
Why We Love Taxes

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Fellow Comrades,

As a prole shoveling for the Collective™, one of the more rewarding tasks is digging deep for the Children™. Everything must be done For The Children™. The other rewarding task that gives me great pleasure is serving the Party™ by paying more TAXES!

It's no small secret for any working prole that one of the highest honors in life is to contribute to the Greater Good™. Contributions can take many forms, but the most common one is TAXES!

We have learned that the more you pay in taxes, the better the person you are. People who pay higher taxes are morally superior. They're infinitely more patriotic, and they care deeply about the pressing economical issues of the day.

Some make wild claims that taxes are a means towards social engineering; they control the purchasing habits of consumers; they reward good behavior and "punish" bad behavior. I say this is all rubbish.

This sort of thinking is hinting towards possibly more gulag time, or another bout of reeducation in getting the thought process right korrect. For those of you who are still struggling with doubts of your moral superiority, or patriotism, because you don't feel you are ponying your Fair Share™ of taxes, allow me to disseminate some propaganda information that may clarify the connection between your attitude and patriotic duty:
"15,000 Illinois Protesters Chant 'Raise My Taxes'; Unions Getting More Aggressive and Obnoxious"

In Illinois, union protesters staged a huge rally in Springfield, demanding higher taxes for their self-serving agenda. Please consider Thousands of protesters at Illinois Capitol to press for a tax increase.

Thousands of protesters bused down by labor unions and social service advocates rallied at the Capitol today in an attempt to pressure state lawmakers into raising the income tax to avoid more budget cuts.

“Raise my taxes! Raise my taxes! Raise my taxes!” they chanted, lined up shoulder to shoulder for a few hundred yards stretching a street in front of the Capitol.

These union proles have it right! True patriots and morally superior too because they are doing it ALL for The Children™!

Lastly, I want you to see the testimony of this very outstanding skank ho Amerikan and what it means to her, and her Children™, that we all pay our Fair Share™

Thank you for that glorious piece to start my day, Comrade Whinny! I now eagerly go to my shovel-ready job with new vigor, having been reminded that my wages will be going to Dear Leader (his name be praised, peace be upon him, hey nonny nonny) to spread around as he sees fit. There's nothing quite like watching a YouTube video of the union proletariat in their matching shirts, carrying matching signs that match their matching shirts in an unplanned, impromptu display of loyalty to the state! It brought a tear to my eye. Again, thank you.

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Komrade Whinney, that second video is a hateful piece of parody most likely put together by evil kapitalist tea-baggers. Are you trying to subvert the Greater Good™ we all love and cling to?

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“Raise my taxes! Raise my taxes! Raise my taxes!” they chanted
ah, yes, we must love the chats of Progressives. These lovely Union people understand the heart of the ObamaNation we are embarrassing - taking OPM (other peoples money). It's so easy to demand OPM, to raises others taxes to give to oneself, and after all, that is what Obama ran on, even if he didn't mention it too often.
These people give us all "hope" for "change".. why, gosh, I can hardly wait to vote in November. Several times.

(oh yes, and I do so love what she did with her hair. umm, that is her hair, right?)

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frankthekulak wrote:Komrade Whinney, that second video is a hateful piece of parody most likely put together by evil kapitalist tea-baggers. Are you trying to subvert the Greater Good™ we all love and cling to?

Comrade, it is no parody! This down-and-out skank Amerikan woman of color is for real! She epitimizes the very essence of why we dig deep and do it For The Children™, because she has 7 (seven) of them (no mention of the father).

This video isn't an attempt to subvert, but to inspire why we have been given breath for the work we need to do. It's For The Children™.

Another thing: Tea-baggers couldn't possibly conceive of such a parody because if they could they wouldn't have supported the Bushhitler.

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How do so many fellow Progressives get so much time off from work for these protest?

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Karecter off/ Actually, she's a stand up comedian. Kelonda is one of her charecters./Karecter on

I agree with you komrade Whinney, definately not the work of the tea partiers. They're too stupid mentally challenged and hateful to send a person of color to do their bidding. Let's not have a repeat of Iran's citing certain humoruos websites and their content, cough, cough The Cube as truths.

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frankthekulak wrote:Karecter off/ Actually, she's a stand up comedian. Kelonda is one of her charecters./Karecter on
You know what they say: Good humor always has an element of truth.
Comrade Buffoon wrote:How do so may fellow Progressives get so much time of from work for these protest?
This IS their work for the Greater Good™! (Plus the SEIU compensates them handsomely)

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Drat! Some confounded reactionary has caused the second video to become unavailable. Oh, if only more laws were passed to end that pernicious vast right-wing conspiracy!

Why, I even pay extra taxes just for such things.