
Zoo Exhibit Finally Removed After Outcry From Atheist Groups

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On Sunday, the local Zoo removed a long time exhibit only days before a coalition of local atheist groups planned to protest. "We had been wanting to do it for a long time," zoo CEO Kum Baya told the Peoples Navy Daily, explaining that zoo officials had long been considering removing the exhibit when they had also noticed the obvious christian religious connotations happening at exhibit location. "Now, with the most recent complaint it just seemed like it was a proper time."

Zoo officials said they hadn't received that many negative comments in the past about the exhibit but that the most recent complaint really spurred them into action. A local resident Noah Gawd said he was being called by his young daughter and after answering her cries of "Ohhhh, Daddy you've really got to see this!" and was shocked at what he saw but was still able to compose himself and take a photo to be able to later show it as proof of the blatant religious activity occurring at the exhibit to zoo officials. Mr. Gawd further complained of the additional emotional duress he claimed he had endured at having to explain the religious connotations of the exhibit to his young daughter and voiced loudly to zoo officials that a public zoo was no place for religion.

"If I had wanted her to see that going on I would have taken her to a church which with myself being a good progressive parent will never happen," a still incensed Gawd told the Peoples Navy Daily, " And furthermore a public zoo is hardly the place to even mimic or proselytize anything religious as all the creatures there are just the results of a bunch of boring biological science and not the result of some sort of God is behind it all."

The zoo protest, that was originally scheduled by the local atheists and other atheist advocates groups after they were contacted by Mr. Gawd has since been called off now that zoo officials have finally taken their long contemplated action and have finally removed the offending exhibit.

Mr. Gawd is extremely happy at the recent turn of events. He related that after hearing the news that now he looks forward to returning to the zoo with his daughter, "I hear they have a new exhibit that I'm really wanting to see, it's about foxes and their fox holes and I hear being around foxholes is something that really can change a person," the atheist said. Mr. Baya wrapped up his feelings on this issue this way by saying the removal really was , "For the children".

praying otter.jpg
Mr. Gawd's Original Photo of The Now Removed Offending Otter Exhibit

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Reminds me of the posture assumed by the MSM as they await instructions from the White House.

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Please apprehend said otter for immediate re-education

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In related news, the White House today confirmed that it is in the process of issuing prayer rugs to all American preying mantises, in order to make it perfectly clear that American preying mantises are NOT Christian preying mantises, as well as to not offend anyone in the Misloom community.

A spokesman for the preying mantis colony in Washington DC was heard to say, in a tiny little voice, "Allahu Akbar!" as he strapped on a tiny little explosive vest.

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Comrade R.O.C.K., surely the house that was white but is now a rainbow would wish to spare no expense, notwithstanding the sequester (we don't really need fuel in those jets anyway), and issue more comfortable, plush and furry prayer rugs for the manti, thereby providing for two needs with one final solution.


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I hope Mr. Noak Gawd doesn't know about this: Numbers 22:28 And the Lord opened the mouth of the donkey, and she said to Balaam, “What have I done to you, that you have struck me these three times?”

I can't imagine what would be inside the head of an atheist after it explodes.

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Zoos are intrinsically politically incorrect. They have male and female animals that BREED. Where are the gay animals, I ask. This is clearly another attempt to inculcate religious values on our youth and it needs to be publicly condemned. No prayer - no heterosexuality - no way!

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The offending exhibit was replaced with the more acceptable "Otterman Empire."[attachment=0]seaotters1.jpg[/attachment]

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The Peoples Navy Daily has just received shocking footage that there was a secret counter-protest being planned to disrupt the atheist protest action should it have occurred. The secret film shows the counter protesters actually practicing their squealing and jumping up and down harassing tactics to try and divert attention to their cause! It is fortunate that this crises has been averted and that cooler heads have prevailed by finally removing this most offensive exhibit.