elections are such a pain in the ass, I think I will do away with them after this next one.
You can take your letter and shove it up your ass. I'll deal with you personally, you Teapublican puke!
Barak Hussein Obama, Ruler for Life

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I'm weeping for joy at this missive from Dear Leader. Truly, it will be enshrined in history as The Moment when Next Tuesday began to materialize. So much emotion....