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Comrades, I am becoming concerned. Now that the glorious NextTuesday™ of our hopes and dreams has arrived, how shall we refer to it?

LastTuesday™? Then TuesdayBeforeLast™? Eventually TwelveTuesdaysAgo™?

We must form a committee. May I suggest we call it the NextTuesday™ Committee?

And quite possibly we shall need a committee to oversee the NextTuesday™ Committee.

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Do we name days in O'Paradise? There's no need to track a "work week" because no one works. There are stamps to hold us over between checks in the mail. Granted, there are no vo virgins in O'Paradise, but LOTS of ladyparts! And it is all FREE! Perhaps we call it "Otopia," because it does not need"u" ... or anyOne but The One and His Government.

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Maybe we can call it "The Tuesday Yet To Come™".

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2zdy for users of the Annointed One's Obamaphones

Forward to Eternal, Glorious Tuesday!