
Utopia At Last

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Lest some traveler should happen upon The People's Cube and think we are exaggerating our happiness and devotion, I offer this video proof. Note how the capitalist producer tries to downplay our success. But the power of the people shines through all deception.

This is quite a long video but well worth the time to watch. I can not imagine a better glimpse or foreshadowing of what is to come to all the lands of the earth. Until now in America we have not had a Dear Leader of sufficient stature, but now we have only to march together into our glorious future.

Life inside the North Korean bubble

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My Comrades

I have to weep when I watch this movie.

One day, my people too will bring flowers for me on my birthday, and worship me as the Father and Liberator!



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Your day is coming Obamugabe. For sure! Just like the number one horse in the Belmont Stakes, your a winner!

I just spent some time with Dear Leader Kim. He's been very upset about Obama stealing his thunder. He kept screaming;"Big Frash, I'll show him!". It was all I could do to calm him down. I've got him calmed for now, but I don't know how long it will last. We'll see................