
Nuclear Pakistan

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What a surprise
They have a nuclear device
Islam encompasses their minds
Obama he needs a clue

Indulging the moments in your life
Reading teleprompter lies
But he won't begin to get clues

Mushroom clouds in sky
Nuclear Pakistan

Nuclear Pakistan

Nuclear Pakistan

Pin pricks hiding in the sun
Dropping their bombs on one by one
Leave dead Jihadis to burn

Watching the drones flying past
Speculating when will be the last
Filming as Jihadis die

They won't ever choose sides
Millions will die
Nuclear Pakistan

Nuclear Pakistan
Nuclear Pakistan
Nuclear Pakistan
Nuclear Pakistan
Nuclear Pakistan
Nuclear Pakistan
Nuclear Pakistan

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Comrade Groucho,

If I did not know better, I might think you were critical of a nuclear Pakistan, which would be a very unfortunate and anti-social viewpoint.

As we know, all nations should have equal access to as many nuclear weapons (and delivery systems) as they wish. Unequal acces to nuclear weapons is a hallmark of the Western-Zionist capitalist conspiracy.

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No comrade...

I favor equal redistribution of all power and atomic weapons. Is why protest Amerikas superiority in such weapons. We should be made equal as as well.

Yours in Marx
