
They love me in Russia

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Someone in Russia linked to post I made in another website under the nym Professor Whoopie. At last, the recognition I deserve and from the motherland no less. I'm humbled. Although, in truth all I did was repost an article which I found at HotAir without adding any opinion of my own on the content.

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Most Russians do not read Hot Air. They do Yandex and Google searches (in that order), but any topic speaking of racial differences (not necesssarily racist in nature, just acknowledging the God-given differences) always has been a hot one there.

And if you knew Russian, you would have quickly found out that the author of the blog where your posting was quoted, actually lives in Israel... so this posting must have been a part of the new Zionist plot... Get to the shovels, comrades!

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Brilliant Comrade Whoopi! How very progressive of you! To gain recognitions abroad for the ideas and accomplishments of others, excellent! The One has informed me that he is looking to follow in your glorious footsteps... prodigious comrade, prodigious.

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obamafu wrote:Most Russians do not read Hot Air. , but any topic speaking of racial differences always has been a hot one there.

And if you knew Russian,

Yeah I'm kinda Polish on my mother's side. But you gave me a great idea to become an internet celeb in Russia. I'll just dredge up every old study on race (or concoct a few of my own) and salt it with tags like "Russian superior IQ/Russian Superior Race/Russian's Genetically Superior".

Soon the name Comrade Professor Whoopie will be a household word. Parents will name their children after me. And my evil plan for world domination will be one step closer to success.

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Comrade Whoopie,

the Russians are blinded by their own lower IQ. Of course the master race has always resided a bit further west. But we have orchestrated and genetically altered (mengelized) the slavic Untermenschen in such a way to keep these them in their blind ignorant superiority. Muahahahaha! The highest form of National Communism is making people "feel" that they are equal to us, which of course they never will be. This way we can exploit the lesser races. Concentration camps are so 20th century. Panem et circenses is the new old motto! The People will do anything for Fried Chicken and daily installments of Amerika's got Talent.

Another thing, Comrade Whoopie: I would not boast that you are "kinda" Polish. That makes you "kinda" another level of Untermensch. Oh, and I want Silesia, Pomerania and East Prussia back. (Goes to you, too, Mr. Russki!)

And now it's springtime for Hitler and Germany! Winter for Poland and France...


Feel free to post this on Russian forums... ;-)

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Comrade Whoopie!

Has your license to Mimeswipe™ been renewed?

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I'm sorry, but the singer in the original is not aryan enough. This version reflects my sentiments more accurately:

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Russia has its share of smart people and a share of nuts who will mime-swipe anything from anywhere and interpret it according to their needs and the knowledge of foreign languages - but mostly according to their needs. I have met quite a few references to the Cube on Russian forums and blogs, typically LiveJournal. Some of them think it's great and funny, and some link to it when they want to show an undeniable proof of "persistent anti-Russian sentiment, hatred and Rusophobia" in America and the West in general.

Reminds me of the feelings some Germans experienced too at some point, which ended in springtime for Hitler.

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Red, I believe this is an international phenomenon, just like druzhba, mir, and solidarnoszcz. So is the lack of a funny bone in some people.

Let me guess, the latter are so un-funny that they still believe in a pan-slavic union? And do they gouge out their own eyes when thinking of Katherine the Great?